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RE: Keep Your Head Down, Don't Rock the Boat!

in #philosophy8 years ago

Wisdom comes from speaking the truth in love. People convinced against their will are of the same opinion still. If someone can talk them into a position, someone else can talk them out of it. When we create seeds of friendship, love, and understanding while not compromising on truth in any way, we are then interacting with brains in a way they are more readily capable of receiving and changing.

Yes, truth is offensive to many people and they react with primitive fear when confronted with it. At the same time, people often respond negatively not to the truth itself, but the way it was presented. Sometimes people are speaking truth, but doing so in a truly mean way.


I could say something like:

@krnel you're such a f*cking hypocrite! I can't believe you used all of these images without giving credit to the authors and citing where you got them. As an artist yourself who has had people take your work without permission, you should know better. You should be ashamed!

Does that put you into a position to rationally and unemotionally hear out my perspective and thoughtfully consider changing your behavior? Probably not. Most likely it puts you on the defensive, ready to justify your actions and defend them vigorously.

Let's compare that to this approach:

Man, great images and quotes here, @krnel! I love them. Did you create them yourself or find them online? What is I suggest giving credit to the original authors there and linking out to them so interested people like me can find out more.

Doesn't that sound better? One could argue both approaches have truth in them. Only one approach is wise.


Hahah... even better, I just realized you did link out to your older work, and I missed it. Yet another reason to be gracious with our distribution of "truth" and how we do it. If (and when) we're wrong, we don't look like complete assholes. :)

Both are truth, one is served with a side order of smackdown. :p

LOL, yup. I didn't specifically mention that, I assumed it would be obvious by what I am generally talking about. I don't advocate for that. I refer to how anyone who hears someone say something they don't like, like telling someone they did something wrong, not yelling at them, and they turn that against you as the bad guy: "not nice" "unkind" uncompassionate" on and on it goes, for just telling them frankly and bluntly what is going on. No use of swearing, or yelling... yet when you tell people they are wrong, it's perceived as an attack, even though no attach was made to viciously abuse them, etc.

And, truth = "love". Speaking the truth is the highest form of care you can give someone, if you really care about them that is. Again, I don't advocate for what you suggest as an example. Truth, with asshole abuse, is not simply
"truth", it's got some personal baggage mixed in. I'm just talking about information. Thanks for the feedback.

I like the "truth" = "love" clarification. I often think of truth = verifiable facts. Few areas of the reality we understand as humans actually have truth (math being one of them). Hard sciences come close, but even then we have trouble reproducing some studies. Facts can be delivered lovingly or not.

Humans are meat bags of emotion. As much as I've tried to avoid this reality and blast people with "truth" I've learned over the years how much more effective it can be to just plant seeds and let people come to truth on their own terms in their own time. I still confront people all day long, but it's not always my wisest choice.

I have done a lot of work on truth itself as as concept. Some of it is on Steemit. Truth takes time, is what the end of the title of my last post last night was ;)

Seeds, are still truth. Steps, prerequisite knowledge. Giving someone the punchline/conclusion (analogy from that post last night) without the joke/prerequisites, often is a fail. :)

Here is a summary on the truth types associated with how we use the word truth:


Maybe saying truth = "love" is the wrong way. If I say "love" = truth, does that change what I mean?

I'm trying to say that "love", in quotes, is the confusing term, and that real "love" towards others is caring enough about people to tell them the truth. Letting the continue to perpetuate self-inflicted suffering, is not "love", but cowardice and fear.

I also wrote a bit about it here: Do you give people what they want?

Oh yeah, those images have been on my computer for 3 years about, so I don't have sources lol. I forgot to mention that.

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