Keep Your Head Down, Don't Rock the Boat!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Be nice, kind, compassionate, tolerant, accepting; don't rock the boat, don't go against the grain, keep your head down, keep the peace, get along; avoid hassles, tension, interference, friction, controversy and conflict.

These are all euphemisms often used to get someone to be quite. i.e. to shut up.

Sadly, a lot of people live like this. Why? As I mentioned in my post yesterday, it's from FEAR.

Fear is the mind killer, as Muad'Dib wisely said in Dune.

Remember this as you learn how much of our lives is lived in fear.

The reality is that speaking truth creates friction, interference and conflict when others ignore, deny or reject it. So long as people don't agree, there is conflict. This is the sandbox for speaking truth to falsity, reality to unreality, and moving forward to a common understanding of reality. If someone doesn't care to do this or care for truth, then they are actively fighting against learning and forward progress as a cooperative group.

People need to get involved in issues. Learn, discern, understand, and take the right side. Maybe both sides are wrong. But there is a way to determine if both are wrong, or one is right. Reality, existence and truth are part of life. Discernment of right from wrong can be done.

If no one unites to stand for what is right, good and true, then those that do stand for such things, stand on their own, and their efforts won't be able to change anything. Because everyone else is too cowardly and in fear to stand up and speak honestly. You need to be detached from personal attachment and self-interest that prevent an honest assessment of reality.

If you care more about your "success" by being silent or "neutral" than standing with others who fight for themselves, others and the overall community, then you show your own sad state of consciousness, don't you? How does the mirror look? Can you see yourself honestly yet?

We lie to ourselves and fool ourselves so easily. We are our own worst enemy.

“Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Those who blindly want others to be quiet about issues, are ignorant of how reality operates and how to progress as a society or community. They expect others to conform to something wrong and let it be. "Those damned trouble-makers, seeing demons where there are none".

Of course most people live this way, we want to "feel-good" about our lives, believe everything is "fine" or "great", and not have to do anything to change anything at all. We don't like to be hassled by others, hassle others with "problems in society", or feel "judged", "insulted" or "offended" when people dare to tell us something we deny about reality. Of course, there are idiots and trolls who tell us things to purposefully insult and offend us, but that's not what I am talking about. If you lack knowledge, hence ignorant, and you get offended by being called ignorant, cry me a river of denial... boohoo. I'm ignorant too. Am I ignorant about this subject matter? No. I can talk about and explain it because I understand it.

But for these people who want to ignore issues, and not understand them, with the rejection of learning, knowledge and truth that is present, is to create an unconsciousness state of unawareness about reality. This is motivated by fear to reject, avoid, dismiss or ignore the issue. Fear constricts and prevents the evolution of consciousness towards truth and what is right.

If you want to complain about people complaining, or want to remain "neutral" and not get involved to rock the boat, then fear is running your motivations and behavior. You're not aware and active in alignment with what is right, good and true, you fear getting involved, cowering away from standing with what needs to be done or said.

Few want to unite and stand together for what is right, to change things, everyone is afraid. Fear rules most people's consciousness, trapping them with restrictions in consciousness producing an unconscious state of living. Non-action, neutrality, to let wrong persist, is not a conscious state of living. It is willfully choosing to be unconscious through ignorance of issues in reality that matter in our lives. The issues that matter the most are those related to moral truth, as I keep saying in most of my work.

So the problem just keeps going when people want to be "neutral", no get involved, keep the peace, don't rock the boat, be "nice" to everyone, and not care to know and stand for what is right over what is wrong. If you're not discerning the situation to evaluate both sides honestly, then obviously you're going to remain neutral. If both sides are wrong, then you're not neutral, you say "you're both wrong". That is a judgment at least, rather than avoid the issue, permitted your judgment can demonstrate how they are both wrong.

If you want to evolve consciousness, seeking, accepting, embodying and living truth needs to be done. Otherwise, your not evolving consciousness, and you remain unconscious in your behavior, unconscious and unaware, constricted by fear that holds you down and limits your potential to actualize a better way.

Personal relationships bias our actions towards others.

Ex: Given two identical scenarios but with different people, you will bias your relations with them. One where you don't know how someone will react and you may need their support for survival, whereas another is someone you trust and are open with the truth for survival working to learn more about reality and truth. In one scenario, you will be careful what you say to someone, for fear that it will jeopardize your ability to survival cooperatively. Being alone is not desired. The scenario with a friend whoever, allows you to feel safe, secure, with honesty and truth as the foundation for your relationship.

This microcosm applies to the macrocosm of our lives.

People are afraid to lift heir heads, speak up, go against the grain, and rock the boat to change to wake people up out of their somnambulistic unconscious dream state stuck in a fear modality of consciousness, towards a more caring, truthful, knowledgeable, understanding and wise way of life.

So, stop the bullshit and face the mirror honestly.

Stop being afraid of other people thinking that speaking the truth in reality that they don't want to hear is: “not being kind”, “not being nice”, “not being ‘loving’”, being “mean”, “hateful”, “cruel”, “judgmental”, etc. All of this can seem "harsh", "cruel", "mean", “judgmental”, “egoic”, and whatever other dismissive defensive rationalization people can come up with to not want to face the truth. There are many hard-truths to face in life, and they can indeed hurt.

“Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.”
– Fyodor Dostoyevsky


Do you want to placate, walk on eggshells, keep-the-peace, don’t make waves, don’t get hassled, don’t rock the boat, sugar coat and lie about what is going on, for fear of how others will respond? How they will treat you afterwards for daring to try to wake them up? For daring to help when they don't ask it, but you see they are confused and attached to falsity?

That is living in fear, constricting the evolution of consciousness for everyone, because when you don't care for truth, and care to help others out of their ignorance and foolishness, then you don't help them evolve, and this keeps everyone stuck in the same habits and behavior, repeating the same mistakes. Speaking truth about reality is how we are going to evolve an awareness and be empowered to change things.


Letting things fester, grow, and persist, it not a solution. That is ignorance based in fear of facing truth and dealing with reality.

If there is poison in the water, only by not taking in the poison (removing the negative) can our bodies repair and heal itself.

Only by facing the negatives, wrongs, falsity, immorality and evils in life, can we remove them, and truly heal our way of life.

When we take away the negative modalities of life, what remains is neutral, or even good. But you can't get to that neutral position of not having to worry about the negative, until you actively remove the negative by getting everyone to stop doing it. Then neutrality kicks in validly.

We have a lot of work to do as a society, yet people want to deny this personal responsibility we have to help ourselves and others change for the better. Many people view this as “intrusive”, “meddlesome”, creating “hassles” in their lives. They just want the “easy” ignorant path to “get along”, not “rock the boat”, “enjoy” themselves, “have fun”, and so they avoid the inherent friction, tension and conflict of truth that divides itself from falsity and can never unite together. Attempts to unite in ignorance is false “unity”.


We don’t do anyone any favors by letting them get away with errors in the world, just because they “want” to keep doing what they do, to “feel-good”, to “enjoy” themselves and “have fun”. Just because we want them to “like” us. Just because we always want to be “nice”, “kind” “get along” and “keep-the-peace”. Just because we don’t want to “rock the boat”, create a “hassle” or “make waves”. Just because we don’t like things to get “negative” between us. This is part of a deep psychological motivation for the “positive” and “feeling-good” related to the pleasure trap that can blind us to what we need to do.

So we keep a fake positivity-mask on in avoidance of controversy, conflict, friction, interference or tension in our lives. We fear breaking the maintenance of our relationships, our “connection” to others, and the “loyalty” we share if we speak up. Most of us don’t want to face the mirror. If someone dares to speak truth, the reaction in often “how dare you do such a thing!” even if they don’t say that verbally. It’s a lot easier to ignore the issue and keep being a coward so that the relationship can keep going on by maintaining falsity between us.

We want to be like, we want to be accepted, we want to keep our relations, even if it means being silent, not speaking up about issues, not rocking the boat, going against the grain. We want to keep our social standing and reputation in our social circles. Going against what the group favors, puts us at risk, whether in small groups or in society at large. People have been persecuted and murdered in history for speaking against the mainstream false thought.

Commonality of being, of understanding, of interests, is what builds the strongest relationships. opposites don't attract apart from electro-magnetic forces. News flash, we aren't magnets.

Unity is based in commonality with moral being, moral living, moral behavior.


The foundation for everything is based on truth. The more truth you have in common, the stronger the bond, because it it based in reality, what ‘is’, and not on a semblance of reality based on ignoring or denying the truth someone doesn’t want to face.

Not convinced of how important truth is? Think about someone lying to you, being dishonest, or betraying you. How important is that in your life? Truth is the foundation for everything.

If truth didn't matter, trust in others and loyalty towards others wouldn't be broken by betrayal, dishonesty, lying, etc. These are subconscious axiomatic intuitive non-reflective understanding we operate by in life, but it can be consciously recognized and seen. Truth is at the foundation of everything. Truth is a synonym for reality/existence.

When you sacrifice the truth, compromise the truth, when you are not honest and truthful, and you just try to keep the peace, don’t rock the boat, don’t make waves, sugarcoat it, don’t step on any toes, being fake nice, then you're not doing anyone any good in the end by letting them persist in ignorance and foolishness. It only sustains a semblance of an actual friendship, a "unity" based on ignorance, not a true friendship founded on honesty, knowledge and truth.


This is censoring yourself, being in fear, being silenced, conforming to a false sense of peace and niceness, the fear of discomfort and atrophy of critical thinking that constricts consciousness from actualizing better ways of living or doing things. Just be fearful, cowardly, and let things continue until the natural causal forces show the consequences and errors to our actions, right? Brilliant! Compromising truth and being silent is awesome!

Politeness and courtesy have overridden our sense of responsibility and duty to honesty and truth. This makes it very hard to confront others concerning falsity, lies, manipulations, deceptions, and illusions that we or others base our lives around, that create wrong-doings in the manifested reality through our behaviors and actions.

Only we can change our behavior. We are also all in this together. Getting others to think more, learn more, reflect, and understand the need for something to change, to be or not be, is hard. If we want to create real, true unity by being on the same page of understanding reality, then our relations need to be based in truth, and the care and concern to seek, accept and live the truth over falsity, right over wrong, and more specifically moral truth.


Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.

[My older work used in this: 1, 2, 3, 4]

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2016-12-29, 12:20pm


Wisdom comes from speaking the truth in love. People convinced against their will are of the same opinion still. If someone can talk them into a position, someone else can talk them out of it. When we create seeds of friendship, love, and understanding while not compromising on truth in any way, we are then interacting with brains in a way they are more readily capable of receiving and changing.

Yes, truth is offensive to many people and they react with primitive fear when confronted with it. At the same time, people often respond negatively not to the truth itself, but the way it was presented. Sometimes people are speaking truth, but doing so in a truly mean way.


I could say something like:

@krnel you're such a f*cking hypocrite! I can't believe you used all of these images without giving credit to the authors and citing where you got them. As an artist yourself who has had people take your work without permission, you should know better. You should be ashamed!

Does that put you into a position to rationally and unemotionally hear out my perspective and thoughtfully consider changing your behavior? Probably not. Most likely it puts you on the defensive, ready to justify your actions and defend them vigorously.

Let's compare that to this approach:

Man, great images and quotes here, @krnel! I love them. Did you create them yourself or find them online? What is I suggest giving credit to the original authors there and linking out to them so interested people like me can find out more.

Doesn't that sound better? One could argue both approaches have truth in them. Only one approach is wise.

Hahah... even better, I just realized you did link out to your older work, and I missed it. Yet another reason to be gracious with our distribution of "truth" and how we do it. If (and when) we're wrong, we don't look like complete assholes. :)

Both are truth, one is served with a side order of smackdown. :p

LOL, yup. I didn't specifically mention that, I assumed it would be obvious by what I am generally talking about. I don't advocate for that. I refer to how anyone who hears someone say something they don't like, like telling someone they did something wrong, not yelling at them, and they turn that against you as the bad guy: "not nice" "unkind" uncompassionate" on and on it goes, for just telling them frankly and bluntly what is going on. No use of swearing, or yelling... yet when you tell people they are wrong, it's perceived as an attack, even though no attach was made to viciously abuse them, etc.

And, truth = "love". Speaking the truth is the highest form of care you can give someone, if you really care about them that is. Again, I don't advocate for what you suggest as an example. Truth, with asshole abuse, is not simply
"truth", it's got some personal baggage mixed in. I'm just talking about information. Thanks for the feedback.

I like the "truth" = "love" clarification. I often think of truth = verifiable facts. Few areas of the reality we understand as humans actually have truth (math being one of them). Hard sciences come close, but even then we have trouble reproducing some studies. Facts can be delivered lovingly or not.

Humans are meat bags of emotion. As much as I've tried to avoid this reality and blast people with "truth" I've learned over the years how much more effective it can be to just plant seeds and let people come to truth on their own terms in their own time. I still confront people all day long, but it's not always my wisest choice.

I have done a lot of work on truth itself as as concept. Some of it is on Steemit. Truth takes time, is what the end of the title of my last post last night was ;)

Seeds, are still truth. Steps, prerequisite knowledge. Giving someone the punchline/conclusion (analogy from that post last night) without the joke/prerequisites, often is a fail. :)

Here is a summary on the truth types associated with how we use the word truth:


Maybe saying truth = "love" is the wrong way. If I say "love" = truth, does that change what I mean?

I'm trying to say that "love", in quotes, is the confusing term, and that real "love" towards others is caring enough about people to tell them the truth. Letting the continue to perpetuate self-inflicted suffering, is not "love", but cowardice and fear.

I also wrote a bit about it here: Do you give people what they want?

Oh yeah, those images have been on my computer for 3 years about, so I don't have sources lol. I forgot to mention that.

I have really enjoyed your blog articles! I don't comment on everyone, but I really value the consistency with which you blog and the quality and diversity of topics.

If we get more bloggers like you on the platform, then this place will really take off!

Hey, thanks for commenting. I appreciate the feedback and support! James also commented on yesterday's post. Thanks guys :)

I agree on upping our games as content creators, which is what I talked about as my goal on Steemit when I first joined: Steemit Succeeds if We Make it Succeed - Analysis to Help Yourself and Steemit Grow in Quality. Trying to up all of our game in life ;). I imagined a platform that outsiders can look to as a valuable quality source of content, to give it real objective value in people's live to change the world. It's my dream :) The power a platform could have to awaken people... what a force!

I'll be getting back to my more in depth quality material as I mentioned recently. Thanks for the feedback!

You totally merits this. The amount of work you put in is impressive to say the least and that's even if you'd be 10x faster to write and article than me.

I'm totally not a reference in speedy writing but either way your discipline is remarkable.

Thank you for your feedback :) I appreciate the support. It sucks when I write a "news" post, and then I write stuff like this... and they get the same payout... uh...

Except that ended up being a bad example as your second article made more than double the first one.

I enjoyed both article you just posted but I surely preferred the second.

LMAO! Yeah, a power player upvoted just like an hour ago or something. Quality for the win! Alright! Motivation! hehehehe.

The two I posted today? You mean the first one, the one on anarchy? hehehe Or the 9 species that came second was better? hehe :P

Nah I meant the articles you linked in the comment. I forgot to specify. I didn't read your newest one yet.


So true - bring out the gimp...

In this case I mean a submissive:

(1) a derrogatory term for someone that is disabled or has a medicial problem that results in physical impairment.

(2) An insult implying that someone is incompetent, stupid, etc. Can also be used to imply that the person is uncool or can't/won't do what everyone else is doing.

(3) A sex slave or submissive, usually male, as popularlized by the movie Pulp Fiction.
Look at that gimp in the wheelchair

Dude, quit being a gimp and take a hit!

Bring out the gimp!

This is my very recent experience with this phenomenon on steemit..
Someone said "So what" when I commented to their article (about providing your physician with your genome sequence, as it has become increasingly cheap) that doctors receive little to no nutritional training and purport vaccines as efficacious and chemotherapy and radiation, known carcinogens, as cancer treatments. When I showed that googling "radiation causes cancer" shows the first result as saying "not all radiation causes cancer.. learn more" from the "trusty", and when you follow that link and consider the information presented there, you realize there isn't anything else to learn more about cancer not being caused by radiation, but a whole bunch of stuff admitting to the fact cancer being caused by both radiation and chemotherapy, to which the user told me that I was on a bad path, and wasn't being rational..
All I could do was question her conclusion that I wasn't being rational, but I doubt that I'll have a response. I questioned the doctors' trustworthiness and general knowledge about nutrition and diet, a very dangerous attitude and here I am wondering if what I said would even be considered.

Geez eh? Doctors and nutrition.. what a joke! Yeah connecting dots isn't "rational" lol...

People are so attached to themselves, the illusion of being "right" with their tacit acceptance of information they have been fed and conditioned to believe in. Critical thinking is a lost art that is sorely needed. Thanks for the feedback.

I find that as I get older, I seem to be less afraid of what others think. Is this just getting older and crankier and not giving a grackle what anyone else thinks?

The other aspect that I think is important is being able to face the truth from others, with understanding and consideration, if not necessarily instant acceptance of it as being a valid fact, at least the realisation that this is their truth as they see it.

Indeed, we have to be comfortable being alone, and not fear losing friends or ended up "abandoned" from speaking truth people don't want to hear.

Face the truth in myself for sure, this is about truth all around. Face the mirror, face reality, in all honestly, and see things as they are. Detach from the personal attachment and let go of what is blinding us from seeing reality.

I mentioned in my post yesterday that we need to honestly evaluate information, not simply accept it tacitly, nor reject it as pointed out and emphasized here.

Thanks for the feedback. :)

So you're saying as I get older, I care less about being alone? :)

Not necessarily. It's part of being comfortable standing on our own and not being dependent on the approval of others, so we are comfortable being alone and saying things that can cause people to reject us from their lives. Fear of losing people prevents us from saying what needs to be said.

Like I'm speaking on issues, and people will dislike me for it. I might get less upvotes from people who don't want to hear this, or even a flag if it "offends" someone or they see it as "causing trouble" on Steemit, etc. I could be silent, and just keep focusing on myself, and trying to be "successful", by letting everyone do what they want and not object to what is happening.

Thanks for the support :D And my pleasure ;)

I agree totally. As someone who strives to speak the truth I encountered hostility when I sought to challenge the dishonest conduct of one well known Steemian.

`Some people think I am rude, I wish we were all nude'. Prince. Great post, may 2017 bring forward all the truth tellers. Happy new year!

Have you looked into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Vaguely, ACT, cognitive therapy, I may be aware of some methodologies but have not looked into it much.

You should, it's the same sentiment you're evoking here, of facing the uncomfortable and with curiosity and interest investigating those uncomfortable things from many different dimensions.

awesome quotes to live by. thanks!

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