RE: Philosophical discussion panel; Are all possible realities existing simultaneously?
I do believe this, and many things can be looked at and interpreted through this model of reality. For instance, some people may believe in the power of their mind or positive thinking - to shape their future or alter their reality. But if we assume all possibilities exist, then we cannot alter anything, rather we are just choosing which reality our consciousness perceives.
To put it in terms of a scene many might remember from The Matrix,
Boy: Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: There is no spoon.
I would edit the conversation to this...
Boy: Do not try to bend the spoon; that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Boy: The spoon is already bent.
As the boy goes on to say "Then you will see, it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself." the same basic conclusion is reached.
Very interesting perspective...I believe that this is true...that we are only choosing realities...however I believe too that the mind and consciousness is more deeply evolved....almost like we engineer possible realities that we then choose...
I have a feeling that the only way to know is to return to the same consciousness that all things originated from.
Or what some call "the source"