RE: 'We The People' of the Earth.. empower Donald Trump.. to drain the swamp in washington.. and pull the nazi stumps!
I agree that US should end the military intervention around the world because it does harm. I also believe that the US president has much less power than people believe because of the size and corruption of the entire government machinery and that the said government machinery also has very little power because it is being held hostage (or bribed) by the military and the big money which combined together are really running the show. Therefore, if Trump has any hope of staying in power, he has to be very careful and not do things that will get him impeached. As I said before, we don't have the full story, he does. There's is enough propaganda out there, so let's give him credit for what he as done against all odds rather than concentrate on the things he hasn't. On the topic of bringing home the military, what would you suggest he do with all of them when they get home to unsustainable economy, debt, and unemployment?