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RE: Capitalism is the BEST System

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

I already explained every question you brought up. You aren't reading. You have a world view that you cherish and your mind is going to find a way to filter out or ignore anything that does not agree with it. This is just the normal way the mind works. It's called "cognitive dissonance."

At any rate, if you can actually say, "No one can say that it was thanks to invasions and continental looting that the progress that we see today emerged... " then we have nothing further to talk about because all you need is a history book to check my facts. No it was not the ONLY reason, but it was an associated cost of the process of "capitalism" and your graphs and charts do not factor all those deaths and centuries of slavery in.

Statistics come from every organization that has an agenda. Numbers are not "facts." I know they seem like they are when you are 18, but it is an illusion, and at some point you will probably come to realize that, just like I did.

Statistics are put together by people who want to prove something. Most of the time they leave out important numbers that contradict the premise they want to prove. In the case of your numbers, that is exactly what is happening, for reasons I already described and you have already ignored.

I suggest that you credit the people who disagree with you with having honest motives. Accusing me of being a socialist only shows me that you aren't willing to consider other points of view, and you are lashing out to defend the world view that you feel comfortable with.

I'm not a socialist, or a communist, or a capitalist, or an anything else. I'm a person who is tired of seeing this nonsense year after year. I'm tired of watching people all around the world die and live in misery and be ignored.

You live in Venezuela and so I can obviously see why right now you're on a pro-capitalism kick, but capitalism is every bit as screwed up, and right now in many other parts of the world, the results of capitalism are bringing misery and death to loads of people, like the poor civilians in Yemen who are being blown to smithereens so that the Saudis will continue to prop up the USD.

The answer is not to say socialism or capitalism is "better" and convince other people to try to join your side in a war between socialism and capitalism. The answer is to see that both sides are used to destroy the lives of the weak to make a few people rich. Then we can come together and take control of our governments and control the rich who will otherwise do whatever they want, no matter whether they are using "capitalism" or "socialism" to do it.

To them, the economic system they use to dominate the poor makes absolutely no difference. That only matters to you.

You say I only use "anecdotal evidence and sentimentality." Really, dude? Which is the extermination of the native Americans? Is that anecdotal or sentimentality? Or is it both? If you prefer to build a chart to represent those lives and all the suffering of slavery that went on, then be my guest. Think about what you're saying.


No, you didn't. Your whole argument was based on your opinion. You didn't answer why all capitalism based its success largely on invasions. In criticizing America and the most powerful corporations. You see only the bad, the horrific, but you don't see all the positive things that the world has achieved thanks to the rise of capitalism and industrial revolutions, bad things happened, enslavement, looting, invasions? Yes, but due in part to that and to the emergence of a fairly competent system up to now as far as the economy is concerned we have made a lot of progress and this is something absolutely undeniable and you can see any statistics, any place in the occidental world today. Thanks to industrialization, the world is a much better place. You just have to read about it to understand it. You're relying on "The British and Americans did bad things. So everything after that coming from them is bad."

There have been centuries of enslavement and death and yet there was absolutely no progress comparable to what there has been for 200 years to this day.

Statistics is the basis of practical and real knowledge. And although they can be manipulated for that, there are many sources. Now, if you're against statistics because everything is a conspiracy, that's fine. Fortunately, statistics are not needed in this case to realise that thanks to industrial revolutions, the business giants and therefore the capitalist system, which I repeat is not perfect, has many flaws. We live much better than before.

You can say that I am discrediting you because I think you are a socialist, but if you are against free competition and the free market you invite me to think that. I discredit you because you haven't presented any evidence to support everything you said, you just talked about invasions, genocides, slavery and associated them with the system. After that you simply talked about personal experiences and your opinion, which is anecdotal evidence.

Maybe I live in Venezuela, but, I have read, I have a family living in capitalist countries and I have learned. Reading from the most communist to the most capitalist forums, listening to debates. Doing my own research. So I can talk.

"the results of capitalism are bringing misery and death to loads of people, like the poor civilians in Yemen who are being blown to smithereens so that the Saudis will continue to prop up the USD." Really? Again with this kind of argument? "Oh, why are we still here, just to suffer"

"The answer is to see that both sides are used to destroy the lives of the weak to make a few people rich." Let's see, I can accept your vision of capitalism, but socialism? socialism basically seeks the opposite, what are you talking about? Again I repeat something if you are "weak" is not the fault of capitalism, because the system provides the tools to be able to grow economically, if you are considering that the fault for someone being poor or miserable lies with a system that allows economic freedom lacks much self-criticism.

You can't say that the extermination of the Native Americans was the fault of capitalism. It's just ridiculous, Maybe you're the one who should think about what you're saying. By the way, if the socialist model and the capitalist model do not work, what would be the model to follow?.


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