Hacking the human mind and behavior: Part 2 - Big data psychological profiling and manipulation of the individual and the masses

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Recently, an internal Google video has been released that describes Google's ongoing efforts to psychologically profile the mass populace and through these evolving profiles to hijack people's subconscious desires by redirecting them into manipulated channels that Google or their partners (i.e. intelligence agencies, military research, political parties, etc.) select. Sadly, most of the massively brainwashed populace today think that it's irrelevant that such organizations have their most personal data and even their genetic code via companies like 23andMe (co-founded by the wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin). What most people are missing is the big picture of how this data is being applied to profile and subsequently manipulate them psychologically, genetically, behaviorally, and even physiologically. In fact, Google even spells this out in the released video if people are actually observant enough and smart enough to understand what they are precisely telling us.

To properly understand how all this ties together we are going to need to briefly touch upon a few different topics that most people know little about. I will do my best in this post to weave these topics together and give you a big picture understand without going into all the gory details. Regardless, I suggest that you in any case further immerse yourself in these topics so that you have a better sense of how all these pieces come together and create the long term manipulative vision of those architecting our planned New World Order society from behind the scenes.

Understanding archetypes, psychological profiling, and the power of subliminal messaging

Many people have at some point taken a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test that classifies their personality into a number of key categories based upon a variety of specific questions. The MBTI is certainly not the only such test out there and there are many others like the Kiersey Temperament Sorter, but they are all based upon the Jungian Archetypes of Carl Jung and further back upon the far older Greek humors that drive the four body, health, and personality types of Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholic, and Phlegmatic.

The identification of a simple personality type is however quite limited by the simple questions that are provided in any of the current tests, however, what if you could harvest massive amounts of data from someone such as all of their internet searches, their purchasing habits, their social relationships, their education and work, their health and food preferences, their travel and recreational activities, their emails, messages, postings as well as their subconscious language pattern usage, and even their genealogy and genetic data. What if you could use massively parallel computing power to crunch all this data via big data analysis technology and identify a set of specific types of people from this? What could you do with this data? How could you manipulate people with this type of information? This is EXACTLY what is being implied by the Google selfish ledger video above.

Add to the above individual personality knowledge, the influencing technologies of gamification, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), subliminals, and targeted societal movements and memes, and you can get people to do lots of things that they assume come of their own volition but have been craftily architected into their experiences so as to hijack them into final results that they think are their own. I could write a lot about this, but I think a few specific videos are enough to get this across. And mind you, the results in these videos are without knowing anything about the personalities and specific desires of the people involved. When such additional personal information is available as well, you can pretty much scientifically manipulate people. From these types of controlled manipulations you can most of the time know exactly what they are going to do next, when they will do it, and even what follow on actions are best applied to get them to an end goal that you have targeted for them from the very beginning. If you have seen the movie "The Game" with Michael Douglas, you will understand that this is exactly what they were indirectly showing you as part of the predictive programming message within the film.

The many tenticles of ongoing data collection and profiling

What you now need to think about is that the biggest players in Silicon Valley are essentially acting as a massive wrestling tag team to comprehensively track, manipulate, and control the populace with all that they know about them..and for most people, they know pretty much everything these days. Furthermore, most people not only don't care about all the information that these behemoth intelligence agency front companies capture about them (yes, they are intelligence agency front companies - read my older posts and watch the videos below on this), people even actively give these companies more and more information about themselves because it's "oh so convenient" that they can do more stuff for them (and this is exactly what these companies want.)

As these companies grow, they are actively trying to insert themselves between you and everything you do in your life, not just to make money (and they are making insane amounts of money), but to fulfill their original intelligence agency purposes of creating the most comprehensive big data collection of information and personal profiling on the planet. Their goal is to be irreplaceable mediators that can easily spy on everything we do and add all of this data to their personal profile database on each of us. However, more insidious is the use of our full spectrum data profiles to mold and manipulate thinking, feelings, addictions, and finally end result actions so as to turn us into their puppets as well as to create numerous highly convincing puppet theaters. It is the collective puppet theater that is then intended to drive all their pre-planned Agenda 2030 and NWO objectives to completion.

This combined technocratic monstrosity is the ultimate evolution of the bread and games that the Romans so effectively applied with gladiators in the Colosseum in Rome. The difference today being that these new platforms can literally know moment to moment how you are reacting to the game and if they need to modify stimuli to get you back on track to what they want you to respond to and do. It's basically the Matrix on steroids and it is designed to ensure that you will never want to wake from your custom-designed dream state; even worse, you will even happily act as Agent enforcers in this Matrix without ever realizing that you are doing it. Ultimately, it is targeted to become perfect AI-led, self-managing virtual panopticon that combines the best of Brave New World and 1984 to create the ideal, unassailable control grid for the indoctrinated and stupefied sheeple.

For most, it's only when we comprehend all of the various interlinked businesses that Silicon Valley companies are involved in (as a collective of intelligence front companies) that we see the forest for the trees and grasp the immense magnitude and unbridled power of this behemoth. The truth is that the wealthiest and most powerful technology companies in the world are all part of an intelligence agency hydra that is slowly wrapping its suffocating tentacles around us while at the same time oozing a sweet poison to keep us intoxicated and asleep.

The incredible manipulation potential that is now being developed and tested

After watching the above Derren Brown videos you can already see how incredibly powerful very simple subconscious tools can be in manipulating people. Now imagine that these tools can be automated with AI and customized to very specifically target and influence each individual based upon their ever growing profiles. We like to think that our free choice on the Internet can protect us from this type of manipulation, but this is only the case if we select technology providers that are not trying to constantly manipulate us. If we stay with providers that are simply intelligence agency front companies (e.g. Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.), we are being even more programmed than we were with TV and radio "programs" from the past. This is because we are now being led into interactive behavioral patterning with these providers that consistently reinforces our actions through gamification and other subliminal addiction tools. Simply watch the videos below to understand far more about how this technology is being applied against us.

The latest Google video paints an even more specific picture of societal manipulation than discussed above. The Google video references Larmarckian-style manipulation of genetics and memetics. This is based upon the theories of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck regarding the potential ability to change the genetics of an organism through the use of repetitive manipulation of the organism's direct environment and actions. Although there has been no concrete proof of the success of Lamarckian manipulation to achieve genetic changes, there certainly is proof for memetic changes and epigenetic changes from this type of manipulation.

A meme is a concept that was developed by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene" to describe "an idea, belief, or pattern of behavior" as a distinct unit of cultural behavior that is passed along in society and culture in a similar way that genes are passed along in physical cells. The concepts being presented in the released Google video imply that both distinct psychological archetypes as well as memes can be both identified through big data and modified before being fed back to individuals and society to manipulate their behavior.

What isn't specifically mentioned is the video but is implied is a further potential to manipulate humans through their epigenetics. Epigenetics has become a significant study after the realization that organisms that have the exact same genes can still manifest diseases and changes in their functioning based upon the manipulation of external stimuli. For example, genetically identical mice can be separated with one mouse being induced to express an epigenetic disease by applying specific stressors, but only that mouse will manifest the epigenetic disorder. The other identical mouse will not. This means that you can also target people for disease and death by psychological and physiological stressors if you understand their genetics, epigenetics, personality profiles, and key personality archetypes. In other words, you can attack them in ways that have complete plausible deniability through the data and identified psychological and epigenetic weakness that are being collected on them. (This is the real reason why Sergey Brin's wife went on to found 23andMe.. It's about genetic data harvesting and its further mapping to incredibly detailed personal profiling and identified archetypes.)

The human being is highly vulnerable to being psychologically and physiologically hacked

It's no secret that the human being is highly vulnerable to being both psychologically and physiologically hacked. There are numerous experiments that have proved this and numerous ways to do it. Furthermore, the more information that you have on the individual the easier it is to do this. It's like knowing the blueprint or schematics of a building, a machine, or an electronic device. Once you understand exactly how it is constructed, you can attack, manipulate, and break it quite easily. The same is true for the human being and is the reason that the collection of detailed data on all aspects of persons and groups is incredibly dangerous if held by organizations that have ulterior motives and understand what can be done with this data.

In the latest released video, Google has clearly indicated their understanding of these possibilities and their plans to exploit them. Despite their previous tagline, they are without a doubt pure evil. However it's not just Google that we need to be afraid of in having this information, it's all the other Silicon Valley intelligence agency fronts as well. They are all mining and sharing this data to manipulate and screw with us and this is exactly what the recent Facebook / Cambridge Analytica / SCL (Strategic Communication Laboratory) / Black Cube scandal highlights. This was a sophisticated intelligence agency operation to process individual data and alter the mindsets of these targeted individuals for political purposes. I won't go into great detail on this here, but will return to this subject in an upcoming post.

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Great post!

"Furthermore, most people not only don't care about all the information that these behemoth intelligence agency front companies capture about them..."

Most of the populace is too busy trying to make ends meet, so I don't really blame them. Worrying about all this shit just adds extra stress to an already stressful life, so most people just say 'fuck it,' and go about their lives.

Can you really blame them?

Thanks a lot.. To be honest, I do blame the sheeple to the degree that they are wilfully and blatantly ignorant as well as passively supportive of the societal destruction that is going on around them. I certainly don't blame those that "never got the memo," but for those that did get it and fully ignored it, the consequences are also partially their doing. This is exactly the type of mindless societal behavior that is bringing us to the doorstep of our doom.

Let's take a slightly different example to better illustrate the point. Let's assume the government allows people to vote on whether the force vaccinations on people like in California. If the people vote for violating the personal sovereignty of others, who's ultimately responsible for the consequences? Is it the politicians that wrote up the bill and pushed it along with the pharma companies paying them off under the table, or is it the ill-informed idiots that took no responsibility for the consequences, voted for it, and thereby indirectly forced everyone else to be victims to it?.. I think it's both.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke

"If the people vote for violating the personal sovereignty of others, who's ultimately responsible for the consequences?"

The entire Western world is based on the violation of the sovereignty of others peoples and nations. The USA and Britain didn't get to where they are today by being nice. I know this is going to sound very pessimistic, but I believe that certain cycles are unavoidable, and the present trajectory of destruction may in fact be unavoidable, even necessary for something else to emerge.

Sadly, this is the case across the entire world and not just in Western societies, but this was never because the core of Western thinking and philosophy ever truly endorsed it, but because the typical psychopaths got in control of key Western institutions.

It may be that certain cycles are unavoidable, but I personally think this is a bit of a cheap excuse. It's basically saying that either it's simply fate or it's somehow cyclically required to an uncontrollable degree rather than our collective fault for allowing these evils to metastisize in our society. If it's our collective fault then it means that we as a society and individually must be far more vigilant and responsible to stop such evils in the future before they fully manifest.

There is no collective. There is only people, and each of those people's idea of the collective is why many people abnegate their personal responsibility to conform to what they think the collective is doing.

This is why propaganda and censorship is so useful to those that would control society, and exactly why we bear personal responsibility regardless of what anyone else does. We aren't--ever--just following orders. We are always acting on our personal responsibility.

If you are allowing some evil to occur because it's too big for you to oppose alone, you are why it's too big to fight alone.

This is why I haven't had a bank account in almost 10 years. I am opposed to the financial control society is subject to, and I am waging war on the banksters by not feeding them.

I am winning.

Thanks very much for making this comment. You are absolutely correct. All the social media distraction (including Steemit) is ultimately about getting people to forget their individual responsibility as human beings and instead clamor for herd approval. As long as the social manipulators can place themselves as the key Pied Pipers in social media and alternative truth communities, the social media construct is designed as a Pavlovian system to reinforce staying with the common / popular narratives and actions.

It is our individual responsibility to break ranks and oppose all of these herd-based systems and controls. This is ultimately why the societal controllers hate genuine religion and spirituality. They hate that people hold onto individual ethical and moral behavior that requires them to do the right thing regardless of the herd. It also requires them to stand up to and call out lies and deception. It throws a wrench into their societal machinery designed to keep the sheeple in line. Every time we peacefully disobey and stand up for the real truth and action and not some bogus, socially engineered media or alternative media version of it (and there is a hell of a lot of this out there now), we are winning. We are creating new examples for others to follow and we are breaking the manipulators control on the masses.

You are correct, you are winning. Keep it up. We need more examples like yours to break the machinery of control.

Do you believe the “votes” that occur are real & accurate? I don’t

I think it is very telling that Steemit removed that feature that would tell you how many people had viewed your post. With this, you could get a sense for how many upvotes that you should roughly have. Steemit is pretty much bot-led at this point (by design in my view) and many of the biggest whales are fed by these. If you aren't in that food chain, you are going nowhere in terms of score and Steem earnings.

I agree with this 👆

But I was referring to current government voting 😂

Oops!.. Without an incredibly transparent, secure, and well audited voting system, I don't trust any government votes either. Since the US doesn't have that, I agree.

I think that our best option is to make their job harder for them to mine our personal data and get off this proverbial merry-go-round while we still can.

I fully agree.. we need to boycott these companies as far as possible as well as expose them for everything they are doing. Class action lawsuits against them are also needed to get the power of the masses hammering them down. We need to do everything we can to reign their power in and to support appropriate alternatives

Holy cow! - have you thought about writing a 600 page book yourself?

I'm just spinning out seeing all this - my big question is: Is Steemit being manipulated in the same way? - I'm pretty sure there are hundreds of thousands of fake CIA accounts commenting - are they also posting?

Was the site originally set up for this purpose? And any thoughts on EOS? (I'm as suspicious as hell)

I do own some, but am tossing up whether to sell them before Jun1.

I don't invest in cryptos because I believe in them, but to make money and use it to buy bullion. I did best on Bitcoin which I think is a massive con and I wouldn't go near it now.


Thanks a lot :-) Actually, I have thought about it, but certainly not 600 pages.. I would definitely want to break it into multiple books.

I'm pretty convinced that Steemit is part of all this as well. I raised in another comment recently that Dan Larimer grew up in Virginia since his father Stan Larimer is a Military Industrial Complex engineer there that used to teach rocket science at the US Air Force Academy. Steemit is also based in Virginia. (Isn't there something else important in Langley, Virginia?)

However what really gets me is that "Steem" is a very weird name for a crypto and a platform. Why would they call it that? If however you have a look at the meaning of the word "steem" at Wiktionary here, you realize that "steem" means both "A gleam of light; a flame" and "value." This is a typical luciferian word game since Lucifer means "light bearer" and many hidden symbols of Lucifer have him/her (Lucifer is represented with both genders) holding a flame - think Columbia pictures, think the Statue of Liberty, think of the Victoria Memorial directly in front of Buckingham Palace. They are all flame holders / light bearers. They hide this shit in plain sight.

Crypto is a long-term agenda, so investing in it to get yourself financially independent makes absolute sense, but no one should be fooled that it is a people's freedom tool. It will get you financial freedom if you catch the train early, but that's about it. It will be a NWO tracking and repression tool at some point down the line, and unfortunately, maybe not that far from now..

Lastly, Regarding EOS, I'm incredibly suspicious and it's the reason I wrote this previous post on them which I still need to update with all the new stuff coming out about EOS like the Brock Pierce story as well as other historical symbolism connections that I've discovered in the meantime.

One of the most blatant symbolisms with EOS is its name which is the same name as that of the Titan of the Dawn who in Greek mythology is seen as the mother of Lucifer - named Eos-phoros - meaning "Light of the Dawn" in Greek. (If that's not clear symbolism, I don't know what is.)

This is the same dawn symbolism that was applied in their Dawn SDK:

As well as with previous Obama, Hillary, and Soviet logos and themes:

Clearly EOS is keeping itself in good Luciferian company..

Holy shit, I'm going to reread all this tomorrow - you are pretty much the first person I've seen say all this on Steemit, I was starting to think I was a paranoid freak.

I'm not sure how to react really, I've done well from cryptos and Steemit, but we are playing with fire aren't we?

I'm certainly not against crypto per se, but it is definitely playing with fire. Most people have no idea who they are dealing with regarding the majority of the crypto projects out there. I am convinced that the majority of these projects are either backed by Luciferian-led companies or intelligence agency operations (..if you can even make a real differentiation between these two.)

Below is the logo for Morningstar coin (literally Lucifer coin).. I've written about it in a past post:

This behind the scenes Luciferian and intelligence agency control of crypto is exactly why it's so incredibly important to fully understand the technology, plans, and people that are behind any crypto. Otherwise, you may be supporting your own long term enslavement. This is why I am very anti-EOS at this point despite all the surface positives of it being open source, etc.

In fact, I'm against any coins that either smack of Luciferianism or Agenda 2030 - like any of the RFID chipping coins such as Walton (named after the founder of RFID - Charles Walton), VeChain, Ambrosia (basically a Nestlé, big Agra, big pharma, and UN-led supply chain project behind the scenes), etc. You'll also notice loads of crypto projects around other similar Agenda 2030 priorities like AI, Internet of Things, distributed data management, Universal Basic Income, the sharing economy, food supply chain management, etc. etc.

Furthermore, Brock Pierce is certainly not the only slime making a big impact in crypto. There are many, many more of these types including Frank Giustra of Hive. He was formerly the founder / owner of Lionsgate (the movie production company), the Fiore Group, and The Boy's Club Network. That may all sound fine until you have a listen to the video below on his connections to Pizzagate:

Regarding Steem / Steemit, it has been designed to keep select whales in power and everyone else on the platform pretty much subservient to them. I used to think this was a mistake / compromise so as to ensure that the platform is run by those with the most stake in it.. the whales. I'm not so sure that this was a mistake anymore. There are so many major issues with incentive structure of Steemit and no one is really interested in the correction of these issues as far as I can tell. Sadly, I'm starting to believe that it's by design to keep control of the content on the platform and simply blame it on bad design and poor incentives.

I hardly dare ask, but any thoughts on dash or monero? (our two best investments)

At this point my two fav cryptos but I fear that may be about to change :)

You'll be happy to know that I haven't heavily researched either of these teams / coins. What I can say about Dash is that it was the first coin to have a balanced business plan that covered all stakeholders in the coin. In other words, it looks more like a real business that picked up an existing coin (XCoin/Darkcoin) to turn it into a marketable payment tool. This is a bit less suspicious to me because it appears more like a team building a standard business. The problem is that I don't know the background of this team and would want to.

With Monero or any of the more serious privacy coins, we've partially discussed this one before. Any coin that claims to be ultra private would most likely be developed by intelligence agencies because they want to monitor the transactions. Any coin in this category that is not open source or that uses 3rd party encryption / security / obfuscation methods (e.g. Tor network like Verge) is questionable to me. This is a way to hide intelligence agency backdoors. Additionally, I don't know the team from Monero either.

And all this again says nothing about whether they will eventually be made irrelevant by other better funded crypto projects in the future that are run by Luciferians and intelligence agency goons or even if they could be taken over by them behind the scenes. If you have enough money and resources, none of these crypto teams are hard to infiltrate and hijack.

What about the steem accounts using questionable numerology in their names?

Which ones are you referring to? :-)

@sift666 😉

He's actually a very ardent truther despite the ominous naming

Interesting, I thought it was ironic with the response about symbolism & numerology

I assume you've seen this one already..

The Brock Pierce commentary is at the end of it

Nope - John Oliver drives me nuts - I used to think he was amusing, but he is such a shill...

Thanks for the compliment! - that was funny - "a very ardent truther despite the ominous naming"

I can't stand Oliver either. He's a complete tool, but I found it interesting the comments that he was making about Brock Pierce at the end. The Brock Pierce story has a lot of interesting connections to it including his living in the same LA Mansion as Bryan Singer. I guess this is where they held "casting sessions" and Eyes Wide Shut children's parties that probably got Brock his parts as a child actor to begin with..

Glad you liked the observation :-) Apparently she was a little freaked by the Number of Beast thing..

I can't stand Oliver either. He's a complete tool, but I found it interesting the comments that he was making about Brock Pierce at the end. The Brock Pierce story has a lot of interesting connections to it including his living in the same LA Mansion as Bryan Singer. I guess this is where they held "casting sessions" and Eyes Wide Shut children's parties that probably got Brock his parts as a child actor to begin with..

Glad you liked the observation :-) Apparently she was a little concerned by the Number of Beast thing..

Believe it or not in nearly two years that is the first person to say anything - I always intended to make a splash with that username :)

We just sold our EOS because I suspect it will go down next month when people realise they have no actual product, and even if it goes up I'd feel bad investing in a CIA project

I'm sure it provokes a few people, but most people won't bother to say anything.

I'm guessing the EOS story goes far deeper than we've even found out so far. I just replied back to Sean's recent video at SGT about a few things ;-) One of the points is Steve Bannon's incredibly shady background as well as his connections to none other than Brock Pierce. Brock Pierce made most of his initial money on IGE (Internet Gaming Entertainment). Bannon was the Goldman guy that got him the initial investment money and then Bannon was the guy that later bought IGE from him and got Brock all of his pocket money to invest in EOS.

A truly phenomenal post! So many people have been informed by their elementary indoctrination that understanding is the result of a horrible process that they do not enjoy, and ending with Lipton and his presentation illustrates why that is the purpose of school.

If we do not purpose to effect our understanding by defining ourselves, we allow others to. Another way to say this is the old saw 'If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.'

As most all of us did, I told myself 'I wouldn't fall for that!' regarding the subliminal psychology demonstrations the first few videos presented. But...

Bacon and eggs. As a child, I grasped the delicious, nutritious relevance of the hearty fare we were served in the morning before a big day as something that has been passed down through the ages by a culture determined to master it's place in the world. I perceived bacon and eggs, toast, and jam to be an ancient fuel for mastery of the day that millenia of testing and experiential evidence proved out.

I can't say I thought of breakfast in those particular words, but that was the sense I made of a hearty breakfast and the subsequent mastery we exerted on our world, and our place in it. There were times when most of the island I was raised on were focused on a particular endeavor, such as the herring run, a salmon run; some season or another when a given resource was to be exploited, and in my household, the predawn ritual of fueling our bodies with bacon, eggs, toast, and various ancillary menu items girded our loins for the coming work.

But, the association of bacon and eggs was not a millenia old cultural artifact, proved by countless mornings when alternatives were tested against it by people facing important days. It was an invention by Edward Bernays in the 1920s, under contract to a bacon canning company to create more demand for it's products.

My entire world view has been cynically crafted by propaganda, and my romantic ideals absorbed in those early morning preparations for harvests, that scheme to make money, and I incorporated it into the culture of my people, that has been passed down for millenia.

It is this reason that these truths, these facts about us, and not only the possession of this data by others, but the witholding of that data from ourselves, is an existentially important topic. We craft our world from our perceptions, and what we don't know is as important as what we do.

This importance does not end with us, but is handed down to our posterity, and through our children into all the future peoples of the world. What we know, and what we think we know that isn't so, is far more important than any other factor in the felicity of our species.


Thanks very much!

100% correct. Our reality and our culture has been crafted for us. We like to believe that our culture is our own. Bernays, Hollywood, and many other societal manipulators have instead designed it for us. Culture is simply societal habit. As long as you can get the masses into any longstanding belief or habit, you have created culture.

The societal controllers have been scientifically designing, holding, and course-correcting this manufactured culture since at least the start of the 20th century. Of course, it goes back much earlier than this, but I think they have truly made a science of it in the last 100 years or so. Before this they primarily influenced through Pied Piper movements run out of secret societies, newspapers, as well as through the creation of structured education / training (read indoctrination) systems. Now they have so many channels for manipulation it's almost unassailable.

The scariest part is that our posterity will not remember what a free thinking and acting society is like. They are being raised on a diet of deception, manipulation, addiction, memory-holed truth, and self-managed social control. We are creating a society of milquetoast, lukewarm, snowflakes that are unable to think and act freely even in the face of their imminent culling. They are being bred so as to not be able to withstand the scientific herding that we are being subject to. Eventually this Matrix-born and bred generation will be used to finally eviscerate the remaining rights and freedoms that we have left.

I don't think they'll succeed at creating a society of slaves, eventually. There is a tension between reality and induced visions that technology skews towards reality. It requires reason to operate technology, and people incapable of being reasonable are incompetent to be of much use, since they can't even be useful other than as cannon fodder or bedslaves.

I believe this is the reason that as technology has increased over the centuries, freedom has become more of a factor politically. While Germanic barbarian tribes may have experienced considerably more personal freedom than we do today, when it came to dying in battle, they probably had little choice but to field steel for tribe and chief.

I expect this trend to continue, and at an exponentially increasing rate, as technology increases.

We are beginning to see the enemedia utterly lose control. They are desperately banning accounts, deleting information, and various other oppressions intended to maintain their grasp on 'facts', but are destroying their very power by doing so.

I have noted numerous truthers popping up on Steemit as such censorship prevents them from using competing platforms. What is the outcome of this? We see Fakebook, Youtool, and Twatter all declining in popularity, and Steemit growing.

We will be free!


I pray that this is the case. It's correct that you need some level of intelligent, rationally thinking workers still. It would take some very sophisticated AI to handle a lot of this work, and they're not there yet (although I'm sure their working on it.) However, I know a hell of a lot of very well educated people that, despite their "book intelligence," are dumber than a post when it comes to understanding the big picture and the manipulation out there. This means that as long as the "Brave New World portion" of the program being put in place doesn't too far exceed the "1984, boot stamping on the face" portion of the program, people will just be kept more and more busy and meander along as usual supporting the Luciferian empire without ever really realizing that it's right there in front of them.

I don't want to be pessimistic (and if I were totally pessimistic, I wouldn't bother writing and posting a lot of truth topics here), but the state of perpetuated addiction and indoctrination is so high, that it's going to take some major shifts very soon to keep us from diving head first into the abyss.

In the meantime keep up the good fight.. and thanks to you too!

You got a 1.43% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @newsandviews!

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Nice post. Doesn't look like you are getting the votes you deserve though. You should check out steemengine.

Thanks.. that appears to be the case to me as well unfortunately. Maybe you should think about upvoting me then after such a comment. Instead you just leave a sales pitch for your service.. classy.. well done

By the way, I had a look at your service in any case and there is a requirement to provide my private key to the service. Amazing that you get any business like this..

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