Traditional Panamanian Cuisine - Patacones - Step by Step Recipe

in #recipe5 years ago

My friend recently showed me how to make patacones, a traditional food made here in Panama. It was a pretty easy process, so I tried it on my own recently and it turned out pretty well. Patacones are fried, squashed, and fried again plantains (platanos) that are commonly eaten for breakfast, or as a side at traditional restaurants.

We had patacones with rice, lentils, and chicken!

The first step in making patacones is to choose enough plantains that you will have enough patacones for everyone! I bought 2, and, for our family of 7, it was not enough! Next time we will have more plantains!! The plantains need to be very green. You will also need some salt and oil.

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Then you need to peel the green plantain. It got some sticky goo all over my hands that was there for a day or so. I will need to find a better way next time. I think my friend used a knife. I just used my fingers and nails.


Slice up the green plantain that has been peeled into small coins about 1/2" thick. Get the oil heated up. I used olive oil to fry my plantains in because that's what I had at home. You could use any kind of oil really. My friend used vegetable oil. Get the oil hot enough that the plantains fry when you put them in.


When the oil is hot enough, put the coins into the oil and let them fry on one side for a few minutes.


Then flip them over so that the other side can fry for a bit. They will turn a nice golden color.


When both sides have been fried until they're a nice golden color, take them out and put them on the cutting board. Take a large flat river rock and pound them flat at this point. I did not have a rock handy, so I used the bottom of a glass. They should be soft enough that they will flatten out, but don't get them too thin or they will fall apart. Mine were probably 1/4" thick or so. Sprinkle some salt on them at this point.


The next step guessed it...fry them again! You can fry them on one side and flip them over. Once they are golden brown again, take them out with a fork or spatula. They should be crispy.

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Allow them to drain for a little bit on a paper towel. These are tasty if consumed warm, but they're also good cold. My kids like them dipped in ketchup, but they're great with just some salt as well.

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These take a little time to make, especially your first time, so plan accordingly! Be sure to let me know if you end up making them!!

Are you interested in visiting Panama to learn more about moving here? Check out Panama Relocation Tours if so. This tour will take you to many cities in the area where expats have settled and introduce you to many helpful people. Each tour is 5 nights and 6 days across the entire country (and you get to meet me)!


Plantains. They look like bananas. Don't they taste like bananas? So ... basically refried bananas w/ salt. ???

Now that doesn't sound to appealing. ;) Plantains are a little bigger and not as sweet usually - especially when green like this. People do all kinds of stuff with plantains here -- fry them, bake them (platanos en tentacion). I don't know of anyone who just eats a plantain like a banana - just peel and eat it.

I tried to make these a while back! I picked a plantain that was too ripe though, and they were somewhere between sweet and savory and just no good at all. I need to try again!

That looks tasty! Well, not the sticky goo thing... lol.

My flatmate from Islas Canarias made us deep-fried plantains, once. They were delicious!

I would definitely like to be out of the USA, but don't really have the means to pull that off at the moment. Of course, I'd prefer Andalucía, Spain, where I already have friends and know the culture ;-)

They are pretty good. Maybe someday I'll get faster at making them. I bought some green plantains the other day and they turned yellow before I could get patacones started, so my husband just made some toasted plantains. My kids like them.

Yum! I will have to try this for my kiddos. We have been trying new recipes for breakfast and this definitely fits the bill. Thanks for the idea. -A

Never tried plantains - I do like bananas though :)

Plantains are really only good fried or baked with lots of sugar! :) Plantain chips are also pretty good.

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