Positive Vibes Daily Challenge Fun Wednesday: Snow Day in Atlanta!
Happy Wednesday folks! I think this may be my third week joining in on the #positivechallenge for #funwednesday (started by the always uplifting @positivesteem). Apparently I like to have fun on Wednesdays. ;)
This winter has been quite an interesting one as far as weather goes down here in Atlanta, Georgia. It is not very often that we get snow, especially more than once in a season. We only got about an inch overnight, but even with that small amount it tends to shut the city down. It's not so much the snow itself, but all of the roadways are covered in ice. As anyone who has ever lived in the South knows, we just ain't equipped for that. ;)
As an adult, it can be a little bit frustrating to be housebound and miss an entire day of work. I could very easily sulk and be angry over lost wages, but instead I am going to look on the positive side of things and try to have a pleasurable unexpected day off! We did not lose power this time, so the day is already starting out much better than the last snow day about a month ago when we were without it for 24 hours.
I also think it is so fun to look out of the back window and see deer playing in the woods behind our house! They make appearances every now and then, but with the snow you can see them much better. There were four back there, but the two young buck were especially fun to watch butting heads and bounding around with each other.
They only stuck around for a little while, but I could watch them all day!
The view out of the front was very serene first thing this morning, as well. It's rare that everything is so quiet and calm. I think that is a blessing sometimes, as well. We all get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life that we rarely take time to just sit and be.
I am off to have fun catching up around the rest of the Steemit world before I figure out how I want to spend the remainder of my day at home!
Have a fantastic day everyone! And remember, try to have a little bit of fun even when your day gets an unexpected twist. ;)
It is a very strange winter indeed! Florida and Texas even had snow! In Michigan, it is normal for us to get 4-5 inches of snow in one day, and we are equipped to deal with it..with snow salt trucks as soon as they can get out.
It is good to have a slow day though!
It was fun for a day or two, but I'm happy it is thawing now! :) Tomorrow it is supposed to get up to the low 60's!
Yep, definitely. ;)
You know you are right in my wheelhouse here.
Beautiful post my dear! I love deers!
P/s: Every cloud has a silver lining! :) smile
Absolutely! A silver lining and maybe a rainbow if we're really lucky! 🤗
That would be a dusting in Wisconsin, but a disaster in the south. Better to stay home if you can and just enjoy the beauty of the snow from the safety of not-the-roads. :)
Haha! Yeah, it's not much but it's enough to make it a mess around here. I shut off the news so I didn't have to keep seeing all of the people getting stuck or worse!
The snow just started here about an hour ago. It's so beautiful. But here, as in Atlanta, snow shuts things down for a while. So, I'm sipping tea, developing recipes and cooking. Rum-roasted pineapple and yeast waffles are on the agenda. Stay warm and stay safe, @plantstoplanks! All the best!
Oh my word, Benita, you have my mouth watering with the thought of those waffles! You better post the recipe. ;) You stay warm, as well! We're not getting above freezing today, so I don't know how much relief the roads will get around here before tomorrow!
I haven't bumped into the #funwednesday tag yet - what an awesome idea!
Great shots! We've gotten about 6 times that amount of snow so far today in NH, but while schools were called off, hubby still had to go to work. I'm sulking for a different reason - LOL!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your snowday, funday, Wednesday!
The #positivechallenge is pretty new! There's a different one each day, but I seem to like Wednesdays! :)
What part of NH are you in? I have a friend who lives in Dover and works in Portsmouth. We just visited back in August! It was a great trip, though I don't think I'd enjoy it quite so much with that much snow!
Coolness - I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the tip. 😊
Holy cannoli, Batman - you were practically in my backyard! We live in Durham, and we're in Dover & Portsmouth on a regular basis. And yes, summer and fall are the seasons to visit - winter, not so much. LOL!
Nice photos! I love watching deer. Resteemed
Thank you! I don't see them often, so it's a treat when I get a chance to see what they are up to back in the woods. :)