Running In Winter
Run In Winter ?
Good evening everyone and welcome to the platform of either Exciting World Cryptos or Exciting Thunder Adventure.
Right now I am going over active living topics for anyone who is involved with Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, economics and anything else. To achieve a more balance life style.
For many of you out there who may have already started up running based on my recommendations. Some of you are thinking that you will only run in the warmer times of year.
Come winter you will resort to indoors and watch TV or study Bitcoin all day long.
That is no excuse. Of course depending where you live, your idea of winter and cold temperatures may vary.
However I will tell you know, no matter where you live or how cold it is. It is not excuse to not go for a run outside. I live in middle part of Canada where in winter temperatures can go below -30C at times with a windchill. Guess what I go out for a run regardless as if you dress for it all , consider it a case of dress for success.
Yes anyone can go out. I often find it funny how some people who live in warmer climates consider 10C as being really cold and actually have to wear a jacket and ear muffs at those climates.
If you do, of course, keep this in mind. It really is not that cold at all. You may be thinking if it’s unsafe to run in the cold weather. No it is not.
Just keep in mind as long as you dress for the weather. When dressing to run in less warm weather. Once you get moving, your body heats up fast, which could result in overheating if you’re bundled up. Layering properly will help regulate your body temperature and keep risk of cold-related illnesses like hypothermia at bay.
The opposite is also true: Once you stop running, you will cool down very quickly, so be prepared to get out of those wet clothes immediately upon finishing your run. It’s always important to bring a change of clothes to put on as soon as you finish your run or to jump into a warm shower if readily available.
Always dress in layersis the key to running well all winter. Start the run feeling warm, then take off layers as your body warms up and you need less clothing. Tie unneeded layers such as jackets or long sleeve shirts around your waist and keep running once you’re warm, or plan a loop run so you can drop them off in a safe location. Remember to put your base layer on the bottom so as you take layers off, the correct layer is underneath.
One important factor to consider when running outside is the windchill factor. If running on the open road you will hit the wind. Which is the biggest factor in making you cold. If its -30c and no wind, it does not seem as cold when your working out.
When planning your run on windy, cold days, run into the wind on your way out and have the wind at your back on your return. Try to avoid running into the wind when you are wet and sweaty because you will chill very quickly.
I could go on in this video about all the ways you can dress for a cold winter run. That will be a in separate segment where I talk about all the ways to dress for running in all types of climates.
Therefore in general, when running in the cold, just play safe. Again everyone is able to adapt to anything. To which the experience can be lots of fun and very uplifting.
I hope your next cold run is good time. Let us know what you think. If you are already running in the cold. What temperatures do often run in? What is your favourite routes for cold weather runs. What do you wear often in cold weather runs?
Let us all know your responses in the space below.
Anyways thanks so much for checking out this segment about running in cold weather. I hope it was very valuable to you and has good inspiration.
Thank you and enjoy rest of your week.