
I'm as green as grass so keep that in mind when I say anything about anything not related to trucking in the old days in the United States. I have experience with that. With crypto I'm a rank noob.
That said...
one's crypto. Crypto is VERY volatile. More action happen in a few hours in crypto than happens in weeks in the 'real' markets.

another thing...(pure speculation) I think a great many people, myself included, are taking profits. Money is only useful if you can spend it...other wise it's just a game on the computer. I suspect that a lot of people (myself included) are taking some of their profits out. this on your forehead.
NEVER (what never?)


invest what you are not willing to lose

that said..all I have invested in Steem is my time. You can't save time. Use it or lose it. I'd have been doing the same thing on FaceBook or some other social media for free. Here I get paid. Sometimes I get paid more than other times but I'll NEVER have to pay.'s kind of depressing to see the value of Steem drop from almost $3 the other day to about half that today. But...OH. WELL.

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

A lot of chickens are hatching today. (like the $20 I just bought bit-coin with.)

I have been making an income online from writing for a few years now.... I intend to make something of this. I am being honest about this..... ANy coaching or advice from an expert will be much appreciated

sounds like I should be asking YOU for advice.
I retired from Heavy Haul trucking a couple of years ago.
since then I've been living off of Social Security and what the wife makes.

I've uploaded a few books that I've written to Amazon Kindle....sunk without a trace.

Crypto is more promising.. FINALLY a means for me to contribute some (more than the pitiful SS check) to the family income.

I know effectively ZILCH.

Well if you read some of my posts you may guess where I made my money.... But I am really curious to why posting on here gets attention for 2 minutes then nothing. Is it my lack of understanding after 2 days or is there more I can be doing or money I can be spending... like promoting

beats me.
Steemit is in transition. It has been that way since I've been on it.
A few months ago I'd make a post...then sit and wait for 30 minutes...nadda zilch.
THEN the bot swarm would hit....I'd sometimes get 100 votes in a few seconds (for reasons..technical in nature that no longer apply since the last hardfork)

we're gonna have another hardfork in a few days.
expect everything to change...again.

And by the way have you seen my hard felt (Scotch felt) introduction of one of our National treasures to the world? lol

nope..missed it.
guess I'll 'follow' you.
I only follow 'real people' people that I've talked to and know are for real (so many bots)
You now qualify..

are you in Scotland?

Nope I am in Perth Western Australia... my best friend is in Scotland right now tasting Whiskeys I might never see lol...

Oh and I can't wait till you see my ummm... uniqueness after you check out my posts in the last 24 hours.... my entire time here at steemit lol

What do you mean by hard fork brother?

ah..well that's technical.
side note: it's kinda hard to explain something I don't understand...and I don't

think of it as changing the fabric of the universe. Natural laws have been modified.

They call it a 'hardfork' (geeks..what can I say...they LOVE bafflegab). The way I understand it is that they've made some changes to the steem block chain code.

They've modified the algorithm...or somethin.
there is a LOT of info (tech talk) about it.
use the little spy glass up in the right hand corner to search. enter 'hard fork' or hardfork 19 (that's the current one I think...) and be prepared to be dazzled.

THAT is why I have delegated my witness vote to @dragosroua he's a Geek. He understands this stuff so I don't have to. As a witness he is involved in hardforking. (not all of them are requires a consensus. I think there are over a hundred witness)

oh...the word 'witness' is more geek speak. it has a technical meaning which is NOT what you think.

Well.... I must turn in brother. As I have to be up early and speak in front of an audience. So lets talk soon. Glad to have met you bro. Good night

There are some other videos online that are saying it's the big banks that are manipulating the market. Look at the link and check out the Dow, S&P and Nasdaq and you will see similar trends in the graph the last few days if you switch it to the week mode between the 3 and even btc and eth

Cryptocurrency is very volatile to begin with but add the banks that are the true whales to the equation they can easy manipulate the crypto market and scare off a lot of investors while making huge gains. Granted this has not happened in the stock market on a big of scale as it has in the crypto world the last few days many experts have predicted the worst economic collapse in our lifetime.

This article is a great read to understand why these predictions are being made, basically the market dips around every 4 years and this is one of the longest streaks of the market not dipping in 8-9 years. Housing cost is rising, half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and the federal reserve is rising interest rates for people who are barely getting by.

I had a room mate who worked with mining and trading bitcoins and installed bitcoin atms called SKYHOOKS. He was often kicked out of banks as soon as they learned that he was dealing KRYPTO.... wy is that?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 88442.96
ETH 2187.19
SBD 0.87