RE: Those Deja-vu Moments-- What Do They Mean?
My theory (as one who has experienced this and thought about it) is that everything that could possibly exist, pre-exists in potential until it manifests in the particular time line one is experiencing.
Awareness can, most often in certain kinds of dreams and/or altered states of awareness, experience the potential of an event. Then, when awake or in a normal state consciousness, if the event manifests in the particular time line that one is experiencing, then the sense of deja vu occurs.
Also, a "present moment' is certainly not the same for all consciousnesses. The "present" may be far greater and contain far more for some forms of consciousness than for others. As one very mundane example: The present moment for an observer in an airplane is far greater, vis a vis two pedestrians approaching each other around a corner, then it is for either of the two pedestrians.
As you can (obviously!) tell, I wasn't brave enough to tackle the quantum physics angle on this; perhaps the result of having spent too many years around skeptics dead set on dismantling anything not reproducible in a lab as "bogus." But I can't explain that I had a deja-vu and "next thing that's going to happen is the FedEx truck will pull in the driveway and deliver a package..."
I would say there are infinite potential states, and sometimes perhaps we get "bleedover" from a parallel state where things are unfolding almost the same, and maybe it's like getting a radio signal a fraction of a second early. In that timeline, the FedEx truck did arrive 10 seconds earlier... and somehow we "receive" that potential, whether by error or by design.
I also can't explain how my wife is a "psychic" (an often reviled term in the scientific community) but I know from observation that she IS "something." As does both the Los Angeles PD and US Federal law enforcement, who have had her on retainer as a "consultant."
The pedestrians vs airplane observer example... nice; and now I have some additional ideas to ponder.
Thanks, as always, for a meaningful comment!
wow this is nicely said.. I really had to read it twice ( lack of not native english maybe) But there is more then we know.. only a few % of our brains are known yet. Imagine what is more to discover.. but I guess that will be the benefit of later generations.. if we did not kill our earth and our selfs first...