'We The People' of the Earth.. empower Donald Trump.. to drain the swamp in washington.. and pull the nazi stumps!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

9,000 Sealed Indictments!

Fight Like Ike..

In the 1950's President Eisenhower asked the men running area 51 what they were up to; he was basically told that the project was 'top secret beyond his clearance'.

So Ike sent them a message explaining that.. If he didn't get a full report within the week, He would take command of the 1st Army and invade area 51.

The President was immediately granted full access to area 51.

We sent Trump to sweep the swamp,
the mandate that he carries,
they might control the banking world,
but he commands our military.

Incarcerate these global ghouls
that waste so many lives,
centuries of slavery,
yet slavery survives.

Imprisoned population,
of apathy and lies,
where innocence is tortured,
and evil is disguised.

Arrest the oligarghoul-philes..
the Army's your command,
they're tired of serving monsters,
they are fathers, sons, and friends.

Restore the Magna Carta.
Bring freedom back to life.
Enforce the Constitution.
Bring back the Bill of Rights.

Stop these oligarghouls,
you know now who they are,
their crimes go on for decades,
their greed has gone too far.

Sweep the 'fakes' from 4th estate,
and free the human race,
this Earth can be a Paradise,
once we have escaped.

Don't tell us it's not possible,
we know it can't be done
by ordinary human men..
That's why we sent The Trump!

Army's fed up with sick brass.
The Navy knows their reasons.
The Air force will fly up their ass.
Marines object to treason!

Our sons know evil by its stink
love their freedom, die to save it,
will kill an order to harm us,
and arrest whoever gave it.

Complete Novel Poem @ https://steemit.com/politics/@think500/trumping-the-oligarghouls-harvesting-the-human-race-a-novel-poem


More by think500.. life in every verse.

3rd Planet

Van Gogh's Landlady...and Teaching Mediocrity

Space Case of this Black Lit Sea (and life's entangled energies)

True Tale of Cosmic Contact (ultimately incredible)

hard 'Grande River' robbing 1883 (winter)

Elemental Poetry Aspects - thoughts anew, sings true, words are few, some humor too

Dwelling In Barbaric Times

Ode to Woman

Meaning of Life Question?.. exposed as 'transcendental semantics' (turns out.. life brings its own)

Dry Rain

The early brutal 'Santa Claus?' debunking confirmation

Human Harvest Hood (transparent womb)



More great info here

wow~!!! Nice to meet you.

well.. back at ya : )

💙 Great post. Very good writing,i like this post 💙

       🎅 Thanks for Sharing  🎅

open music gif.gif

If trump can stop the rampant pedophilia in Washington, he'll have accomplished and earned my vote.

Thought I knew how bad things were for years, greed blinded murderers looting the human race. Then I find out these ghouls torture and kill children, that kids are some kind of currency in these sick cliques.

How could these creatures get any lower. How could so many know about this and be silent, with networks trafficking for decades?

So yeah I agree.. if Trump only busts the pedo-ghouls, he's doing a great job; especially since it smells like they're all the same ghouls.

Hope the Clintons and Obamas are pert of the mix

Yes wouldn't that be a happy new year, and also..

The old bush was an architect in the JFK coup according to unredacted US gov official documents just released, this is definitive irrefutable evidence.

If Trump prosecutes this high-reeking cannibal of humanity, this one act would shout out the end of tyranny around the world. Evil would implode overnight, quickly turning on itself, with many middle minions desperately seeking clemency, offered and granted immunity for telling all.

Good information Thank you for sharing 😊 Just give you up vote

great poetry @think500. just a thought..maybe one day we'll have a world where you can use your talent to write about the beauty of nature and other wonderful things rather than about evil and corruption.

Difficult to write a verse about the human experience without running into the greed ghoul's effect on things. They seem to have invaded everything but true love itself.

Like you suggest, I try to imagine a place where their omnipresent evil isn't crippling everyone known to me. I pasted a 'list of 12 earlier poem links' on the end of this piece, these are mostly philosophical, just about life, well.. except for 3rd Planet.

You're a prolific writer that's for certain. I've read the 3rd planet and only selected pieces convey a message on something I know. That's what art is however, it is meant to be appreciated and interpreted. Nice work!

3rd planet fermented for years without a word, and then I sat down one day and wrote it in 20 min. Was in the zone, flash-painting a sunset on fire.

The 'two word lines' are mostly links to specific events (or symptomatic trends) not accurately covered by MS-BS (the fake estate), the last two verses are a sign off. Endings are problematic in a freedom poem because the journey is ongoing.

My last few poems were intended to redpill ppl dumbed and deceived from birth about almost everything important, drowning in misinformation overload, struggling to retain nanosec attention spans. Apparently the poems are working on a micro scale; even the well informed seem generally receptive to the digestibility of these 'bite size facts in rhyme'.

But realistically I'm aware my work is almost irrelevant at this double digit exposure level. Moreover major social media was reprogrammed several years ago to prevent unauthorized viral ascensions, this 'idea-killing technical oppression' being a harder blow to 'Freedom of Speech' than ppl realize.

Whoa interesting, is this Micheal Savage? Just kidding. I was going to write a book on these topics but luckily I came across this platform, and could provide the content for free, and not have to publish it all at once, kind of like a newspaper article that is put out fairly regularly. The intention was to synthesize the content for everyone, from the person who has enough things going on their life and can't spend all waking hours following all subjects that make these writings to the most heavy, and ruthless in depth consumers of this information content apparently like you. Thanks again, as you know I gladly welcome all and any comments that you can bring to the content. Thanks again for the post, have a great 2018!

Glad you liked the poem.. very interesting comment and link.

Trump re-filled the swamp with inept puppets for the rich. Worse than ever before. Lies and promises broken to everyone except the top 1%. Trump will not be prosecuting anyone, but fighting his own prosecution for years to come.

Are you sure about that? These indictments have been happening for months and the "media" isn't saying a word about it. Guess we'll see once they're unsealed.

I am sure. And who would expect the MSMedia to report on indictments which may include their owners.

Indeed! And also may even include the anchors themselves! I was asking @socialmedia if he was sure about his comment, nice poem by the way!

I'm glad you like the poem. It's actually part of another 100 verse poem located here written to red-pill wake-up the sheepwalking populations.

@millennia I guess we will see, I might be wrong since Trump wants to point attention away from his own actions. I just have little faith that Trump is actually doing anything other than cover his ass.

He definitely isn't perfect, and certainly wouldn't have been anywhere close to my first pick. But, we all know that Hollywood, DC, and just the elite in general are more than likely pedophiles, if not worse, as they make no attempt to even hide it anymore. And it is rumored that a lot of these indictments are related to human/sex trafficking etc. I think (don't quote my numbers) I read that about 3,000 of those are for sure known to be related to human trafficking. And in my opinion, it is is high time someone took action on this. So, to me, even if all he does during his term is get rid of all the scum who kidnap and rape kids as part of their religion (along with the associated money laundering etc), I'm okay with that.

I agree with almost everything you say. Do you have a link to information about these sealed documents that isn't a Youtube video, social media thread, or religious website?

I can't remember where I saw that, I'm bad at skimming through stuff sometimes in a hurry. I'll look later tonight when I get home and see if I can't find you some links - guarantee it wasn't a religious website and I think I read it, not watched it on YT - this was about a month ago.

Had a few minutes before I left for dinner and I think I found the origination of this story. Came from Stillness in the Storm which is just some blog. But, the original researchers are just citizens, you can see who they are (on Twitter) at this link here - where they also link to a Google Doc showing where they got the data.

The data was compiled from pacer.gov which is an official gov site which publicly lists all court proceedings, the Google Doc is their screenshots from that site. I cannot find any MSM who has reported on this at all, and I'm not surprised considering it was a team of citizen researchers to bring it to light. The link they provided was only their research through 11/22 and doesn't include this month at all.

They also point out that these "sealed" proceedings could be anything from indictments, subpoenas, warrants, search warrants, and of course no one knows what or who they are for. But what stands out to me is the fact that there are SOOO many of them compared to previous years - and also how the Trump admin is scurrying to get empty judicial seats filled (reported by Houston Chronicle).

I know none of this is as "solid" as you'd probably like, but we live in strange times now where we can't depend on MSM to tell us what is really happening. Also, I read about the possible 3000 pedo indictments from QANON's posts on 8chan, you can look through their posts through 12/25 here. Hope this helps you in your search for truth.

PS - Jon Rappoport has also reported on this (even on InfoWars). He may be controversial, but is a well respected investigative journalist.

Hard to say what's happening or why. Maybe he's lulling them till the 9000 indictments are unsealed. I won't give up on Trump that easy. Keep in mind his mission is almost impossible.

Exactly right. He has to play his cards right and pick his battles. He has an entire establishment against him and considering the extent of the efforts to bring him down he must be a really good person if the only thing they could try to pin on him is some private comments he made a decade ago.

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