Move forward by moving yourself forward...
I read a post on steemit a couple of days ago about a person who was feeling stressed and out of control about life, and more specifically, their place in life as far as occupation, relationship, health and financial matters go. It made me think about my own situation.
I am a 48 year old Australian, married with no children. I work as a manager in a professional industry and am neither financially wealthy or overly poor; Average is probably a reasonable way to describe my financial position. As with most people we (my wife and I) have had challenges along the way, some of which we had planned around and others that took us by surprise and at times our future has seemed bleak, to put it bluntly. We have been together for 31 years and married for 25 of them so there's been plenty of opportunity for success, failure and the averageness which has made up most of our time together. That's not to say we look back and feel we have had an average existence; Far from it in fact. We have had an amazing time together and the downs have made the ups so much more valuable. In fact, the bad times and challenges, have been valuable in themselves.
About five years ago I had the misfortune of going into business with an individual who was, let's just say, slippery. It cost me a lot of money and I had to engage a lawyer to facilitate the process. It was a very bad time in our lives and we lost just about everything we had: Houses, cars, the actual business and so on. Fortunately my wife's business is (and was) strong which supported us to some degree financially. Once the lawyer had things sorted we were left with $1,000 in our bank account (it was the 6th of January) and on the 30th we had our credit cards and mortgage payments to make of $9,800. We had no other money and whilst my wife's mum offered to forward us a couple of thousand dollars we refused. I ended up selling my car to fund setting up a new business and to cover any shortfalls in basic costs and then serviced my clients like my life depended on it. I guess, to some degree, it actually did too!
Five years later my wife and I have clawed our way to a position in which we are able to comfortably furnish our lives with the basics plus have a little left over to take a holiday in June, and I've just purchased a brand new vehicle (a car I've wanted for 20 years). Life is pretty good.
Reading the steemit users' post made me think about all the times when I could have fallen in a heap, allowed the stress to get the better of me and allow all the negative emotion and turmoil define who I was and also about how I dealt with those emotions.
My wife and I spent that year or so in deep contemplation, business and financial, emotional and also spiritual to some degree. We focused on the things we could control rather than those that we could not and we spent a lot of time determining what was truly important to us. At the time it seemed the logical thing to do and later, when the scenario had played out and we were moving forward again, we realised it definitely was the right thing to do. It was a deeply reflective time, and whilst we were suffering some difficult emotional and financial times, it was a very positive time for us as individuals and a couple.
Now, five years later, we are very clear about what the truly important things in our lives actually are and I have to say, those things are rarely material things; Sure, money is required to furnish us with the experiences at times, like holidays and the like, however much of what my wife and I focus on now are simple experiences and moments that feed the soul. A perfect example is the evening spent last Saturday with my wife's uncle and aunt around the fire pit in my yard. Simple times that have great value. Read about it here
I can't say I am the authority on how to cope with stress, deep emotional or financial strife and pressure. I cannot profess to have all the answers however in stepping back and evaluating just what is important in a person's life is a great step towards finding some clarity and perspective which, at least in my situation, was critical to moving it forward to a resolution.
I've often heard the phrase, "life isn't meant to be easy" and whilst life certainly isn't easy I also don't think it needs to be hard. Life is just life and we will be confronted with good and bad, some we can control and some we can't. We can control how we feel though, how we act or react and our overall attitude. Life requires ownership of self, discipline of self and then the ability to apply those to the actions we take. Only in moving yourself forward can one move forward.
Just a note on the image I used in this post. My wife and I sat here during the situation I mention above, right throughout the process, on many occasions talking about our options, contingencies and plans for if the situation didn't rectify itself prior to us reaching the end of our resources. I haven't been back since other than to take the image you see and whilst I thought it would bring negative memories it actually didn't. You see, we have a more fulfilling and complete life now due to that whole terrible scenario and so I can't feel negative towards a spot in which we found our way forward.
[- Design and create your ideal life, don’t live it by default -]
How very true!
You know I use to tell folks that " Life's a teacher. Now you can't tell your teacher what to teach you but you can tell yourself what you want to learn. We don't control the process, we determine the outcome." Seems we're two minds worlds apart but still in the same line of thought.
Experience taught you and you learnt. Now you're teaching us and I've again learnt to avoid succumbing to the whims of stress (something I'm very prone to) and just take five seconds to think what to do and what not to do, I'll soon be able to buy the car of my dreams😁
In the end, we'll eventually realize that all we've learnt from life, all life's taught us has been precisely what we need to live a fulfilled life. So for those who say "Life isn't meant to be easy", I'd say the problem is them and their attitude to the lessons Life's trying to teach them. Perhaps they forget each person has a different curriculum and as such a different life. They just need to work on their mindset to get their minds set on what's truly important...just like you and your wife have done.
Nicely said!
Every moment presents a learning opportunity. Life is a great teacher, if we are open and aware to the lessons presented before us.
"Birds of a feather flock together" @godwine & @galenkp. I love how Steemit brings the philosophers (my father would have called us navel-gazers) together :-)
I'm glad I have the opportunity to meet and reason with great minds here. It's my dream to personally meet everyone I've met here😁
I looked at your profile to see you're from Nigeria. I've never been to Africa, maybe one day.
Nice line that!
Thanks for commenting and reading.
THANK YOU for sharing this.
We all have turning points in the flow of our lives and relationships. Some of those events are gradual changes not even apparent at the time, much like a ship turning gradually in the night. Others are sharply defined events like the shattering of glass or a car crash, or having a spouse informing you that he or she is leaving. When the event happens, the act of recovering often takes more mental energy and resources than we have access to. Making it through to the "other side" can require us to become someone we were not, and that alone can require additional mental resources.
You and your spouse were fortunate to have each other for mutual support and to work together on recovering your stability and perspective. I am impressed by your honesty in recounting a very difficult time in your life, and knowing that you recovered gives hope to others who also may be working through a life crisis.
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks @willymac, there was a time when I wouldn't speak of it as to do so seemed to bring back the emotion of it however now I look at it differently, almost like an initiation of sorts. You are right though, I am fortunate to have had my wife beside me. I'm fortunate in general to have her. I've posted about her a little here and there. No one will ever really know just how important she is to me though.
Thanks for commenting mate.
A few years ago, I went through a dark time and wrote about it as i traversed it in an effort to keep myself stable. I can't and don't talk about it yet, nor can I read what I wrote. Fear of reading something I created sounds strange, but some things are just not ready to be in the sunlight yet. And yes, I can understand how absolutely irreplaceable a wife on many years can be. Don't lose her , mate.
You make a good point @willymac, about not reading what you wrote, especially if it's still raw inside. I didn't have steemit when I went through the scenario and so wasn't really writing that much at all so have no record of it other than my memory. Once I dealt with it though i sort of drew a line beneath it and moved forward. It still comes back now and then but is not as raw and hurtful. I let go of the anger also, that was just unproductive.
Hopefully you manage to work your way through your emotions and manage to rise Phoenix-like from the ashes.
Thanks, @galenkp, there are times when writing about something is the only way to build some sense into it and gain some control over the tsunami of events and emotions; none of which contained any anger. Everything will look different tomorrow, and I cannot change yesterday, so all is left is to try and make sense out if today. It gets easier with time as the past fades.
excelente reflexion bro el sabio aprende de las caidas y fuerte se levanta y el entendido continua adelante exitos en tu vida
Excellent reflection bro the wise learn from the falls and strong stands up and the understanding continues forward success in your life
Nicely said my man! :)
I was going to say that I was sorry you and your wife had to go through all of that regarding your business, but that's not the word I'm looking for because it helped mold who you are today and I wouldn't want to retract from that person by removing the stepping stones that brought you to this point in your life.
I always taught my kids that it's the difficult times in life that really create the person you are. It's so easy to deal with the good things that come your way, but it's how you deal with the bad that determines your character; and your character @galenkp seems spot on! :)
So true Lynn. Thanks for your nice remarks and for understanding what I don't (and didn't) need in respect of this scenario, pity. You have it right, there's no point saying sorry for the episode because it actually taught me so many positive things.
Pity's not much help most of the time.
You are most welcome :)
G'day mate. I went through the same experience with a pub/restaurant I opened years back and also taking a partner that was nothing he advertised to be which cost me everything.
It was also at this time that I realized that cutting loose from wanting more from what I can't control sets me free to gain from what I can control and the less I want what is out of reach practically gains me more of what I need and so has created me a freedom from where I can obtain what I need with less stress and worry.
All that set me free and helped me see more clearly what I needed to do to get through life with less despair. I have gone back to my father's way of thinking, get more from what costs less, love family, memories, the simple things with real value.
Allow life and others to teach, be open minded and find the positive motivation in the negative experiences.
Now I see more happiness in a debt free life that can be acquired by wanting simpler things that I can afford while holding enough money to do the simpler things I have taught myself to enjoy.
Have a gooden
Similar experiences for sure. I went through all the emotions: Anger, disbelief, embarrassment etc. It was a really bad time but like the Phoenix from the ashes I rose again to stand tall once more. To do anything less is nothing but a capitulation and that's not in my nature. Isn't it interesting that like-minded people seem to gravitate together?
Thanks for your comments mate.
Indeed. A great pleasure mate and thank you for a friendship in the making.
Few things to mention from this post. First, amazing photo. The fact that it is links to such a character building moment in your life is a bonus. Second, congratulations on the long term relationship. The two of you must make a great team. Third and finally, great write up. There are so many examples of quotes from amazing people relating to your mindset and its effect on a situation. Of all the quotes my favourite is always the short and sweet.
If your life is out of your control, it is. If you want to make the most of every day, you will. Those who don't believe this will struggle to prosper and those who know it's true will never fail to see a lesson in all of life's ups and downs.
Love your work mate, keep on striving!
Thanks Harry, you're right; Adversity builds character and it's what a person does in difficult times that is a true mark of their character.
I'm very lucky to have my wife who is a beautiful person in and out and keeps me on the straight and narrow. She's always a great support and acts as a counter-balance to myself. I'm very lucky.
I always get some wisdom from your posts @galenkp. I love the truth in this statement:
And then:
I agree so much! We make things much harder than they need to be. So many things take on life & death scenarios in our minds, but in truth, the reality is far from that. Losing 'stuff' isn't necessarily bad. I'm sure it's stressful and difficult to manage, but at the end of the day, it's just 'stuff'.
I was reminded last week that we can't take any of our 'stuff' with us when we die. So why not forge an exciting and interesting life full of experience rather than acquiring all the 'stuff'...
I love the minimalist movement, where their philosophy is "love people and use things, because the other way never works". Unless the 'thing' is useful, or creates joy in your life, do you really need it? We hold onto so much stuff we just don't need.
I went on a bit of a rant there, didn't I? I enjoyed your post again. Thanks mate :-)
Nicely said. The episode I describe in my post was a really bad time for us and yet it brought us clarity, a fresh perspective and now, five years later, more depth in life.
I'm glad you find something of value in my posts. They are really only read by such a small audience that I wonder if there's any point and then someone like you finds some value and I say to myself, "yes, there is a point".
I go through waves as well. It's hard to continually post heartfelt truth....and it's hard to constantly keep in touch with the quality content I want to follow.
I find with my posts that more often than not one or two people find the inspirational posts. And that's all it needs. It's a ripple effect ;-)
I think that is 90% of the answer.
The answers are lot easier if you are asking the right questions to begin with..
Nice post, sir.
Thanks @lucylin, I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. Your line below is so true.
I love you words
You are right that life is just life.
We can get success in our life by try again.We go through many hardships to achieve our goal but we should not lose our hope.
Why? You do not like kids?
Your Image is very beautiful....
Thank you sir @galenkp for Sharing this with us
I’d rather not go into it however the short version is that my wife and I are unable to have kids.
Ok! Sir
I think Its not good.
Sorry for that /
Let's enjoy our life with friends... :)