
Hi there! I'm Jim. I am an American born mutt. I am currently living in Taiwan studying Mandarin Chinese. In high school I learned to speak German relatively well and in my twenties taught myself to speak Spanish. Anyway I've been thinking a lot lately about a world language and what it would take to create one. I've got some interesting ideas and some people around me, interested. I would love to talk with someone who has an authentic interest in making a global language possible. I am new to steemit, like I've had an account for about five minutes and I am very interested to see what this can do as well. Thanks for posting.

Oh by the way, is there some way of private messaging on this site?

because this lives on a blockchain, you cannot really do private messaging. but you can privately message me on Telegram,

I think it is time to give Esperanto a try.

I've never heard of Esperanto before, very interesting.
I do think one universal language would be handy. If only for us 'regular folk' during vacations or to talk to people online.

Ja, jes Esperanto , la internacia lingvo estas interesa afero ! Vi ja povas kompreni ion.

Wow, that's actually quite easy to understand! Amazing :o

I would love to see some phonetic examples of Esperanto to make the comparison. I concur that English is "tricky" in pronunciation (not to mention the dialects and accents!), and limited verbally and adjectively speaking, not because of an embedded hindrance and limitation, but because most English speakers rarely have a vocabulary of over 800 words. Only comparing verb conjugations with, for instance, romantic languages; we can see a HUGE gap of information that is "lost in translation".

I think the biggest gap of information exactly comes from information that has to be embedded in our words, that isn't there in some source languages. This brings about a huge amount of incorrect interpretation of sometimes intentionally vague wording. Esperanto has the capacity to express things really exact, but in my opinion still has too much detail in its wordings to provide a true Universal Language. Other than that, for general international use I cannot see any way it would be worse than English for international use :) except maybe getting up to speed in the very first step...

Saluton amiko, dankon pro paroli pri tiu grava temo. Mi neniam aŭdis ion pri Pandunia. Mi sekvos tion. Jam mi sentis iom, ke Esperanto, kvankam tiel kara al ni, iun tagon atingos novan nivelon. Do ek !

I think that automatic translators similar to Google Translate and Bing will make the language problem less severe. There are also apps that translate spoken language automatically that help.
Creating a new universal language is an exercise in futility.
I speak Esperanto and at least four other languages besides English. I haven't heard of Pandunia, and while I'm skeptical about its future, I am curious about it, too.

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