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RE: Hacking the human mind and behavior: Part 2 - Big data psychological profiling and manipulation of the individual and the masses

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot :-) Actually, I have thought about it, but certainly not 600 pages.. I would definitely want to break it into multiple books.

I'm pretty convinced that Steemit is part of all this as well. I raised in another comment recently that Dan Larimer grew up in Virginia since his father Stan Larimer is a Military Industrial Complex engineer there that used to teach rocket science at the US Air Force Academy. Steemit is also based in Virginia. (Isn't there something else important in Langley, Virginia?)

However what really gets me is that "Steem" is a very weird name for a crypto and a platform. Why would they call it that? If however you have a look at the meaning of the word "steem" at Wiktionary here, you realize that "steem" means both "A gleam of light; a flame" and "value." This is a typical luciferian word game since Lucifer means "light bearer" and many hidden symbols of Lucifer have him/her (Lucifer is represented with both genders) holding a flame - think Columbia pictures, think the Statue of Liberty, think of the Victoria Memorial directly in front of Buckingham Palace. They are all flame holders / light bearers. They hide this shit in plain sight.

Crypto is a long-term agenda, so investing in it to get yourself financially independent makes absolute sense, but no one should be fooled that it is a people's freedom tool. It will get you financial freedom if you catch the train early, but that's about it. It will be a NWO tracking and repression tool at some point down the line, and unfortunately, maybe not that far from now..

Lastly, Regarding EOS, I'm incredibly suspicious and it's the reason I wrote this previous post on them which I still need to update with all the new stuff coming out about EOS like the Brock Pierce story as well as other historical symbolism connections that I've discovered in the meantime.

One of the most blatant symbolisms with EOS is its name which is the same name as that of the Titan of the Dawn who in Greek mythology is seen as the mother of Lucifer - named Eos-phoros - meaning "Light of the Dawn" in Greek. (If that's not clear symbolism, I don't know what is.)

This is the same dawn symbolism that was applied in their Dawn SDK:

As well as with previous Obama, Hillary, and Soviet logos and themes:

Clearly EOS is keeping itself in good Luciferian company..


Holy shit, I'm going to reread all this tomorrow - you are pretty much the first person I've seen say all this on Steemit, I was starting to think I was a paranoid freak.

I'm not sure how to react really, I've done well from cryptos and Steemit, but we are playing with fire aren't we?

I'm certainly not against crypto per se, but it is definitely playing with fire. Most people have no idea who they are dealing with regarding the majority of the crypto projects out there. I am convinced that the majority of these projects are either backed by Luciferian-led companies or intelligence agency operations (..if you can even make a real differentiation between these two.)

Below is the logo for Morningstar coin (literally Lucifer coin).. I've written about it in a past post:

This behind the scenes Luciferian and intelligence agency control of crypto is exactly why it's so incredibly important to fully understand the technology, plans, and people that are behind any crypto. Otherwise, you may be supporting your own long term enslavement. This is why I am very anti-EOS at this point despite all the surface positives of it being open source, etc.

In fact, I'm against any coins that either smack of Luciferianism or Agenda 2030 - like any of the RFID chipping coins such as Walton (named after the founder of RFID - Charles Walton), VeChain, Ambrosia (basically a Nestlé, big Agra, big pharma, and UN-led supply chain project behind the scenes), etc. You'll also notice loads of crypto projects around other similar Agenda 2030 priorities like AI, Internet of Things, distributed data management, Universal Basic Income, the sharing economy, food supply chain management, etc. etc.

Furthermore, Brock Pierce is certainly not the only slime making a big impact in crypto. There are many, many more of these types including Frank Giustra of Hive. He was formerly the founder / owner of Lionsgate (the movie production company), the Fiore Group, and The Boy's Club Network. That may all sound fine until you have a listen to the video below on his connections to Pizzagate:

Regarding Steem / Steemit, it has been designed to keep select whales in power and everyone else on the platform pretty much subservient to them. I used to think this was a mistake / compromise so as to ensure that the platform is run by those with the most stake in it.. the whales. I'm not so sure that this was a mistake anymore. There are so many major issues with incentive structure of Steemit and no one is really interested in the correction of these issues as far as I can tell. Sadly, I'm starting to believe that it's by design to keep control of the content on the platform and simply blame it on bad design and poor incentives.

I hardly dare ask, but any thoughts on dash or monero? (our two best investments)

At this point my two fav cryptos but I fear that may be about to change :)

You'll be happy to know that I haven't heavily researched either of these teams / coins. What I can say about Dash is that it was the first coin to have a balanced business plan that covered all stakeholders in the coin. In other words, it looks more like a real business that picked up an existing coin (XCoin/Darkcoin) to turn it into a marketable payment tool. This is a bit less suspicious to me because it appears more like a team building a standard business. The problem is that I don't know the background of this team and would want to.

With Monero or any of the more serious privacy coins, we've partially discussed this one before. Any coin that claims to be ultra private would most likely be developed by intelligence agencies because they want to monitor the transactions. Any coin in this category that is not open source or that uses 3rd party encryption / security / obfuscation methods (e.g. Tor network like Verge) is questionable to me. This is a way to hide intelligence agency backdoors. Additionally, I don't know the team from Monero either.

And all this again says nothing about whether they will eventually be made irrelevant by other better funded crypto projects in the future that are run by Luciferians and intelligence agency goons or even if they could be taken over by them behind the scenes. If you have enough money and resources, none of these crypto teams are hard to infiltrate and hijack.

What about the steem accounts using questionable numerology in their names?

Which ones are you referring to? :-)

@sift666 😉

He's actually a very ardent truther despite the ominous naming

Interesting, I thought it was ironic with the response about symbolism & numerology