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RE: Move forward by moving yourself forward...
Thanks @willymac, there was a time when I wouldn't speak of it as to do so seemed to bring back the emotion of it however now I look at it differently, almost like an initiation of sorts. You are right though, I am fortunate to have had my wife beside me. I'm fortunate in general to have her. I've posted about her a little here and there. No one will ever really know just how important she is to me though.
Thanks for commenting mate.
A few years ago, I went through a dark time and wrote about it as i traversed it in an effort to keep myself stable. I can't and don't talk about it yet, nor can I read what I wrote. Fear of reading something I created sounds strange, but some things are just not ready to be in the sunlight yet. And yes, I can understand how absolutely irreplaceable a wife on many years can be. Don't lose her , mate.
You make a good point @willymac, about not reading what you wrote, especially if it's still raw inside. I didn't have steemit when I went through the scenario and so wasn't really writing that much at all so have no record of it other than my memory. Once I dealt with it though i sort of drew a line beneath it and moved forward. It still comes back now and then but is not as raw and hurtful. I let go of the anger also, that was just unproductive.
Hopefully you manage to work your way through your emotions and manage to rise Phoenix-like from the ashes.
Thanks, @galenkp, there are times when writing about something is the only way to build some sense into it and gain some control over the tsunami of events and emotions; none of which contained any anger. Everything will look different tomorrow, and I cannot change yesterday, so all is left is to try and make sense out if today. It gets easier with time as the past fades.