Daily run #689 [#runningproject & #runforsteem]

Red tulips for this post. All day shopping day or to better say checking out new furniture. I was so fed up with shopping malls towards the end of the day... Now I have to digest all the information and choose something nice for the apartment.
Question for you: "Do you like shopping? On line or in stores - what is your preference?"
Joy of new things expires so do enjoy it while it lasts.
I was supposed to be very short, non-fussy run and this it was.

No phone, no music. Just a watch.
I've been running each and every day since the end of May 2016. The Running Streak continues and you can see and follow my daily pics also here: daily runs since 30th of May 2016.
Three Hearts half-marathon on 19th of May and
Bovec half-marathon on 15th of September.
I am honored, happy and proud to be part of Runningproject. @runningproject is a diverse community of runners on Steemit. For more information about the @runningproject please read ''The Steem Running Project: Introductory Post'' and The Steem Running Project 7th Status Report. Kindly invited to apply for an approved runner! You will meet runners on Steemit, exchange valuable information and experience and you can even get Isotonic after your run(ning) post!
You might get a better picture of who I am if you read some of my other posts: So to be short and sweet, my introduction in #-form would look like this:
In few words...
I joined Steemit in December 2017. @blockchain48 introduced me to it and explained to me how it works and why I could enjoy it. And I do enjoy it! I like the diversity and spirit of Steemit!
My main topic here is running. I also work on @runningproject (initiator of the project is @toofasteddie) as a Running Witness. I also regularly apply my running posts in #runforsteem challenge. I also post about origami and GTD (Getting Things Done).
- I prepared a post about my life journey on the area of finding an ideal job for me: If I could be anything, I would be....
- My core daily habit is running. If you do not run yet and would like to try it... I've written a blog: Manual for wannabe runners, where you can find tips and tricks, how to start running.
- As a Streak Runner, I wanted to share more information about this specific running approach. You can read more about Streak Running in my blog: All you wanted to know about Running Streak - part 1, part 2 and part 3.
- I am revealing about my first steps in running arena in this post: How I started to run or can a workaholic and sedentary couch potato become a marathon runner?.
- I am certified GTD trainer so occasionally I write about Gettint Things Done methodology.
- I love origami and here is my post about the art of folding papers or what anybody should know about it.
- This was my introduction post on Steemit: 2018 is here! Any New Year's resolutions? And who am I to write about this?.
#streakrunningday689 #runner #mother #girlfriend #friend #daughter #sister #vegan #steemian #origamicreator #origami #gtdmastertrainer #gtd #gettingdailyrunsdone #bizinsakiden #findyourstrong #runningproject #runforsteem #vsakodnevnitek #runeveryday #runstreak #streakrunner #veganrunners #runningonplants #plantpowered #plantstrong #veganstrong #compassionarhlete #minimalism #catlover #sealover #coffeelover #sincereconversationfan
I do appreciate your comments with added value, upvotes, and resteems!

I don't really enjoy shopping. Except for running shoes of course. Otherwise I buy online and get it by mail so I don't have to stand in queues etc. Crowded shops are really not my thing.
Truth be told and same here.... This was furniture day: this I still have to see, touch and "feel" ;)
Truly an inspiration @dailyrunner
Upvoted & Following You!
Thank you so much - comments like yours give me additional motivation!
Good to hear that.. You are most welcome @dailyrunner
only 3 days left hurry...Go to my profile for clickable link.
wow good photo is a flower
Yes, red tulips are nice!
Yey, we have a new Running Author of the Week!!!

Look who won... who is Running Author of the Week 12!
Resteemed by @runningproject
nice floweres so I upvoted it
Yes, red tulips are nice!