Philosophical discussion panel; Are all possible realities existing simultaneously?


Quantum science has proven via various experiments that - at least on the quantum level - reality doesn't exist until we measure it.

This is on a quantum scale, but, as they say - as above, so below, as below, so above.

From my understanding, reality does not exist until it is directly experienced. And yes, measuring reality is experiencing reality.

In my second installment of universal law, I explained that everything is mental. That the entire known universe - and in fact everything that is, ever was, or ever will be - originated first from thought, from imagination.

My understanding is that the only true reality is the formlessness of unorigination as described in detail in this post

Meaning that everything that takes form is derived from the same formless energy.

And that from that state of unorigination - that pregnant state of no space and no time - everything originated.

Thus everything is in its essence this same source - this unorigination.

And so I am here, in your mind (as which ever fictional character you create me as), to pose a simple question.

If it is true that everything is of the same source and that this source is the mind which creates worlds and universes, and that reality is what is conjured up as the by product of thought - then is there really any limit to what realities are in existence?

What if all possible realities are in existence, just waiting to be experienced?

What if reality is not, as we may believe, subject to space and time, but space and time are subject to reality, which is subject to imaginative thought?

What if all realities are existing simultaneously, and it is only through experiencing reality that it is linear?

What if realities are literally stacked on top of each other...or even existing in the same space?

This would mean that even as we are experiencing reality here in 2017, there is still a version of earth that exists in 1940....and there are even multiple variations of earth existing in that time....variations where Nazi Germany won the war and variations where there was no war at all.....all existing now.

It would mean that for every choice made, there also exists its opposite; it would mean that everything that is possible to exist as a reality - to exist as a by product of experience - exists NOW.

And if you tapped into another frequency, you'd be tapping into another reality.

Perhaps this is why there are reported cases of people who have crossed a road and found themselves in a different version of earth.

Perhaps this is why the Mandela effect is an actual plausible phenomenon.

If it is true that time is indeed an illusion, and that all possible realities exist NOW, then this would mean that our whole definition of time and space as foundations in the algorithm of the inner workings of this universe are inherently flawed.

It would mean that all realities exist, but can not be measured to exist unless they are experienced.

This clip from doctor strange orchestrates this perfectly, and is relatively short.

Think about it....

Can you see it as possible? That all realities exist NOW ?

Please, tell me your thoughts.....

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As always, I thank you for your loyal attention.

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I love the dr. Strange reference. And the matrix, are both good examples of the Truth being out there. But since there are many truths, they can all be lived simoultaniously, you may see the spoon never bend if you believe its not possible,and another person may see it right beside you. Just like how many people remember Nelson Mandela Dying, in Africa, and many more witnessed him die in America. But because of the internet, people communicated their realities, and people were shocked to realize many things change over time, and when a vast number of people choose the same reality, it can shift, and effect the whole world.

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I do believe this, and many things can be looked at and interpreted through this model of reality. For instance, some people may believe in the power of their mind or positive thinking - to shape their future or alter their reality. But if we assume all possibilities exist, then we cannot alter anything, rather we are just choosing which reality our consciousness perceives.
To put it in terms of a scene many might remember from The Matrix,

Boy: Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: There is no spoon.

I would edit the conversation to this...

Boy: Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: The spoon is already bent.

As the boy goes on to say "Then you will see, it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself." the same basic conclusion is reached.

Very interesting perspective...I believe that this is true...that we are only choosing realities...however I believe too that the mind and consciousness is more deeply evolved....almost like we engineer possible realities that we then choose...

I have a feeling that the only way to know is to return to the same consciousness that all things originated from.

Or what some call "the source"

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