
@landyachtzgirl Hey don't worry you're not alone, lots of people are feeling like you. It's perfectly normal to feel isolated when you understand the world is nothing like you've been told, don't worry these thoughts will pass. These are a few words that didn't make the final cut (I may add them for the second part) "you're not insane, it's the world that's insane and you're being driven mad trying to make sense of it" . Try to let your thoughts go, find a way to quiet your mind and let the river of life carry you along for a bit.

It all just feels so wrong. And I'm ANGRY. I'm angry that our given right to have a happy and free life has been taken from us. I live in a county where it is ILLEGAL to collect rainwater to filter and drink. How can you make nature illegal? They do whatever they can to keep us trapped in the grid, running around in this hamster wheel to collect money that doesn't even have a gold standard anymore. I'm a cashier at Whole Foods and my entire shift all I can think about is how badly I want to blow my brains out because life just feels so meaningless. I have discovered that I'm nothing but a wage slave. But the most depressing aspect is that everyone around me is also a wage slave, but no one seems to notice, let alone listen when you try to inform them of their own slavery. I genuinely feel like Winston from 1984. I have this burning passion in me to get a group of us like minded people together to actually DO something about this. I don't even care if I'm murdered by them at this point. I would rather stand up and try to wake people up than to just let the elite roll over us. I swear to god I will take one of them down with me