You really have to feel sorry for my poor Husband.

in #relationships8 years ago

A scorching hot day today, but horror of horrors I had actually ran out of Pokeballs on Pokemon Go.
Well I don't want to be paying real cash out on the game so it was time to drag my poor husband out for a couple of hours.
First I plotted and planned the best area locally that had the most Pokestops, then I informed my poor husband we were going out for a little drive and then a nice "Walk."
So into the car we go, a couple of miles down the road.
STOP!!!! I scream.
Not quite at the location, but that's fine we can walk a bit further, but what I had seen is a lovely Pokestop all covered in hearts and confetti. And as any pokemon hunter will know, it means someone has set a lure off at the stop and increases the chance of catching something a bit different to the usual Weedles and Zubats.

So Out the car we pop, my poor husband with his walking stick tagging on behind me.
We wait about 10 minutes outside the Pub for something to appear, but the only thing that was appearing was the rare Grouchyhusbandy. So I relented and said we can get walking.
20 minutes later we do all the local pokestops so I can get a few Pokeballs.
BUT... I had only collected about 15.
No good I say.
Husband rolls his eyes, sighs and suggests we do the 20 minute walk again.
Ohhhh yes what A good Idea says I "Giving him praise that the idea had not even crossed my mind ahem...)
So off we go again...
At this point I might add that although hubby walks with a stick, I think by Playing Pokemon Go this is helping him no end and getting him a bit fitter and lighter which can only be good for his leg right?
Less weight means lighter on his leg.
So you see I'm helping him... ahem.
Finally we go back to the car and I have 40 Pokeballs.

The Grouchyhubby I caught earlier says, "Well that should keep you going for a while"
He is not a Pokeman master.
I explained with a smile. "A while? These should last me an hour or two when I go off on one of my Pokewalks later."
The poor mans shoulders slumped.
So we will need to do this again then?
Oh yes dear, Tomorrow. :)
I am sure he is looking forward to it really.......


Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second.

What does that have to do with my post please? :)

Haha i do actually feel sorry for him to be fair.. poor guy.. it did make me laugh though x

He knows what he signed up for when he married me. I'm quirky and he just goes along with my fads and fancys lol

I didn't know that about the lures!! Would explain all the hearts at my nearest when I got a Golduck instead of the usual rattata 😂

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