RE: ‘I do not feel comfortable. Can you please grab him?’
Nah, I don't think it's going to matter here. You have to see the development going on. They are even spending untold millions of dollars to remove the dam to return the river to it's natural flow and allow for kayaking the rapids. (Though I am not convinced that's the best thing, when they first proposed this about three, four years ago they said it would take two billion to remove old industrial sludge from the bottom of the river first, they aren't talking that anymore so I am thinking they are just going to let it wash out into the Great Lakes) It's suppose to be completed as early as 2020. I've lived here basically mortgage free because the rent I collect covers the mortgage, any young couple will pay the asking price to be near a up and coming area as long as their credit can get them living rent/mortgage free. You can't touch a one bedroom downtown for less then 1000 to 1200 a month, that's a significant savings. I sell now with no new roof and some kitchen upgrades I'd take in about 110,000 to 115,000, if I wait put on a new roof and do some upgrades I can see getting above 150,000 because I also have the added benefit of living across from a park. The main street that runs along the park to the north is host to a whole new set of development right now including a major grocery store. Plus the zoo is within walking distance, and school options are variable if you don't want to send your kids to neighborhood school. Like I said it's ironic, what I thought was the worse decision I ever made might turn out to be the best. I lived down the road when I was a toddler, then I ended up living down on the south end of my road as a teenager, I hated it, I never wanted to come back here. I was just just going to be here five years...yeah, well never tell yourself stuff like that because shit happens.
you should go buy your dream house wherever that is and rent out both sides and have the property management company do everything.
so it goes.
Yeah I am very close to making a decision that way. I am thinking by this coming spring I can get something going. I've been putting it off because right now my son lives there and I watch my grandson between shift changes between him and his girlfriend, I use to watch him longer when they were both on second. She also works a part time job during the week on Tues and Thurs I had him and his brother from a prior relationship she had before my son. Little ones are vulnerable to babysitters if you don't get a good one. This year he entered all day pre school so that takes care of the daytime babysitting I don't have to worry about who is babysitting him. He is also getting where he can communicate in detail about things so it will be much easier for him to tell if someone isn't being nice or feels he is being hurt or mistreated. I love that little guy to pieces, we are really close. I am close to the other grand kids also but their grandpa on their moms side gets thousands in tribal money so he buys them all sorts of stuff, it happens but it's rare they give up a visit with grandpa over grandma....they just haven't learned that money can't buy everything.
I hope they appreciate the free on-demand child care!
Actually I don't mind doing "scheduled" sitting knowing I am helping keep him safe, what I hate is like what they did today. I wondered why she was being extra nice this week. She planned to go out of town on some retreat this weekend which started early today. I go out the door to go somewhere and my sons standing there already late for work asking me if I'd watch the kids that she went on a retreat. He tried to justify it by saying she doesn't get to do a lot of things, get away for a bit. I told him I don't have any sympathy that way. I could care less. It's not like her and I are chummy chummy anyway, you can't talk to her about anything because everything is someone else's fault. She may be a hard worker at work and I'll grant her that but basically she is a slob when it comes to housework. My son is a slob also, I swear I am cursed in this life. I have one son and his girlfriend are real neat, then I have one son and his girlfriend who are's not like I could have been blessed with each son getting just the opposite of how they are. I tell her that most women just do whatever it takes at some point, she says not until she gets fifty fifty. I told her good luck with that there's many woman still looking for Mr Fifty Fifty out there somewhere, the chance she's getting fifty fifty is slim to none. Needless to say anything I had planned wasn't going to get done, you can't do concrete work when you have two kids constantly needing something. It's stuff like this that makes me wish my grandson was older, he's my last baby-kin (as I tell him) more than likely, she can't have anymore and I don't think my other son and his girlfriend plan on having more than the three they have.
You provide free housekeeping services as well? They sure are lucky.
Sounds like only a few more years of obligation and then you can ride off into the sunset! Except then the great grand kids come.
No, I just tell them get it cleaned up or you will be getting out. They know there's a limit. If they continue to give me flack I tell them you either come together and figure it out or decide it's time you each go your own way. I don't go over there and babysit, even during the school year when it would work out better for the kids if they weren't woke up to send them home, nobody wants to sit among dinner plates on the coffee table from two days ago. It's not like I don't have a heart it's just I learned it wasn't just that she was overwhelmed from her job and taking care of two kids. Back when they lived in a small two bedroom apartment I use to drop my brother off there to babysit. I went over there after he told me how bad it was. This was in a month of January and there was still stuff in the refrigerator from Thanksgiving, it took us better then two days to clean that place up. Another problem is she is a hoarder or she can't let go of stuff. But, but, but that was his first basketball his grandpa gave him when he was two....(flat as a pancake with no hope of ever seeing air in it again otherwise it wouldn't be flat) A lot of people put something away they can't part with and want to pass on to a grandchild but it's usually more substantial then a ball, like mine was my kids first ride on pony and a small plastic piano one son loved to play. My one son still has the pony and I just threw the piano away a couple weeks ago after a couple of the keys broke on it. Those things also had a place up in the attic for years to sit and wait for grand kids, it wasn't like I had a limited space small two bedroom apartment. She also grew up in a family where things were hard to come by so that may also play a role. Needless to say though it didn't take long for the place to go back to looking the same. Them living there I was limited to what I could say to get them to motivate to clean up outside of tell them I'd call CPS if they didn't. With my brother babysitting I had access to go over there and look every couple of weeks. It just wasn't a situation where someone got a bit overwhelmed and the dishes built up or they needed help getting some wash done, it was a on going problem of just plain laziness when it came to housework. She's getting better with the hoarding habit, she's learning it's okay to let the small stuff go, two people working together can easily replace if need be. I think it was mostly the mindset of the hardship she grew up under.
being a slob and being a horder are two separate things but they make for a terrible combination.
Tell me about it. lol. Like I said I am cursed.