Premonitions: Numerology

in #premonitions5 years ago (edited)


Numbers play an important part in our life and the single or more digits have been used throughout the world not only to balance your finances but for divination purposes.

Numerology is belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and personal or worldwide events. I’ve seen people use the numerical value of a date of birth to predict a life path.

Biblical numerology is interesting and relates how certain numbers mean something according to their mention in the bible. E.g. three and seven; Three is a powerful number because of the three (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) of the Godhead. Seven can be interpreted as completion because there were six days of creation- on the seventh day she blessed the earth and rested.

This post is not meant to be about religious beliefs but more on spiritual idealism. It’s how a deceased person can use numbers to communicate with the living. Once they realize the release from the body, they want to let loved ones know they are ok and to help ease their grief.

I mentioned in a previous post about my niece’s husband, Eric, passing suddenly last week from an immune disorder.. He thought he was having a gall bladder attack but when they operated he was full of infection and could not be saved.

Because I often told stories of premonitions to my niece she was naturally looking for some sort of a sign from Eric after he passed. . She knew after my son’s passing I had a communication. I will not write about those experiences now but about the numbers Eric talked about previous to his death.

Eric’s sister told Jane he talked with her only a few days before his passing about the latest podcast he was listening to. It explained the meaning of the numbers 11:11 or 1:11. He went into detail about how its a sign from loved ones trying to tell you they are ok. He said next time you’re thinking of Papa, check the time.

His conversation with his sister was prophetic for this is the means he seems to be communicating to loved ones after he passed. It was another coincidence his favorite song was the following 11.11.


The other night Jane woke from a dead sleep, she looked at the clock, it was 11:11. Wednesday afternoon Eric’s sister was adding words to a memorial rock that her mom painted and she pressed the button on her phone to see if she missed any texts or calls, 1:11 popped up on the phone. She knew without a doubt that it was Eric letting them know he was ok. He’d made the transaction from his earthy body to the next level or plane and used the numbers 11 he talked about from the podcast.

I know it sounds unbelievable or a coincidence but I think Eric stopped by to say hello to me.

After closing off my call with Jane, I went to wind the clock (above photo). It is an old clock I’ve had for years and wind it up by a key. I was taken by surprise when I looked at the clock face ~ time had stopped at 11 ~ both clock hands resting on eleven and the date showing 11. The date never worked properly but odd it was on 11.

I then set it at the right time and the clock bonged loudly for at least ten minutes. Normally the clock bongs on the hour and half hour to announce the time. I’d never heard it bong continually like that before. There was no way I could stop this crazy donging without breaking the clock’s mechanism.

Eric was a prankster! He knew I loved a good ghost story and was leaving me with one.

The messages from Eric, by use of numbers, in no way lessened my niece’s sorrow at his passing but I think it gave her some comfort knowing his spirit lives on.

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to encourage a belief in numerology or the hereafter but to simply tell the story of 11.11.





This is a sad but fascinating story about the bigger meaning of it all. Do we really just die and then that's it, brick wall filter gets hit and then nothing?

I don't think so and it's stories like this and experiences that I'm pretty sure EVERYONE has but not everyone is willing to share, that adds to the "spiritual science research" that's ongoing in all of us. Deja vus are also an interesting phenomena that have happened to me quite regularly but that's a different matter.

My mum had some visitations from Nana after she moved into the next stage between her physical passing and the funeral. It makes you wonder...

Thanks Nicky @nickhavey. it is surprising how many people have had some kind of unexplained phenomenon from a close family member who passed.

Your mother’s story would be interesting. Some people won’t talk about it in case they are ridiculed.

My brother and I also had messages from our mother that were unexplained before her passing and directly after.

There will always be people who ridicule when they don't understand something and it's not a reflection of the person telling the story about what happened. Sadly, when people don't understand something, they get frustrated and take it out on those who are more open minded, it's the way it goes.

I love hearing this kind of stuff which would go against what people would judge me by given my PhD in a very factual, science based engineering degree. Researching facts and figures wasn't the only thing I was looking into but rather a whole mind opening experience and along the way, stories and events of unexplained phenomenon happened.

It just depends on how far down the rabbit hole people want to go and are comfortable with hey :)

For people who ridicule, if they have one unexplained encounter, this will change their viewpoint.
My sister is an engineer and she had an encounter as a child when my young brother passed. Not understanding can make it frightening. To this day she doesn’t like to talk about it.

Me? I’m the one who keeps the family history of forerunners, banshees and apparitions going.

I'm sorry for your niece's loss @redheadpei! I did enjoy your story very much and believe often times the departed find ways to give us signs..sometimes we don't always recognize them but I'm glad his signs came through and were recognized. 🤗 💞

Thanks Dee. I knew you would know and understand these happenings. It will be difficult for my niece now raising the two young boys (Grade 8 and Grade 4) without Eric.

You are welcome Jo!! Blessings to your niece and her boys!! 🙏 💞

Thanks for the blessings Dee. 💕

This might explain why one of my now deceased friends used to always post "11:11" at 11:11 every night. The day after he died I happened to look at a clock at exactly 11:11, and I posted it for him.
I'm glad he made the transition, and wish you all joy in knowing this.

Thanks @owasco. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

Amazing about the 11.11. I’m glad you had a affirmation of his transition.

Sorry for your loss but an interesting post nevertheless. 🌸

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So many things that the human mind cannot grasp Lady Jo. I think here of a biblical inscription that reads; "do not believe in the seen, but rather in the unseen" and it is this "unseen" that has always vexed people.

But just as well, as if we could all see it we would corrupt it by labelling and litigating it and formulizing it into principles until the "unseen" will become the false human idea of the "seen".

I hope that this makes sense to you. There are things that are happening all around us that cannot identify or fully know about, what still to understand it and every now and again we get glimpses of it such as your 11:11

I hope that your niece's husband had some policies or other means that he left behind for the wife and kids?

Thanks for your insight, Sir Stephen. So true that sometimes we only get a glimpse out of the corner of our eye.

My niece has a good job and he did too. Eric was hands on with the boys and that will be sadly missing from their lives now.

Well at at least the fact that she can provide for them is some comfort Lady Jo. They were blessed to have a father's hand during their formation years, as many of us didn't.
Sad that he is no more and now the little ones will have to soldier on through life. A consolation here is that they still have their mom, but she will have to fight her own battles. So sad indeed!
Our prayers are with them!

I am so sorry for your families loss. I have had unexplainable messages from my departed loved ones. It is a comfort. Thanks for sharing this.

Welcome Melinda. Even if we don’t fully understand, the unexplained messages are a comfort💕

I was camped on a mountain in Wyoming, 1000 miles from home and I woke up to a brilliant flash of light and a spoken message that I knew was from my grandfather, even though the words were garbeled. The next morning I knew I needed to call home, and they were so relieved that I called because they had no idea how to reach me to tell me that grandpa had died during the night. I already knew.

Thanks Melinda for sharing your paranormal experience.. How wonderful your grandfather was able to send a message to you. ♥️

Without the physical body sending a message we could understand can be difficult.

It was many years ago and it still is clear as can be.

I always saw the 11:11 or 1:11 on a daily basis, I would just count my blessing every time, thinking it as a positive vibe.

Do you think now that it was a message?

Counting your blessings is always a good thing any time @joelai. 😊

I know it means something but just cannot confirm it.

Hey Redheadpei, I to totally believe in the communication from the spirit world. They are only on another dimension through the veil. Numerology is a fascinating area. I work with Tibetan Numerology.

Hi Angie, so many people have experiences there has to be something to it.

Tibetan Numerology sounds interesting. Have you done a post on it?

Hope your weekend is going well. 😊

Numerology makes my head spin. A lot of people take it too far. I think there may be something to numbers, particularly in the Bible, but even some Christians come up some out-of-the-ordinary explanations for thing using number. That said, this was an interesting post. Thanks for sharing!

Welcome @blockurator. I’m glad you found the post interesting.

Howdy redheadpei! yes that loss was terrible but your niece can gain comfort in that remarkable communication!

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