RE: RePost: Fake News Targeted for
There are some other videos online that are saying it's the big banks that are manipulating the market. Look at the link and check out the Dow, S&P and Nasdaq and you will see similar trends in the graph the last few days if you switch it to the week mode between the 3 and even btc and eth
Cryptocurrency is very volatile to begin with but add the banks that are the true whales to the equation they can easy manipulate the crypto market and scare off a lot of investors while making huge gains. Granted this has not happened in the stock market on a big of scale as it has in the crypto world the last few days many experts have predicted the worst economic collapse in our lifetime.
This article is a great read to understand why these predictions are being made, basically the market dips around every 4 years and this is one of the longest streaks of the market not dipping in 8-9 years. Housing cost is rising, half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and the federal reserve is rising interest rates for people who are barely getting by.
I had a room mate who worked with mining and trading bitcoins and installed bitcoin atms called SKYHOOKS. He was often kicked out of banks as soon as they learned that he was dealing KRYPTO.... wy is that?