RE: U.S. Relations With China Were Just Destroyed, And Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again
"There isn’t going to be a comprehensive trade deal, the global economy is going to suffer greatly, and the Chinese now consider us to be their primary global adversary."
Trade. Ok, that's important, but is it rational to elevate trade above all else? China is presently a terrifyingly totalitarian state committing ethnic cleansing against it's Uighur minority by enslaving the men in work camps indefinitely, and delivering their wives to ethnically Han men to whom the Chinese government gives these women as property, chattel.
Now, folks may consider that in international relations, such matters are internal to sovereign nations, and none of our business. I reckon that enriching such nations as commit predatory genocidal assaults by trading with them aiding and abetting their crimes against humanity, and I personally would rather starve or bleed to death on the street than assist China in genocide.
Frankly, given that China is such a despicable tyranny it makes the UK look like Disneyland and the USA Wally World, they were never our friends anyway. I recall that when Dick Nixon opened relations with China in the 1970s, one of his aides asked a Chinese official what they thought of the US revolution and democracy. The reported reply was 'Too soon to tell.'
The Chinese culture, notable for Sun Tzu's 'The Art of War' amongst other things, is known for playing the long game, and has resulted from millenia of barbarian conquest and enslavement on a scale that most in the West can't even imagine. Dissemblance and posturing as allies is highly recommended by Sun Tzu, and the SOP of Chinese foreign policy.
That Nixon buddied up to such vampiric totalitarianism as China reveals not that China are equal trading partners or a sovereign nation, but that Western banksters could give a shit about human rights, freedom, and just government, but don't. I suspect the bankster cabal goes to China and takes fucking notes on how to utterly chattelize human beings for fun and profit.
Fuck China, Fuck banksters, and fuck any traitors that would suck up to any of their ilk for one second without plotting to hang them from the nearest tree.
Edit: we have always been at war with East Asia. Or was that Oceania?