Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Surviving the end...)

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

Apologies with being so late in resolving the last Giveaway and sending this next one up! I was a bit out of reliable internet access (or at least access that I could trust...) and so I've been falling a bit behind on posting and replying... Also emails, and other stuff... but that isn't as much fun!

Anyway, whilst I was away on tour, I was playing games that are based upon a survival mechanic. Either in running a colony or as a single person. Anyway, this got me to thinking about how prepared we all might be in the even that a disaster struck?

My Question

  1. How do you think you would fare in an end of modern civilisation scenario? Could be flooding, natural disaster, disease or zombie...

My sample answer


Quite honestly, I would probably not last too long in an end of society scenario. Our house does have a stock of food and water, and also some basic medicines (and a crapload of spirits and other high strength alcohol!). And there is a small garden with some vegetables and fruit (but not that much...). So I guess from the point of view of food we could hold out for a week or two...

I have a couple of solar panels for charging electrical stuff... so, assuming the GPS satellites are still up and functioning, that could be useful. At the very least, we could still play on the Nintendo Switch! Plus a bookshelf of books that I've been meaning to read, so from the point of view of entertainment, we are sorted for a long stay!

From the point of view of a defensive position, we have a house with a pretty narrow staircase, so I guess we would be safe upstairs from potential looters and scavengers. They are also protected by baby/toddler gates, and those are notoriously difficult to open if you don't know the trick to opening them!

I also have a weakish non-composite bow (30 pound draw from memory) and arrow as my only real weapons. I think it would be more annoying to be hit by it rather than life threatening. Plus, the arrows are target arrows and not serrated or bladed arrows... so more annoyance again! Added to that is the fact that I've not really kept up with the sport of archery, and so you would probably need to stand still for a little bit for me to hit you... and probably give me a couple of extra shots!

A toddler and a very young girl don't add to the survival equation either... Extra mouths to feed, although the young one has a scream that would probably daze a wandering zombie, whilst the older one has the special power of sleeping through a fireworks display.

So, I'm pretty sure that if there were adversaries, we would be screwed! However, apart from that, we should be okay for a week or two if we weren't to devastated by the first wave of whatever it was that took society down!


  1. Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
  2. Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
  3. In the comments, answer as best as you can the questions that are posed in the "My Questions"!
  4. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
  5. I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!

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In our current state of economy? I think I would last between 5 or 7 days, tops.

After the initial looting, shelves in supermarkets would be empty and we don't produce enough to sustain our own population. We'd all be FUBAR.

Yup... then we get to see what is really valuable! Seeds, food supplies... all worth something! But you are right, without advanced agriculture and a transport network, we are screwed!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

Like most people I would last a week or two. I believe that coming together as a community would be the only way most people could survive. Being food production is not prevalent in the city most would not fair well.

Yes, I think most people would rapidly move away from cities... it is too hard to grow food, and we are heavily dependent on an advanced transportation network to deliver food to us!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

This reminds me of a Dilbert cartoon where someone asks him if he's well-stocked for an emergency situation and he says yes. Then they ask him if he owns a lot of weapons and he says no. Then they ask for his address!

We have a good amount of canned goods and bottled water and a variety of weapons. I give us two months.

Haha... that's hilarious, I'm a huge fan of Dilbert, but I don't think I've seen that one! Sounds like you are pretty well prepared though!

Found it! Funnier than how I remembered it!
(Right click, 'view image' to see it a bit larger.)

Haha! I think I had seen this, but I didn't remember it straight away! I love Dilbert... definitely one of my favourite strips!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

Hehe, I hope the zombies will be polite enough to give you time to aim with your bow ^^ (perhaps this could work with japanese zombies).

I think the only way I'd do well would be with a small community of survivors. I'm good with food (growing, cooking, preserving food through fermentation, making alcohol, identifying wild edible food), also I know a fair amount about medicinal plants. Perhaps with these skills I could barter ie. for weapons or protection. Also my cold blood would help me, I don't think I've ever lost my calmness, so perhaps I'd be able to help my small community to stay cool and rational, which would be helpful for long-term survival. I never needed much to be content, so if I could find a small hidden cave somewhere and grow a garden there with some non-zombies I might have a chance at survival.

Thanks for the contest, that was an interesting question.

I think I would also have to be part of a community as well... I'm teribly with all the things that you can do, but I'd be hoping that an analytical mind could be worth something (and not just as zombie fodder). Musical knowledge might not be worth much, but the physics and science might be hyper useful!

Hehe yes your knowledge of physics might be useful. Build a trebuchet and go medieval on those zombies/barbarian looters! And I wouldn't be surprised if they were aversed to classical music, with which you may save the world.

Posted using Partiko Android

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I actually think you are more prepared than I am, but that I'd be ok. I'm not worrying about resources on hand. One should have enough to survive the initial fear, but after that, it should be more about skillz.
Scavenging is something I've always been good at, and also communication in dangerous circumstances, which I think will be essential to the scariest moments.

Then it will be about evaluating the particular circumstances. Can we travel to a non-city to escape whatever it is? Do we need to rebuild society? I think I have the get-along-with-others traits that will help us get going again.

Posted using Partiko Android

So you would try for the negotiator/communicator route! Definitely something that would be needed for the interaction between semi-hostile or at least very wary factions!

Fingers crossed that the scary things can be reasonable.

Posted using Partiko Android

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

So this is one of those things that most of us have thought about. Thank you, The Walking Dead. I am in the same spot of you when it comes to have two little girls that would be a big problem. We do have solar power and water and a lot of food and baby powered in the food. Also I have a BBQ that runs on propane so I could cook on that for a while. I know how to use a gun but don't have one. I have been thinking about changing that but so hard with little ones around.

My home is one story with a hall way that leads to the back bedrooms so it would be pretty easy to block if needed. Yet for a human invader the windows in each room would be and issue. I do have a few knifes and I know in general the theories of self defense with them but I am not counting on winning many fights. The one thing I got going for me I think is my street. I know my neighbors pretty well and I think that we would team up at least at the start of a major issue. I know once a few weeks pasted and food was tight that would be tested.

The truth is guys with a wife that doesn't fight, a 11 month and a 3 year girl is going to be very hard pressed to last more than a few weeks without some major issues. You are reminding me that I meant to get a supply of powder food haha.

Haha... yes, powdered baby food! We could all probably live on that for a while... I think the biggest thing for survival is getting on with the community around you. They are going to be the people that you will band together with to help get through....

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

I feel pretty confident for surviving a collapse having been into prepping for years and living in a more isolated area. Our lives would definitely change but we would have food, water, clothing, books, set up to protect ourselves living in the forest. My greatest loss would be loosing my online communities for I would be connecting more with our physical community.

Wow, it sounds like you are really quite well prepared in case of disaster. Yes, I agree, the biggest loss would be the friends and people that we have met and bonded with online, with no ability to rebuild the network infrastructure in a quick time!

I know this is quite possible if the grid goes down. Time to appreciate and deepen those relationships while we are able! We have so much to share with each other.

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

I believe that I would survive a good bit of time. I have alot of family that lives in the country on a lot of acres, I also have bug out bags that are already packed with a substantial amount of survival items that I could last for at least 72 hours on so I would not have to wste time and fight to the WalMart lol!!!

I have guns to get me to their land and then they have long range guns and we would camp out on the roof. Take the high ground!

Ha ha, now the big question is... Are you on good terms with your extended family!

The winners of this SBI contest and the new one (Traditions and Customs) can be found here:

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