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RE: Payouts Over $50 vs. Flags Applied (Feb. 18-24)
@transisto has flagged me too on multiple occasions. No big deal.
You do realize that he invested HUGE (seriously huge) sums of cash into the platform. In my opinion this gives him the right to up/down vote however he sees fit to push steemit in the direction he chooses. Again, not a big deal but if it is to you, BUY your stake in the platform.
I suppose that's true, mynameisbrian. I could have made a case for why I did not consider it fair, but since he transisto does not leave comments when he flags there is no way to do that. Which is a big part of the frustration. He may not have considered that I had never been in trending before, after consistently putting out articles that take lots of effort since August and that many people have said they appreciate and like. If if needed to be chastised by a flag, you would think that an explanation would be in order so that I might know what the poor behaviour is supposed to be or why my posts are never on a rare occasion entitled to be in the trending category.
But like I've said, I've decided to shrug it off and hope that the system changes. I talked about it only because others are talking about it, but the sting has past.
If Steemit developers truly think that this type of flagging on whims if you have invested big bucks is what is good for Steemit, than so be it. It's their company and I can decide to stay or not.
It would be nice though if each flag was accompanied by a reason, maybe a list of reasons, and maybe a spot to respond with info that the flagger may not have considered or known.
Also, I've toughened up I suppose because some people consider my posts to be controversial and have flagged me before over simple disagreement with what I'm writing about. They were usually minnows and a couple of times dolphins, so the money wasn't the issue but just the feeling of being slapped in the face for respectfully asking people to consider something that they would rather completely censor.
I respect the flaggers who at least explain themselves.
I usually answer anyone asking why they got flagged, I don't need too and often they reason is not well received. I've read you message by pure luck, Next time reply to one of my comment or writte at anytime my name as @Transisto and I should receive a notification.
Good suggestion that you've had to provide a field to explain the downvote, I'm currently writing a post with listing my guidelines for up/downvotes. For me a flag is just a downvote, nothing personal.
This is what I like to see. When I first arrived to steemit even though there were "no rules" had a good understanding and respect for the reasoning behind flags by whales and therefore learned to avoid them (without having to censor myself). But over time things changed and I wrote a post many months ago suggesting that people write a post like the one you're writing. Rather than have to repeatedly explain yourself for how you vote, it would be great if everyone (or at least the large stake holders) set their own rules and made them clear to everybody so that we can react more civilly to the down vote.
Thanks. I will read your new post when you finish it.
I think that more communication is key to helping people understand what has happened to them when they have been flagged, especially people new to Steemit.
It's not the best idea to let one's imagine run wild with scenarios, which it may sometimes do when first flagged, especially if new to Steemit. Some people have even screamed censorship over a single flag, even a minnow flag, because they didn't have any information on why it is happening.
Hi @mynameisbrian - It is very difficult to consider putting money into Steem when you can see these huge stakeholders and how they are treating people, the system flaws and the lack of respect for the end-users.
If the only reason right now to buy is to negate the whales... a person is going to have to purchase a whole lot of steem, I've done the math and the amount of stake one would have to buy to gain influence, would still not have much payoff in ROI.
Of course there is speculation - but without the platform, Steem is just another (I am going to grow up some day and be Bitcoin)