The email that changed my life!

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago (edited)

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Isn’t it funny how as we approach the end of a year we find ourselves becoming a little more reflective than usual. The other day I was reading @zord189’s Sunday Multivitamins post in which he shared quite a bit about his personal and professional road traveled this year. It was wonderful to momentarily step into his world and shoes. Then I stumbled upon @wesphilbins Best Seasonal Thoughts Contest which I think is a really fantastic idea for a contest this time of year, so go and check it out!

Completely unrelated to the above discoveries, but not entirely disconnected – I have been doing a lot of soul searching and contemplation of late myself, for a variety of reasons and so I started looking back at my life over the last two years – essentially since I got involved in the Steem network, reading old posts and "tracking my journey" if you will. This morning, whilst contemplating my post for today, I was inspired by the thoughts and memories which had been brought to surface through that little trip down memory lane as well as by both @zord189 and @wesphilbin. So, whilst this was not initially intended to be an entry into the #bestseasonalthoughts contest, and it most likely won’t be considered a “conventional” one, I actually think it would be a very good fit for the theme and hey… why not!

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The EMAIL that changed my LIFE

In December 2017 my life was turned completely upside down and absolutely everything in my immediate sphere changed. We were on holiday at my dad’s house, as we usually visit him during the festive season. For a long time prior I had been discussing with him (and with others) that I was really beginning to take strain with the constant pressures and stress of my business. Owning a small to medium enterprise in the current South African economic climate is not for sissies I will tell you that! I had kept that ship sailing for 11 years and I was mentally and emotionally depleted.

During the holiday, I woke up one morning and picked up my phone. There was an email from the landlord for the commercial property which I rented. Now, before I get to the email, let me just add that two years prior, that shark of a man had allowed one of his good mates to open an identical business literally 3 doors away from mine – and although this was really bad business practice and incredibly unethical of him, my efforts to fight it failed, so preference of what I am about to share clearly went to the mate and not to me. Back to the email – I opened it up and in short, it told me that my lease on the two adjoined properties would not be extended and that I was to be out within the month - Three weeks to be exact.

I went cold! I read it again an again. There are no words fit to describe the level of shock and stress I was hurled into at that moment. That was my livelihood and had been for 11 years! That was my bread and butter and that of two other people as well. Eleven years of blood, sweat and tears and poof it’s just gone?! I was dumbfounded. As the reality of the email began to set in and I thought to myself there was absolutely no way I could afford to move the business as the costs to re-shape an entirely empty shell would have been enormous! This was really it! It was over, my hands were tied, there were no options, no loop holes and no way of resolve.

Despite my passion for that business and industry, I began to realise that internally, I had been feeling the urgency to get out of it more and more as the years ticked on. My ability to swallow the stress and continuously tread water was killing me from the inside out. As I began to contemplate my life without it, I noticed that I was actually overcome by a sense of relief. This was actually what I had wanted for a very long time but I did not know how to go about it and was overwhelmed with the fear and guilt of actually going through with it. The landlord removed all of that clutter by forcing his hand. After about three days, my dad asked me how I was feeling about it – I smiled and said, "like a ten ton weight has been lifted off my shoulders". Suddenly, I could breathe!

Yes, there were a lot of logistical hurdles I had to go through after that but they were simply details and I got it all done in a matter of weeks… but in that moment, that December – I was granted a gift, one that I was so desperately crying out for and it changed my life forever. Anybody who has been in the design and print industry will know the insane levels of pressure there are and I juggled ALL those balls, being in the position of owner and having a small staff compliment, I handled 90% of the production and "back of house" affairs.

Suddenly, it was all gone. It was a surreal experience actually, because my head went from a state of thought explosion to having literally nothing to think about. Despite the sadness of leaving behind something that I had put so much love and passion into… I was filled with a sense of calm.

This moment in my life also marked the beginning of my full time journey in the world of blogging and here on the Steem network. Re-living that monumental change in my life also got me thinking about how much has happened since then! I joined this space in June 2017 and have never looked back, but it was truly in December 2017 that Steem became a pivotal part of my everyday life, since the time to fully embrace it was suddenly available to me.

When I walked through these doors I knew nothing, in fact I knew less than nothing and it could probably still be debated that I don’t lol, but I have learnt “a few” things along the way. I began exploring the platform and it’s people, started to run contests and began to spread my writers wings. I started the Power House Creatives Community which was known as the @steemitbloggers back then and that was where a “hobby” turned into a passion and has remained so ever since! From the time I wake up in the morning, to the time I go to bed at night – whether I am operating from my desk or on my mobile whilst out and about, I NEVER stop working for this space and the people within it… constantly thinking about how I can better support those within our community as well as on Steem as a whole.

I have met hundreds of amazing people over the last two years and have formed many great friendships through those meetings. Some of those friendships have remained strong and others have turned into “life lessons”. I have, over time – discovered my voice within the Steem network and have acknowledged and accepted the fact that I have earned the right to have one. I have locked horns with some and simply walked away from others. Some people love me, others loathe me, several have just used me for as long as it was convenient and beneficial and plenty have tried to kick me down along the way, but I have kept my head high and continued on.

I have had days of over flowing enthusiasm and others where I struggled to source the energy to do the things that so many people had become reliant on me doing, but through all of it, at the end of the day – my passion for Steem has never dwindled and I am excited for the way forward now, more than I have ever been. With the revitalising changes and wonderful new faces in our Power House Creatives Community as well as taking the reins of representation for South Africa with the launch of @steemsouthafrica – I have NO shortage of things to look forward to in 2020.

When I look back at it all, from the start of the journey to now – it evokes so much emotion within me and as I sit here now writing this, I am filled with gratitude for being afforded a “forced” opportunity to get out of the rat race and spend my days doing something that makes me truly happy and positively impacts the lives of so many others around me. Yes, it comes with it’s own set of challenge and baggage – as everything in life does… but irrespective, I would not change it for the world!

My life is filled with beautiful people on and offline, I spend my days doing things I love for people I adore and who appreciate and respect me in return. I wake up in the morning looking FORWARD to the pending agenda and when I go to bed at night, I am excited to contemplate the next day. I went from a constant state of anxiety and stress, having frequent panic attacks and sleepless nights to the complete opposite... a life I only dreamed of just two years ago - One email that changed it all - A blessing in disguise and definitely my best seasonal thought.


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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It seems to me that you are giving the email too much credit. ;)

I see the email as being similar to a match that lights a fire. Sure, it helped you by forcing you to take a closer look at things, but it was you that looked at the situation and said "I got this," and then moved forward - not the email.

I've had a couple of somewhat similar experiences that have helped me set new directions for my life, and like you, I'm very grateful for the good karma or the blessing, or whatever "force" provides the lucky charms.

Your success shows there is no doubt that what happened to you was the right thing to happen at that time for you, just as my experiences were right for helping me to move in the right direction.

I like the way you think @free-reign! And yes, you are spot on... but it made for a catchier title hehe ;) - the marketer in me lives on! haha! Thank you for the added wind under my wings! Never goes unappreciated!

yep Too Much Credit 👍

Truly indeed a blessing in disguise.

I'm thankful for YOU and whether you realized it or not, you've impacted my life more than you know it. I've learned life lessons just watching you steer the ship and how you've dealt with people. I've watched you from behind the scenes (well not in a stalkerish way...haha) and have learned one thing... That even though there are many times people shunned you, you remained genuine and have never once let go of your life's principles.

I'm glad that when you look back now, it is all nothing but appreciation, gratefulness and the positive will to keep moving forward. Even if the situation at the time says otherwise, you've made it through and through. You are an overcomer @jaynie.

I am crying now - thanks a lot! - hehehe!

It is people like you @zord189 (and you are FEW and far between) that make the sun shine a little brighter every single day! I have long since said that we make an amazing team, mostly because you are much nicer than me :P haha, no seriously, I would never have been able to do it all without you! All our "vent" chit chats and just laughing away the nonsense! When I bumped into you in some random discord server I never thought for even a second that you would become such an integral part of my life and one of my closest friends! You have always been my balance and I could never be grateful enough for everything that you are as an individual as well as everything you do for others - again and again - completely selflessly! Humans REALLY need to take a bunch of fncking leaves out of your book!

As I always tell you, and mean every single time... I love you to the moon and back! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And now you're making me cry too. Darn onion cutting ninjas.

The amazing part is that we've never met each other in real life but can so much so, SENSE and click with one another so well.

I tell my friends about you from time to time because I realized that a lot of my life stories and experiences have you involved in it. I always treasure and appreciate our 'chats' because it always brightens up my day.


hahahaha @ onion ninjas!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

I always treasure and appreciate our 'chats' because it always brightens up my day.

Absolutely! "Madam is happy today" hahahahaha!!!

HAHAHAHA OH NO Jaynie... don't you dare... At least, not here. HAHAHAHHA Madam... XD

One would say this is synchronicity at work. Ok I would say that LOL. One door opens as another closes, it is up to you to see that open door. Many fail to see that door, you saw yours 'the blessing in disguise'. Sounds like a long crazy road . I'm glad it you chose this path. 😁

hahahaha!!!! I would say same! ;) and yes, it certainly has been! - A good one though!

There are situations in our life in which "bad news" can be a great blessing, and no doubt this was for you, it has happened a couple of times, and I always repeat, "the best is what happens" that is what makes us where we are at every moment, something very similar happened to me, and although there are days that I would like to be in the stress of a management again, the truth is that the peace and tranquility that I feel now makes me return and stop wanting that hahaha. Thanks to that email today we have you with us and you are leading one of the best steem communities, and I think I speak for most of us at PHC when I say we love you!

What a beautiful thing to say! Thank you love - that really means the world to me! And yes, you are so very accurate in what you have said! I often think back to those days and as much as I loved the daily grind, I do NOT miss that stress like you said haha!!! Love you too angel!

Well let's thank that landlord for giving us the chance to have a flaming strong-willed leader in the PHC community :D Your hard work is largely appreciated, thank you!

"thank that landlord"

HEHEHEHHEHE!!!!! Laughed over this for like 10 minutes... (am I alone on that? haha)

And thank YOU too! There are few things that come close to people that are grateful for the things that others do for them (in both directions)!

"thank that landlord"

Well I thought we were already on the positive page hahahah

There are few things that come close to people that are grateful for the things that others do for them (in both directions)!

Agreed, true gratefulness is the big prize :)

Sometimes we so stuck it takes a tsunami to get us unstuck. I'm happy for you, and happy to know you here.

hahahaha aint that the @#$%$# truth!!! Thank you!!! and I too, am blessed to have you to shae this journey with xxx

I felt the same way after I was divorced from my first wife, and although it was bad, I felt relief, and then after 10 years of single life, I met the most wonderful lady, my current wife. We must always know God has a plan for us, sometimes we don't know why we must suffer, but looking back we can see what the reason was and what we had to learn through the experience!!

Thanks for sharing.

This is so true and amusingly enough, I can ALSO say that I felt the same way when my husband and I got divorced (be a little time after... I got there). If there is one thing life has taught me it is resilience and faith! You ALWAYS end up precisely where you were meant to despite your ignorant resistance and/or fear of the way forward.

Amazing how clouds can be blessings!!! I bet he didnt know he was doing you such a favour!

Oh definitely not! In fact it was done in complete spite.... which failed haha :)

Due to a comment from @wesphilbin, then reading his post on a contest he was sponsoring, I've ended up here on this post @jaynie. I really enjoyed reading it. Always fascinating to see how people respond to these life changing events.

For your sake, as well as for those who are inspired by your leadership, all the best to you and yours for a better tomorrow!

P.S. I've bookmarked this post in SteemPeak, to refer to in the future.

Now this is a very inspiring story. I remember a similar sense of dread, and then relief, when I was laid off a few years ago; it starts with a sense of betrayal, and then comes the sense of calm and serenity. In a way it's ironic in that it stems from a situation external to you and completely outside your control. Regardless, it seems to have worked out for you! Now if only the price of Steem would increase, eh?

It certainly did work out very well @wwwiebe, thankfully haha! And yes, this price needs a boot up its arse hahahaha!!! Have a super day xxx

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