U.S. Relations With China Were Just Destroyed, And Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again

in #politics5 years ago

Our relationship with China just went from bad to worse, and most Americans don’t even realize that we just witnessed one of the most critical foreign policy decisions of this century. The U.S. Senate just unanimously passed the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019”, and the Chinese are absolutely seething with anger. Violent protests have been rocking Hong Kong for months, and the Chinese have repeatedly accused the United States of being behind the protests. Whether that is true or not, the U.S. Senate has openly sided with the protesters by passing this bill, and there is no turning back now.

The protesters in Hong Kong have been waving American flags, singing our national anthem and they have made it exceedingly clear that they want independence from China. And all of us should certainly be able to understand why they would want that, because China is a deeply tyrannical regime. But to the Chinese government, this move by the U.S. Senate is essentially an assault on China itself. They are going to argue that the U.S. is inciting a revolution in Hong Kong, and after what the Senate has just done it will be very difficult to claim that is not true.

The Chinese take matters of internal security very seriously, and the status of Hong Kong is one of those issues that they are super sensitive about. China will never, ever compromise when it comes to Hong Kong, and if the U.S. keeps pushing this issue it could literally take us to the brink of a military conflict.

And you can forget about a comprehensive trade agreement ever happening. Even if a Democrat is elected in 2020, that Democrat is going to back what the Senate just did. That is why it was such a major deal that this bill passed by unanimous consent. It sent a message to the Chinese that Republicans and Democrats are united on this issue and that the next election is not going to change anything.

And the trade deal that President Trump was trying to put together was already on exceedingly shaky ground. “Phase one” was extremely limited, nothing was ever put in writing, and nothing was ever signed. And in recent days it became quite clear that both sides couldn’t even agree about what “phase one” was supposed to cover…

A spokesperson for China’s Commerce Ministry said earlier this month that both countries had agreed to cancel some existing tariffs simultaneously. Trump later said that he had not agreed to scrap the tariffs, lowering hopes for a deal.

“They’d like to have a rollback. I haven’t agreed to anything,” the president said.

On Tuesday, Trump was visibly frustrated by how things are going with China, and he publicly warned the Chinese that he could soon “raise the tariffs even higher”…

President Donald Trump threatened higher tariffs on Chinese goods if that country does not make a deal on trade.

The comments came during a meeting with the president’s Cabinet on Tuesday. The U.S. and China, the world’s two largest economies, have been locked in an apparent stalemate in trade negotiations that have lasted nearly two years.

“If we don’t make a deal with China, I’ll just raise the tariffs even higher,” Trump said in the meeting.

Unfortunately, raising tariffs isn’t going to fix anything at this point.

In fact, Trump can raise tariffs until the cows come home but it isn’t going to cause the Chinese to budge.

That is because on Tuesday evening everything changed.

When they passed the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019” by unanimous consent, the U.S. Senate essentially doused our relationship with China with kerosene and set it on fire. The following comes from Zero Hedge…

In a widely anticipated move, just after 6pm ET on Tuesday, the Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan bill, S.1838, showing support for pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong by requiring an annual review of whether the city is sufficiently autonomous from Beijing to justify its special trading status. In doing so, the Senate has delivered a warning to China against a violent suppression of the demonstrations, a stark contrast to President Donald Trump’s near-silence on the issue, the result of a behind the scenes agreement whereby China would allow the S&P to rise indefinitely as long as Trump kept his mouth shut.

As we reported last week, the vote marks the most aggressively diplomatic challenge to the government in Beijing just as the US and China seek to close the “Phase 1” of their agreement to end their trade war. The Senate measure would require annual reviews of Hong Kong’s special status under U.S. law to assess the extent to which China has chipped away the city’s autonomy; in light of recent events, Hong Kong would not pass. It’s unclear what would happen next.

I am finding it difficult to find the words to describe what this means to the Chinese.

We have deeply insulted their national honor, and our relationship with them will never be the same again.

Many will debate whether standing up to China on this issue was the right thing to do, but in this article I am trying to get you to understand that there will be severe consequences for what the U.S. Senate just did.

There isn’t going to be a comprehensive trade deal, the global economy is going to suffer greatly, and the Chinese now consider us to be their primary global adversary.

Shortly after the Senate passed the bill, a strongly worded statement was released by the Chinese government. The following excerpt comes from the first two paragraphs of that statement…

On November 19th, the US Senate passed the “Hong Kong Bill of Rights on Human Rights and Democracy.” The bill disregards the facts, confuses right and wrong, violates the axioms, plays with double standards, openly intervenes in Hong Kong affairs, interferes in China’s internal affairs, and seriously violates the basic norms of international law and international relations. The Chinese side strongly condemns and resolutely opposes this.

In the past five months, the persistent violent criminal acts in Hong Kong have seriously jeopardized the safety of the public’s life and property, seriously trampled on the rule of law and social order, seriously undermined Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability, and seriously challenged the bottom line of the “one country, two systems” principle. At present, what Hong Kong faces is not the so-called human rights and democracy issues, but the issue of ending the storms, maintaining the rule of law and restoring order as soon as possible. The Chinese central government will continue to firmly support the Hong Kong SAR Government in its administration of the law, firmly support the Hong Kong police in law enforcement, and firmly support the Hong Kong Judiciary in punishing violent criminals in accordance with the law, protecting the lives and property of Hong Kong residents and maintaining Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability.

For a long time I have been warning that U.S. relations with China would greatly deteriorate, and this is the biggest blow that we have seen yet.

The U.S. and China are now enemies, and ultimately that is going to result in a tremendous amount of pain for the entire planet.



"There isn’t going to be a comprehensive trade deal, the global economy is going to suffer greatly, and the Chinese now consider us to be their primary global adversary."

Trade. Ok, that's important, but is it rational to elevate trade above all else? China is presently a terrifyingly totalitarian state committing ethnic cleansing against it's Uighur minority by enslaving the men in work camps indefinitely, and delivering their wives to ethnically Han men to whom the Chinese government gives these women as property, chattel.

Now, folks may consider that in international relations, such matters are internal to sovereign nations, and none of our business. I reckon that enriching such nations as commit predatory genocidal assaults by trading with them aiding and abetting their crimes against humanity, and I personally would rather starve or bleed to death on the street than assist China in genocide.

Frankly, given that China is such a despicable tyranny it makes the UK look like Disneyland and the USA Wally World, they were never our friends anyway. I recall that when Dick Nixon opened relations with China in the 1970s, one of his aides asked a Chinese official what they thought of the US revolution and democracy. The reported reply was 'Too soon to tell.'

The Chinese culture, notable for Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' amongst other things, is known for playing the long game, and has resulted from millenia of barbarian conquest and enslavement on a scale that most in the West can't even imagine. Dissemblance and posturing as allies is highly recommended by Sun Tzu, and the SOP of Chinese foreign policy.

That Nixon buddied up to such vampiric totalitarianism as China reveals not that China are equal trading partners or a sovereign nation, but that Western banksters could give a shit about human rights, freedom, and just government, but don't. I suspect the bankster cabal goes to China and takes fucking notes on how to utterly chattelize human beings for fun and profit.

Fuck China, Fuck banksters, and fuck any traitors that would suck up to any of their ilk for one second without plotting to hang them from the nearest tree.


Edit: we have always been at war with East Asia. Or was that Oceania?

the trade war will be settled unless the people who control china and amerika (the same people control both of them) make a deal otherwise throughout history whenever a new power comes along most leading powers will attack because if they dont they move down to second or third place
by 2030 chna will have twice the size of economy as the US but its not up to trump or chinas leader since they are controlled and manipulated by the same forces
good article
there is not a lot that i ever disagree with what you guys publish
have a great evening

in saying what i said above even if they make a deal we will maybe go to war anyway
the foreign minister of china said they will not make the mistake that the nazis made and to me that is terrifying especially when you have people in our govt working for the chinese govt and the social credit score being implemented there is a test run for amerika and just like agenda 21 is a test run for the rest of the world in south africa
great post bud and keep up the great work
julian assange should have run to russia like snowden
they got all is password keys and if you are in there and helped him you should get the fuck out of there since you will get the same treatment as him and i know you have had your problems with the dirty thieving murdering establishment
bless you sir and have a great evening

The so-called "trade" war benefits all parties involved. The US Senate resolution is no accident or quirk of the moment decision. The international tension and hostility is predetermined and preplanned event to further consolidate political positions of current ruling regime in China, US, and the Eurozone. Xenophobia is old, but effective, tool of statecraft to corral the muck into blindly supporting the ruling regime. The world financial system is on the verge of another meltdown, and the conman Trump is a convenient scapegoat for an inevitable market "cycle" occurrence. For China, their monumental mismanagement of resources were due for a major correction, and the politburo standing committee can blame the evil 'Muricans for their inevitable economic collapse. Blaming the "other" is an ingrained, foundational characteristic of humanity that has and will continue to direct human behaviors till the end of time.

Soon or later there will be a revolution in china. As soon as they see Hong Kong people getting their freedom, others will wake up .

i think there will be a revolution on the entire planet but which ones will be real or not is a different story
the ones with media showing there is a revolution in the US will not be a real revelution it the media in the US says there is nothing to fear and stay in your house then you know a real revolution is happening
have a good evening bud

thas for the reply bud and that is common sense but unfortunately most dont have any common sense anymore or at least what used to pass for commom sense lolhave a great evening

The whole world is being pushed off the precipice of violent rebellion purposefully IMHO. I am convinced that is what the CO2 alarmism is intended to achieve, with outrageous and thuggish groups like Antifa funded by the deep pockets of extranational corporate equity holders in order to cow those they can, and outrage those they can't.

From the Yellow Jackets in France, still protesting, to the new outrage in Chile, to the near armed revolt in Oregon last year with the leftist Governor threatening to arrest political opponents with state police, and only backing down when replied to with a guarantee of armed resistance across the state, all of these protests and outrage are caused by CO2 related legislation and tax increases that threaten to depopulate rural areas and confine civilians into smart prisons, er... cities.

Overlords seek greater power and profits from the chattel most people are content to be, even if they must tolerate very meager quality of life. We free men, incapable of surviving in captivity, cannot let this come to pass, and blood will flow when the pressure mounts enough.

Civilization depends on free men, whose drive to liberty drives technological innovation and decentralization, which creates our present potential luxury quality of life. Sheep in corrals will not innovate, and overlords won't either. Censorship prevents it. Humanity depends on freedom to fulfill our sacred duty to all life on Earth which we alone can: to ensure life survives by spreading it across the universe, where free men will roam, and bring the rest along for the ride.

Totalitarianism isn't merely an inconvenience. Surveillance and tyrannical police states aren't just tough times. They're an existential threat to all life on Earth. Do not be mistaken. Banksters don't care about such philosophical musing and life on Earth. 'Apres moi, le deluge.'--Louis 14 (15? can't remember atm). They don't care about consequences to anyone or anything but their own immediate lives and lusts.

They're psychopaths, and if we let them, they will make all life on Earth extinct. The cherry on top is that they'll make newbs feel guilty for breathing while they use that guilt to render us to captivity and terminal slavery.

Life itself depends on human freedom. Liberty or Death!

could not agree more with your comment here
the banksters have no allegiance to any person or any country or any govt and the sheep still put up with their bullshit
im not one for killing others but if we had to i would start with the banksters and then the politicians
have a great day VC

I reckon HK has a low probability of gaining their independence from China. China is too heavily armed and too willing to effect total genocide for HK to have a reasonable expectation of prevailing. I note that Texas was in similar straits once, vis a vis Mexico and Texans fought anyway, taking a stand in an old mission church called the Alamo.

Everyone died in the battle with Mexican troops led by Gen. Santa Anna inside the Alamo. Later, Texans remembered the Alamo, and today Texas is no longer Mexican territory. 'Remember the Alamo!' remains relevant to Texans today.

If Hong Kong falls, every free man, woman, and child in the world will remember Hong Kong and the stand they took to defend their freedom from utterly obscene totalitarianism and Chinese crimes against humanity.

Mexico survives today. They only killed a church full of men. If China takes Hong Kong, they will destroy an entire nation, likely killing or enslaving every single person in HK to do it. The world will remember Hong Kong, and I doubt China will survive that memory long enough to pass regret for that genocide down to their children.

Remember the Alamo! Long live Hong Kong!

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The U.S. and China are now enemies, and ultimately that is going to result in a tremendous amount of pain for the entire planet.

I'm confused how you can think this is new. Deng Xiaoping openly declared it in 1991, and China's political literature has unabashedly referred to the US as "the enemy," not "an enemy" but in singular and superlative language, ever since.

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