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RE: I Want What You Have, GIMME! I'm Taking It, I Have More Power! - Might Makes Right in Israel

in #politics8 years ago

While some of your points are valid, this article has some terribly misleading ideas.

Today's settlements on the west bank are a huge problem, just like you mention. But this is a tiny part of Israel, and saying that the entire country doesn't deserve to exist is simply hate speech.

Your map showing how the land started off as "palestine" and ended up as Israel is also very misleading. in 1917 this land was NOT in the hands of the palestinian people. It was in the hands of the Ottoman empire, and then the british government. The name "palestine" is just historic.

You argue that the land was stolen, but much of it was given to Israel through the UN (see the Partitions Plan) or through peace treaties with neighbouring countries. No one took it away forcibly from anyone else.

Your recurring references to "zionisists" and "zionist influence" also borders on hate speech, and shows your true colors.

In conclusion, your portrayal of these events is only contributing to hate, and definitely not leading towards a better solution. The best current solution would be the two states solution, which will give the palestinians the land they deserve, with Israel existing by its side. As long as either side refuses to see that the other side also has the right to exist, no solution will come and the suffering will continue for them both.


The ottoman empire owned that land? Were they there lawfully? The British empire owned that land? Were they there lawfully?