RE: Those Deja-vu Moments-- What Do They Mean?
As you can (obviously!) tell, I wasn't brave enough to tackle the quantum physics angle on this; perhaps the result of having spent too many years around skeptics dead set on dismantling anything not reproducible in a lab as "bogus." But I can't explain that I had a deja-vu and "next thing that's going to happen is the FedEx truck will pull in the driveway and deliver a package..."
I would say there are infinite potential states, and sometimes perhaps we get "bleedover" from a parallel state where things are unfolding almost the same, and maybe it's like getting a radio signal a fraction of a second early. In that timeline, the FedEx truck did arrive 10 seconds earlier... and somehow we "receive" that potential, whether by error or by design.
I also can't explain how my wife is a "psychic" (an often reviled term in the scientific community) but I know from observation that she IS "something." As does both the Los Angeles PD and US Federal law enforcement, who have had her on retainer as a "consultant."
The pedestrians vs airplane observer example... nice; and now I have some additional ideas to ponder.
Thanks, as always, for a meaningful comment!