I Want What You Have, GIMME! I'm Taking It, I Have More Power! - Might Makes Right in IsraelsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Imagine one day your home is being bulldozed over... Why? Because someone else wants your land to build their house. So they just steal it from you. Sounds like a nice thing to do to someone, right? I want what you have, so I'm taking it. It's all a "might makes right" devolved consciousness and way of living.

© I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists / Facebook

Well, that's Israel for you. Self-declaring itself a nation that didn't exist in 1948, right where another country existed. But who cares about that, the "chosen ones" can do whatever they want apparently... If you want to talk about "fake news", talk to the Zionists as they are kings of fake news and lies for decades as they continue to deceive people around the world about what they did, and still do.

Israeli authorities have been speeding up the demolition of homes in Palestine in 2016. B’Tselem has been tracking systemic demolition of Palestinian homes for 12 years, and this past year is the highest on record.

@btselem, Twitter

2016 saw 274 homes demolished in the West Bank, rendering 1134 individuals(including 591 miners) homeless. East Jerusalem had 73 Palestinian homes destroyed.

Israel has been actively pursuing a policy of minimizing the number of Palestinians on land that Israel stole or keeps stealing. The Israeli authorities prohibit legal construction by Palestinians and then claim that there is illegal construction being done by Palestinians in order to destroy their homes and take their land.

This is immoral behavior to engage in by any people, let alone people who purport themselves and try to elevate themselves above others as "chosen" people from some imaginary "god" while everyone else is mere cattle "goyim". This is in their own religious books, especially in their "more sacred" Talmud that many of them say is more important than the Torah/Tanakh.

Demolition of West Bank structures results in income loss, with 48 non-residential buildings also destroyed. Many of the structures demolished were providing humanitarian assistance to families in need. Some of them were even schools:

School before, @UN_Piper

School after, @UN_Piper

Gotta have a permit to have a home or school, or else they just destroy it and force you to move away, out of any current or former (now Israeli) Palestinian lands (they hope) so that they can have it all to themselves.

You might be wondering why this keeps going on. Isn't it obvious that this is wrong? Yes it is to many, including the UN who has condemned this many times, except not to self-deluded Zionists who are only concerned about what they can take from others.

The destruction of property in an occupied territory is prohibited under international law. Palestinians keep having their land stolen from them since 1948. They have a right to adequate housing and to receive humanitarian assistance, says the UN. Israel continues to occupy Palestinian lands that they didn't completely steal in 1948.

Some homes are destroyed for "illegal building", as mentioned, because Palestinians need homes to live in, and Israel doesn't grant them permits quick enough, so they build homes anyways to survive. But that's not acceptable to a supremacist totalitarian state like Israel. Many Israeli's recognize this immorality of their statist psychopaths, and try to get it to stop.

Other homes are not destroyed merely for "permit" violations. They are destroyed so that new Israeli settlements can be built by stealing more land and expanding the dream of "Eretz Israel" (Greater Israel) to take over parts of Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt in order to re-create their fabled fictitious biblical land that they believe in their self-delusion was granted to them by some imaginary being called "god".

“This policy, which all authorities work to uphold, severely and directly violates the most fundamental human rights of tens of thousands of Palestinians, and indirectly those of hundreds of thousands more. At the same time, the policy also offers decisive evidence that Israel has long-term plans to continue controlling the area, while oppressing and dispossessing its residents."

What is Israel's justification? This is what the coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories said:

"The Civil Administration conducts enforcement operations against illegal construction in Judea and Samaria in accordance with the political echelon’s instructions."

Israel didn't exist until 1948, while Palestine did. Then Israel was created all of a sudden in 1948. After a campaign to expel Palestinians, the new map of the area was redone. And Israel keeps growing and taking more land. It's all part of their "holy" quest for "Eretz Israel".


Here is what happened in Palestine, in 1948. Click to enlarge and read.


How did they get all the military power to take over another nation? Look into WWI, The Balfour Declaration, and WWII, to understand more of how this came about.

Even when Truman was handled into approving Israel by Zionist influences in the US power structure and presidency, he scratched out the deceleration that it was a state for "Jews":

Edwin M. Wright, American foreign policy specialist and expert in the Middle East during that time, wrote about how things happened regarding the signing. Here is one excerpt of his account:

The Jewish Agency knew what was going on, but the State Department and the U. N. didn't until after the announcement came out. The reason was that Mr. Truman wanted sole credit for the recognition of Israel. He did not want it to go to anyone else, because he was anxious for the Jewish vote and Jewish money.

Zionist-"Jewish" influence of American policy has extended up until at least the second Bush presidency with all the dual-citizen neo-cons being put into positions of power to head state apparatuses, like Homeland Security.

The rabbit hole goes deeper...


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2017-02-17, 12:03pm


putting the fact that United States was the biggest supporter of Israel actions aside, USA used to control Israel time to time too(by not letting them making different mistakes and actually putting some politics in their way of invasion), I wonder with the new administration what will happen to Palestine, Israeli and countries in Middle-East(does not seem to be a very good future for people around here)

Can't upvote this enough!
Thanks for sharing and caring.

Speaking of zionist fake news we have our own zionist bastard on steemit:

I warn everyone of this liar on his own posts, which remind me that I have been slacking in regard to that.

While some of your points are valid, this article has some terribly misleading ideas.

Today's settlements on the west bank are a huge problem, just like you mention. But this is a tiny part of Israel, and saying that the entire country doesn't deserve to exist is simply hate speech.

Your map showing how the land started off as "palestine" and ended up as Israel is also very misleading. in 1917 this land was NOT in the hands of the palestinian people. It was in the hands of the Ottoman empire, and then the british government. The name "palestine" is just historic.

You argue that the land was stolen, but much of it was given to Israel through the UN (see the Partitions Plan) or through peace treaties with neighbouring countries. No one took it away forcibly from anyone else.

Your recurring references to "zionisists" and "zionist influence" also borders on hate speech, and shows your true colors.

In conclusion, your portrayal of these events is only contributing to hate, and definitely not leading towards a better solution. The best current solution would be the two states solution, which will give the palestinians the land they deserve, with Israel existing by its side. As long as either side refuses to see that the other side also has the right to exist, no solution will come and the suffering will continue for them both.

The ottoman empire owned that land? Were they there lawfully? The British empire owned that land? Were they there lawfully?

Might just vote you as witness for writing this, not everyone will say something like this but it needs to be said.

Thanks. What is your criteria for voting for witnesses?

Balance. I am learning every day what witnesses do, but my understanding is they have a lot of influence in the network.

I want to make sure the witnesses I vote for are not extremely biased, that they care to understand people as much as machines. Enough of an understanding of people to be able to explain things simply so that the less technically inclined too can participate in helping them maintain the network.

I would had expected, knowing about your religious leanings, that you would had tried to justify the theft of land. If you can justify the theft of land when seeing the pictures of the dismembered children, then you can justify the theft of steem when all you see is usernames.

knowing about your religious leanings

LOL, what?

Maybe you don't call it that but you do believe in Jehovah, right? Maybe I'm confusing your username with a similar one.

I think you're confusing me with someone else ;)


UN_Piper Robert Piper tweeted @ 04 Mar 2016 - 06:06 UTC

More demolitions by Israeli Security Forces of schools in WestBank this week. Khirbet Tana elem. school before/after https://t.co/94DZK6K3gH

btselem B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم tweeted @ 14 Feb 2017 - 13:58 UTC

2016 Record number of #WestBank home demolitions shows Israel’s intentions: control, oppress and dispossess… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

O GOOD hjälp Thanks

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