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RE: It's Okay to Disagree

in #philosophy6 years ago

When you grasp the bigger picture, as you obviously do, this behavior from others will leave you in a slack jawed state right?

I love debate, and actually, I love when people smash my logic in a respectful way , a way that I'm able to intelligently look at and say "yes, you are absolutely right." I notice this isn't the case with many ,they will debate shit in a heated manner, and do not like to be challenged in their beliefs... Well excuuuuuuuuse me.. lol.

You get it man..

A magician will distract you with one hand, while performing a trick with the other in plain sight, in which, you were too distracted to notice. 🤔


Haha yeah people will leave you pretty shocked sometimes.

It is always nice when you run into someone what can give you a good run for your money in a debate. I think the problem people have is that they have a hard time seprating their pride from the things that they hold to be true so when something that they think is questioned, they take it personally.

Ah, pride and ego, indeed. I struggle with it myself at times, but I do love a good debate. I'm just pretty adamant about it being respectful. One could even say that is a bit ego driven.

But I don't see any reason for name calling, and bashing of one's character or intellect, even when the difference of opinion is pretty extreme. Seems simple to me, but volatility in human nature is really high right now. I choose not to hate others that have extreme difference in beliefs. If their hearts are filled with hatred, I feel sympathetic for them.

If someone is so bound by their beliefs, that they will turn their back on you the instant they find something disagreeable, well, I guess that is their problem. The open minded will align with the open minded. The extreme haters, arguers, drama-ists lol what ever you want to call them, are comfortable in their living hell. Leave them be I say, and welcome them with open arms when they are ready to shift.

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