Capitalism is the BEST System

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Capitalism is characterized in short by Individual Freedom, Private Property, little Government Power and the Free Market which is a key to a good economic development and in fact it is a human principle, we have always looked for ways to exchange goods to obtain a profit, either by bartering or buying and selling in exchange for money.

In today's world we are ruled by Consumerism, a shekel of Consuming - Discarding that dictates our lives, let's be honest, we all like "new and better toys". In order to succeed, capitalism needs consumerism, it needs us to constantly buy new goods and services, this is for some negative, but it is a fundamental part of economic growth.

The number of people living in extreme poverty worldwide fell by 80 per cent between 1970 and 2006. People living on a dollar a day or less dropped dramatically from 26.8 percent of the world's population in 1970 to 5.4 percent in 2006, a decline of 80 percent. It is a truly remarkable achievement that does not receive much media coverage because it highlights the success of capitalism.

Being a system that protects private property and the fact that each person can create their own product or service and sell it in a market where it is the market that determines prices and not the government makes it a very attractive system for entrepreneurs who want to find ways to get more money.

Advantages and Disadvantages:


  • Incentive to be Efficient thanks to free competition. This point is all the more true when we look at countries that do not have a Free Market, the brands that exist that normally belong to the government tend to be very inefficient.
  • Incentive to work due to the fact that you will earn according to your effort - Effort = Reward.
  • Consumers have the choice of which product to buy.
  • Capitalism has a dynamic in which entrepreneurs and companies seek to create and develop profitable products. Therefore, they will not be stagnant, but will invest in new products that may be popular with consumers. This can lead to product development and a greater variety of products.
  • Economic Growth. Thanks to companies and individuals who face incentives to innovate and work hard, a climate of innovation and economic expansion is created, and everyone benefits greatly in the long run.
  • There are no better alternatives, the second "great" system would be Socialism/Communism and it is an absolute disaster that only destroys what Capitalism achieves.

Poverty worldwide included 94 percent of the world's population in 1820. In 2011, it was only 17 percent. What is even more incredible is that the global poverty rate was 53 per cent in 1981, making the decline from 53 per cent to 17 per cent "the fastest reduction in poverty in the history of the world".


  • Inequality is usually created and this leads to social division and very unequal societies create resentment and marked social division.
  • It does not provide equal opportunities, I mean that the poor are going to find it more difficult to get ahead, by logic, the more money you have the easier it is, that's how the world works.
  • Monopolies?. Some super powerful companies could dominate a market almost completely and thus increase prices. But the Monopoly as such is the enemy of free competition.
  • "Cold, Cold Heart." There is often a great deal of inequality between owners and those who work for businesses. Yes, because obviously being the boss you have to charge the same as the sweeper, for example, to be considered fair... Note the sarcasm.
  • When the system fails it causes a rather painful impact on the economy and of course on citizens.

Globally, low- and middle-income people experienced wage increases of 40 per cent between 1988 and 2008.

However, there is a great deal of anti-capitalist propaganda, in which only the "bad and horrific" part of the system that has brought the most progress to the world in all its history is made known, and it turns out that in the freest economies it translates into $35,000 more in per capita income than the interventionist and socialist models. It turns out that the fastest growing economies are those that adopt a more liberal institutional framework, and their average annual GDP growth is three times that of the least capitalist countries.

And not only that, but life expectancy is also higher in countries with a free economy and a devastating statistic indicates that there is twenty-five times more poverty in less liberal countries than in those that adopt the laissez-faire paradigm more, it turns out that the poorer classes are eleven times richer in liberal economies than in interventionist, socialist and anti-capitalist models.

The world is 120 times better today than it was in 1800 as a result of capitalism. Steven Horwtiz of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE), quoting author Deidre McCloskey, noted that the 120-fold figure comes from multiplying "increases in average human consumption by 7 times the increase in life expectancy worldwide (For 7 billion compared to 1 billion people).

With all this in mind, it is by no means a perfect system, but it is the best we have and certainly much better than the alternatives, it can be cruel and all they say is that if there is something that cannot be denied it is that it gives you the tools and opportunities to improve your economic status, encouraging free competition and hard work to achieve it, It gives you nothing but the opportunity to do your own thing, because the government doesn't have to give you anything, you are able to get what you want on your own and the system practically guarantees that if you work you will be able to live decently, which is not the case in Communism where you work, you will probably live badly anyway.

Under-five mortality rates declined by 49 per cent between 1990 and 2013. According to data from the World Health Organisation (WHO), this is a decline called "faster than ever". Capitalism translates into lower infant mortality rates by producing better access to medicines and living standards.

What is the Real Problem of Capitalism?

The real problem is not one of system, the problem is that the people who criticize it radically envy anyone who is better off economically or simply live better than they are and instead of doing something to try to obtain more wealth they prefer to criticize and bet on an alternative system based on stealing and hurting the people who earned their wealth so that there is "equity", because of course, everything is easier if they give it to you. And they have to understand something, if you complain about not being given a house or a car, if you are being "exploited" at work and you do absolutely nothing to get a better job or improve your situation, the problem is not the system, the problem is you.

The real problem with this system is people who do not do self-criticism, who do not have the will to aspire to more, people who prefer that everything be easy or free, who believe that they should obtain a certain amount of wealth simply because they exist. That's why there's so much Communism today, because instead of preferring to be independent and compete they prefer to have a state that will "father" them and help them survive. Some are so hypocritical that they criticize Capitalism from a Capitalist Economy, in a Capitalist Country, using a Capitalist Device and having contracted Capitalist Services.

In short, Capitalism is a system that in my opinion has more advantages than disadvantages, but the progress that the world has made thanks to it is undeniable, and although it is not perfect and still has room for improvement. It is the only currently feasible system that we know by statistics has crushed systems like Communism and until a better alternative appears it will remain the best system a country can have.

"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill


Firma de La República.jpg


Maybe the problem with capitalism isn't so much the ideal, as the fact that it is now being twisted and skewed towards dictatorship by those who have gained the most power from it (from monopolising as you said). That is no longer capitalism or free market and it gives those who favour socialism ammunition to attack the ideal.

There is something to be said for the ideals of communism and socialism too, but they seem to plunge even quicker into dictatorships, if they didn't already start out that way. It seems that is where we inevitably end up heading if any one entity gains too much power.

You are quite right that no system is perfect. There are always those that will find the holes.

Yes, Monopolies are possible, but is something that is against the Free Competition. Hollywood is a good example of Monopoly.

Maybe Socialism has some ideas "not so bad" but still I think there is nothing that Socialism/Communism will do better than Capitalism, I mean, In Economy there is no discussion, Capitalism is better and so the statistics show it. But on Social Policies?, are really necessary?. This could be a very interesing theme for another post.

You right in this, friend. Thanks for your comment. :)

This could be a very interesing theme for another post.

Let me know if you post it, I'd love to read it, but don't always manage to keep up with everything.

I totally disagree with you. All of the 'isms' of our day are direct propagators of slavery and inequality. And no, I am not some bum who is not able to make as much as my neighbor, saying this out of jealousy.

I will agree with you on the point that the real problem with any system is the people. An educated, enlightened public would never allow any of the systems of the day to hold a ruling influence over our societies. That includes capitalism.

Money is the root cause of all scarcity and has been introduced to human race as a tool to make our intangible life-energy tangible so it can be stolen from us. In a truly evolved society currency and slavery would not exist.

The saddest part of the matter is that most people are so jaded they can not even comprehend, or begin to fathom, a world without currency.

The best system does not yet exist... why do you think the world is such a mess?

Thanks for the post @daniscib!

As far as I know, there is no slavery in the West, there is no equality of course, but it has always been so throughout the history of humanity, now if we compare the world before capitalism with today's world, we will notice that thanks to the system there are now far fewer poor people than before and so the statistics say. Inequality occurs because company bosses or people with more power will obviously earn much more than a simple worker, inequality in itself is not a negative thing, inequality shows how far you can go in a capitalist system, let's remember that every individual can either improve to get a better position in his or her job or simply try his or her own business. Even if they are employed as "slaves", people have the opportunity to always aspire to more, which is completely contrary to Communism, for example.

Probably with a better education and learning a bit of economics at school, a lot of people would fall in love with the free market.

Money is now a fundamental part of our lives, whether we like it or not. So we must play by "the rules of the game" and choose the best system disponible, that is capitalism, I am not saying it is the best possible system that a human can ever create, I am saying it is the best system Right Now.

Thank you for commenting friend, it is good to talk about these things. Greetings!.

No... there are not far less poorer people in the world... and slavery DOES still exist in the west especially America.
We do not need to 'play by "the rules of the game" ' at all and this is something that many who are still dwelling in the ignorance of the matrix are unaware of.
I am a Moorish National residing in the States and I will say that I know for sure that capitalism is very destructive and has led to the downfall of my people to the point where many of my own people are ignorant to their own ignorance. May blessings of the Most High upon all who are seeking knowledge in sincere peace seeking manners inshallah,

You're wrong, Check the statistics. And slavery doesn't exists in the West, especially in America... Do you know the definition of Slavery?.

You may don't want to... But rules are the rules and in a Capitalist Country we need to play under Capitalist rules, same happens in a Communist Country where we need to play under Communist Rules.

Your third point is only Anecdotic Evidence, and doesn't prove anything, meanwhile there are statistic that demostrates what capitalism did for the world. Also, Should I repeat that I don't think that Capitalism is a perfect system?.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Capitalism and it's Fruits
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Capitalism tells you you can and can't have gold? Capitalism tells you what money is and isn't and makes iou notes the same equivalent in value to silver dollars? It's the people that can't self criticize that are the problem though, or those that criticize capitalism for masking as nothing more than socialism since the very first Congress issued gold back dollars without the gold reserves.

Another gripe is that Planned and Perceived obsolescence is something that can only exist in a capitalist system, and a capitalist system requires a surplus of labor, so another problem of "poverty" is that it's engineered into it, while lastly it profits the few in the West through the exploitation of Socialist China for the vast majority of goods, so what is capitalism without the established success of the Communist China?

Well, China is right now one of the most capitalist economies in the world, in fact, if there is a example about "Savage Capitalism" China is the best.

Capitalism is not what we think it is, capitalism is what it is.

The wages system operate in China, the profit system operate in China, accumulation of capital occur in China, externalities occur in China, inequality occur in China. This is not comunism, they are a mix, but their "Socialist Market" is just Capitalism with a make up.

Economic reforms introducing market principles began in 1978 and were carried out in two stages. The first stage, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, involved the decollectivization of agriculture, the opening up of the country to foreign investment, and permission for entrepreneurs to start businesses. However, most industry remained state-owned. The second stage of reform, in the late 1980s and 1990s, involved the privatization and contracting out of much state-owned industry and the lifting of price controls, protectionist policies, and regulations, although state monopolies in sectors such as banking and petroleum remained. The private sector grew remarkably, accounting for as much as 70 percent of China's gross domestic product by 2005. From 1978 until 2013, unprecedented growth occurred, with the economy increasing by 9.5% a year. The conservative Hu-Wen Administration more heavily regulated and controlled the economy after 2005, reversing some reforms.

They can be considered a strange Mix as a Nation, but they are one of the most Capitalist Economies.

Source in Spanish
This is a great Opinion
Cary Huang

Capitalism with a make up? Aka state capitalism. It's either capitalism or it's not, to make the point even more, it's either free trade or it's not, there's no "almost free trade".

That's the point, State Capitalism is just Capitalism with make up. Their economy is capitalist, I said that we can consider China as a Mix because in Social Policies and in their constitution they are Comunist.

There's no capitalism without free trade. There's no free trade without free association. State capitalism is an oxymoron.

At the end of the day, capitalism is a better option than socialism, most of the developed countries are capitalist and they have done very well with that system; On the other hand, socialism in no country in the world has turned out well, ends up making more poor people, and that does it well.

I think the same, Thanks for the comment bro!.

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