diddy89's instagram Feed : 2019/02/16 06:48:07

Saturday long endurance workout
Swapped running for rowing today with a total of 30 minutes duration.
First time filming my rowing technique from the front. Its clear from this angle the muscle imbalances between the left and right side. Apparently my right shoulder-blades has not fully retracted in the pulling motion.
Just another thing need to keep in. Ind for next workout 😅
#saturday #saturdayworkout #longendurance #endurance #endurancetraining #rowing #rowingmachine #muscleimbalance #basicendurance #staminatraining #golfpro #golfworkout #golftraining #tournamentpreparation #getfood #getbetter #getfit #share2steem #steemxp #teammalaysia #fitness #fitnessmalaysia #fitnesssabah #sabahfitness
