Impoundment - How Trump can give Republican swamp monsters a second chance

in #politics7 years ago

Trump can give the Republican members of the House and Senate who disgraced themselves by voting for the second biggest omnibus bill ever - worth $1.3 trillion - without even reading it - a chance to redeem themselves.

 The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974  has not been used since Ronald Reagan was in power. Basically it says the President can "impound" amounts from the omnibus bill and tell Congress he does not want to spend the money Congress allocated.

"After Congress passes, and the president signs, a spending bill, the president can ask Congress to rescind specific spending items. And crucially, Congress can approve the rescission request with a simple majority vote of each chamber. No filibusters allowed. No cloture votes of 60 senators needed." 

It would lay Republican Swamp Monsters bare. They could not hide behind the excuse they have to spend the money to get 60 votes in the Senate and needing Democrat support to pass the bill. Impoundment only requires a simple majority and the Republicans have 51 out of 100 Senators.

Think about it. Trump could go through the omnibus bill and strip out every bit of pork and wasteful spending. He could reduce that $1.3 Trillion Omnibus Bill to less then $1 Trillion and ask "Fiscally Responsible" Republicans to support him.

For a start, he could rescind:

  • all spending in excess of what the government departments requested
  • the $500 million funding to Planned Parenthood
  • Chuck Schumer's billion dollar hole in the ground (tunnel)
  • NPR funding

Impoundment will also hold President Trump to account. He has his defense spending - so he cannot use that as an excuse. Now he needs to get in and cut spending like he would in a business that was losing money. Cut, cut, and cut some more !!!

Mr President - please do not let us down.


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Honestly do you think he would do that? He would never do what he told us he would do. That would be against the unwritten rules of the money powers.
Remember this every one of them in DC are beholden to only one power. And that power is the money power that controls most aspects of every life worldwide.

The Golden rule is

He who owns the gold rules!

Time will tell - stay tuned.

I am nothing if not a glass half full guy.

Honestly I wanted to believe.
But I knew that he was chosen by the money powers.
The only candidates we hear about are the chosen ones.
If you look into the amount of airtime DJT was given it is easy to see who they wanted to win. They are still fooling everyone with the Russia narrative. Its a big puppet show.
How many promises did DJT keep?
Lock her up / No
Drain the swamp/ No filled it with more CFR members.
Build a wall /No
Stop illegal Immigration/No
End the unneeded wars / No
Can you name one big thing that the American people won? The tax breaks are for the companies and the super rich long term and short term for the American Middle Class. And the break is like 2 weeks of groceries? That winning to you?
So many people are saying that the trade war BS means something/ what did we get?
How about all the NAFTA BS/ what has changed?

The only thing that has happened is that the people that are awake know that the Republicans and Democrats are one big party with two names.

Everyone else is fighting amongst themselves, with the fake right left paradigm and our country is being destroyed. They have even divided us deeper now with the ALT right and the Far left bull sh-t.

Dividing people and playing them off against each other works till it doesn't.

It stops working suddenly when the silent majority say - we have had gutful of all this division.

I sense we are fast approaching that point - so those who have made a career of dividing folks better watch out.

I hopefully agree!

I sincerely hope that he's considering this. I wasn't aware this was an option until I saw your other post and it gives me some hope. I also hope that after this is said and done, they pick individual things they can actually accomplish and pass them one at a time with a majority vote, because the inefficiencies and extra fat associated with these giant bills are giving me a headache.

It seems entirely sensible to pass bills focused on one issue at a time - that way the merits can be properly debated, considered, and then voted on. But that is not the way of the swamp.

I think Trump should make Impoundment an annual event - I am sure there is going to be a lot of waste and pork to be cut for years to come.

It would be great to see you at the London Crypto Currency Show on 14th April! The following projects are coming to present:
@utopian-io Read their blog about the show:
@esteemapp Read their blog about the show:
@stach Read their blog about the show:
@steempress Read their blog about the show:

Also @allasyummyfood, @stephenkendal, @anarcotech & I will present. The event doors open at 09.30am and the Steem Project presentations start at 10.15am and finish at 11.30am.

There will be loads of cool steemians including some graffiti artists at our stand at the event all day where there will be presentations on the hour until 16.00. The after party starts at 17.00 at the Novotel Hammersmith.

See some blogs about the event HERE & HERE

Click here for free steemian ticket

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I would have loved to go - but sadly my day job takes preference.

Exactly how the bankers want it. Everything designed that we are so busy we don't pay attention to how bad they are ripping us off.

You mean there is wisdom to their design?

Do you think they will co-opt the crypto revolution?

The plan is more than few hundred years old. It has been very effective to date. They still control most of the money and power. They just want 100 percent control.

You don't think they are the ones behind the so called crypto-revolution?
I do it fits perfectly into their hands.
Honestly think about it. ...It only gives someone more control over our financial activity. When it becomes "the system" then it will be easy to take everything away from anyone who refuses to submit.

Have you tried to turn fiat into crypto or crypto into fiat? It is a nightmare bunch of bull you have to jump through more hoops than with traditional banking and the trading platforms will hold your money longer. They also charge more than traditional money changers in fees.
For example I put 1 k fiat into coinbase. They took my money out of my bank account after 3 days then kept it for 4 days before my 1 k became $991.00 dollars. 7 days to make a deposit with a previously verified account and ID. It cost me 9 dollars just to make a 1 k deposit. Then to buy another crypto and then turn it into steem it took another 18 dollars.
It cost me $27.00 dollars to buy $973.00 worth of steem and I have to give them ID, banking info, SSN everything.
How is that a Revolution?
How is that better?
Its only better for those who are frontrunning it and who control it!
And that is supposed to be a better system?

I was surprised by the transaction costs too.

But that is the beauty of $SBD.

That you can not convert sbd into dollars? You have to buy another crypto before you can buy steem, steempower, or sbd. That is some crazy BS. Are you being sarcastic?

I meant SBD does not have transaction fees if you trade with people using it. Sort of a unique advantage of Steem and SBD going forward. But other Crytos do and exchanges charge transaction fees on top.

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