#22 How I began with running ( III part)

in #running7 years ago (edited)

In this (last) part I’ll write about how last few months made impact on me:

In November I was diagnosed skin cancer.

When I found about that, I was laughing.. Really, the whole day I was estimating was I lucky or unlucky to accidentally find about that nasty sickness? Well, at least wasn’t funny at all, after few days when I started to search Internet, and after I made an appointment for the operation.
Crazy..and unbelievable. Cancer on my nose. It looked like very small bubble, size 1-2mm. I ignored it for very long time, thinking it wasn't anything serious.


Operation was in December, and I had to wait for biopsy results. That was very stressing period. I was changing my mood from minute to minute… Luckily, the results showed that all evil (bcc form of cancer) was removed by operation. What a relief!
In the meanwhile, I’ve got another advice, to remove one mole on my back and that stopped me (doctor’s advice) from all physical activities until late January. While I was waiting another biopsy results, I felt almost desperate. I was really, really afraid that I had melanoma. I lost motivation, I could’ve imagined myself undergoing all kind of therapy..
After 2 weeks, biopsy showed that mole had no malign cells.
To cut the story short, here I am again at new beginning. 3X per week training, and I feel that it is not easy as it was before but, I’ll keep working regularly. I want to see where my activities will lead me.


I hope this time I’ll fulfill my plans about training and races.

March: 2,5km and 5km race
April: 10km
May: I hope I’ll find something around 15km
June: half-marathon

Let’s see what will happen :)



Imas veliku podrsku od mene. Srecno na takmicenjima. :)

Fuck cancer! I am happy for you that everything went good with it.
I like your goals and wish you great success. I am looking forward to see your improvement :)

Hi, thanks for your comment and support. My next first run in this year will be Trappenbergloop, in Huizen, Netherlands, on 4th March.. I am still not sure would I run 2,5 or 5km. I have to decide soon :)

Fuck cancer! Research shows that you can fight cancer with how you eat. Even better is that it also will help your running!

A friend of mine in England wrote this specifically on the topic: https://www.amazon.com/Vitality-Secret-Disease-Combat-Illnesses-ebook/dp/B01BA8J2U4

Phinney & Volek have some books that may have been translated. Of you’re interested in learning more about low carb high fat nutrition (ketosis), I’d recommend them as a starting point.

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