It’s been 3 months!

in #runningproject6 years ago


Wow it’s been 3 months since I last posted. Life seemed to take over and I just couldn’t seem to post any content. My running took a bit of a nose dive too. I started marathon training, following a plan but then I lost my mojo, finding it difficult to go out in the cold. I wasn’t doing nothing I started going to the gym but I can’t seem to run on a treadmill so didn’t do too much of that! I forced myself to go out running, not really enjoying it but managed to get up to about 25k before Christmas.
Then Christmas happened and I didn’t go out much again so decided to sign up for red January for mind. Basically it was to run every day in January to raise awareness of mental health. It went well to start with then I went on holiday to Gran Canaria which was brilliant. I love nice weather and running along the path by the sea. The problem was it was very hilly and there were lots of steps, by the end of the weeks holiday i obviously had over done it and injured my calf. I was limping around! I managed to run every day in January.


February came and myself and my son were running the London winter run. I knew I shouldn’t really run it as my calf was still playing up but I’d payed out a lot of money to go to London to run so I was going to get round whatever. I also had joined an online running club called lonely goat running club and it was to be my first race running for them. My son hadn’t put in any training so he said he would run with me. I’m so glad he did as by 5k I was limping and struggling, stupidly I kept going and finished the 10k in about 10 minutes slower than last year. Which under the circumstances wasn’t bad. Sensibly I had a week off running after this as I needed it to get better as Manchester marathon was only 2 months away and I was way behind in my training.


After the week off and icing and foam rolling my calf everyday I tried out my local parkrun slowly to see if it was ok. Thankfully it was all be it a little tight.

So I needed to start some serious training and get my mileage up. I did a couple of smallish runs then worked up to 18 km as I had a 10 mile race to run in the middle of February. It was supposed to be a 20 mile race but I transfered as there was no way I could run that far yet.

Th 10 mile race went ok, the weather was very warm and sunny for the time of year and the course was very undulating but I managed to finish in the time I was hoping to 1 hour 45 mins. Not fast but an acceptable time.



Since then I’ve managed to get my long run up to 27k, I’m still behind in my training as Manchester Marathon is exactly 4 weeks away today. I was hoping to do a 30 k run next week but I think life is going to get in the way and I also have a 10 k race next Sunday. I might try and fit 2 runs in 1day so I get the mileage even if it is split. Then the following week I would like to run 33k before I start to taper.


My training this year for a marathon hasn’t gone to plan but hopefully I will still get round the course, hopefully slightly quicker than London maayhon last year. Fingers crossed.

Thanks for reading


Welcome back. Seems like you've been busy :)

Thanks, family life is always busy I just have to manage my time well :)

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Welcome back! A winter break in Gran Canaria sounds heavenly. If you can get out and about and run any distance in the weather we've had in the past few days then I think you can tackle anything!

Thank you, hopefully I can continue to train ok and get this marathon done then continue to train for some smaller races, fingers crossed for better weather. A winter holiday in the canaries is amazing.

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Every day is a good day when you run.
Kevin Nelson

Nice to see you again! Hope the next month of training goes well! I lost a bit of mojo over the winter myself, but am getting back in the groove again for the spring!

Thanks, it is so hard to have the motivation when the weather is cold, good luck in your training

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Welcome back @shazza , we missed you

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Thank you, got a lot of reading to do to catch up with what everybody has been doing :)

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Super to see you back, wondered what had happened to you. Your storey is all to familiar, been there and done that one, more than once. Here is to a super running spring, summer and fall. :)))

Thank you, I’m glad to be back, I do enjoy writing about my training journey and reading everybody else’s but the winter is never a good time for me. I just want to curl up in the warm with a blanket.

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The winter has been more than brutal here this year on the East Coast. Very high howling winds, extreme cold -20, ice and snow and sleet and more ice. Most of my time has been spend under that blanket. I have been so cold and can not get as warm as I would like. I got myself an indoor bike, need some exercise and looking at a treadmill. Body is turning to mush. :)))

Oh dear that is cold! Nothing like that in the uk but it’s just so windy here and I can’t bring myself to go out this evening. I wish I had a treadmill at home :( I’m sure you’ll get your body back 😂

lucky I have a wood stove and a pellet stove and lots of blankets to keep toasty warm. it is starting to melt now and will be warm soon, I hope. xx

Hi, great to see your post again. I've also been very much offline but with Spring coming up I'll have to try to fix that.

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