This is a sad but fascinating story about the bigger meaning of it all. Do we really just die and then that's it, brick wall filter gets hit and then nothing?
I don't think so and it's stories like this and experiences that I'm pretty sure EVERYONE has but not everyone is willing to share, that adds to the "spiritual science research" that's ongoing in all of us. Deja vus are also an interesting phenomena that have happened to me quite regularly but that's a different matter.
My mum had some visitations from Nana after she moved into the next stage between her physical passing and the funeral. It makes you wonder...
Thanks Nicky @nickhavey. it is surprising how many people have had some kind of unexplained phenomenon from a close family member who passed.
Your mother’s story would be interesting. Some people won’t talk about it in case they are ridiculed.
My brother and I also had messages from our mother that were unexplained before her passing and directly after.
There will always be people who ridicule when they don't understand something and it's not a reflection of the person telling the story about what happened. Sadly, when people don't understand something, they get frustrated and take it out on those who are more open minded, it's the way it goes.
I love hearing this kind of stuff which would go against what people would judge me by given my PhD in a very factual, science based engineering degree. Researching facts and figures wasn't the only thing I was looking into but rather a whole mind opening experience and along the way, stories and events of unexplained phenomenon happened.
It just depends on how far down the rabbit hole people want to go and are comfortable with hey :)
For people who ridicule, if they have one unexplained encounter, this will change their viewpoint.
My sister is an engineer and she had an encounter as a child when my young brother passed. Not understanding can make it frightening. To this day she doesn’t like to talk about it.
Me? I’m the one who keeps the family history of forerunners, banshees and apparitions going.