‘I do not feel comfortable. Can you please grab him?’
Rossello, the Puerto Rican governor, commented on the incident in four tweets on Twitter. He called the incident “undignified” and said he was “appalled, shocked & disturbed.” He said Puerto Rican officials were contacting authorities in the Chicago area and Illinois “demanding that this officer be expelled from the police force.”
Why is a drunk guy yelling at someone national news?
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Just a bunch of words. People need to grow thicker skin.
Most Puerto Ricans don't know that Puerto Rico is not a country so I don't know why anyone would expect drunk rednecks to know.
Twitter. They used it as a opportunity to blame the Trump administration. Stuff like this happens all the time, especially among older Americans. My aunt came from out of town a few years back to take my kids and I out for dinner. We went to a place where they have a buffet. Every time my Aunt went back up there for something more and more Hispanic employees came by out table giving us dirty looks. I said to my Aunt are saying something to them. She said I sure am, I told them you live in America speak English. As we were leaving about half dozen Hispanic employees followed us to the door, afraid we might get a butt whipping the parking lot I said have a nice day to them in Spanish. (I don't speak Spanish fluent, it's just I had a video store and learned a few words like have a nice day or bring your videos back when I had to call them if they were late) My aunt looks at me and snapped "what did you say to them" and I replied have a nice day was better then finding out if we were going to be tangling in the parking lot.
LOL, your town always sounds like a terrible place, where is it?
Actually it's on the list of up and coming places to live. Houses are selling as fast as they go on the market. If a house is in relatively good shape it sells in about a weeks time. You should see how they've been tearing down everything around downtown and rebuilding it. Downtown also, if it can't be rehabbed it's torn down and rebuilt. One reason I won't sell right now, if I wait a couple more years and use some equity to fix this place up I am going to get triple what I paid for it. There's not a lot of huge old duplexes this close to downtown, this would be a high demand buy for a couple looking to be close to the downtown scene without the expense of paying thousands to live down there. Either that or fix it up and get thousands a month in rent like other investors are doing around here. My city is Grand Rapids Michigan. There's so much money in it right now most landlords are using rental management companies, you don't have to do anything except sit back and collect a check. They come in and keep the properties up and rent them out. They do everything. They run around with these vans, go in and take care of any repairs or make sure they are clean before renting them back out. What I thought was always the worst mistake I ever made buying this place might just end up being the best thing I ever did...that's pretty ironic for me.
might not be a bad time to cash out, real estate correction is probably 2-4 years out.
Nah, I don't think it's going to matter here. You have to see the development going on. They are even spending untold millions of dollars to remove the dam to return the river to it's natural flow and allow for kayaking the rapids. (Though I am not convinced that's the best thing, when they first proposed this about three, four years ago they said it would take two billion to remove old industrial sludge from the bottom of the river first, they aren't talking that anymore so I am thinking they are just going to let it wash out into the Great Lakes) It's suppose to be completed as early as 2020. I've lived here basically mortgage free because the rent I collect covers the mortgage, any young couple will pay the asking price to be near a up and coming area as long as their credit can get them living rent/mortgage free. You can't touch a one bedroom downtown for less then 1000 to 1200 a month, that's a significant savings. I sell now with no new roof and some kitchen upgrades I'd take in about 110,000 to 115,000, if I wait put on a new roof and do some upgrades I can see getting above 150,000 because I also have the added benefit of living across from a park. The main street that runs along the park to the north is host to a whole new set of development right now including a major grocery store. Plus the zoo is within walking distance, and school options are variable if you don't want to send your kids to neighborhood school. Like I said it's ironic, what I thought was the worse decision I ever made might turn out to be the best. I lived down the road when I was a toddler, then I ended up living down on the south end of my road as a teenager, I hated it, I never wanted to come back here. I was just just going to be here five years...yeah, well never tell yourself stuff like that because shit happens.
you should go buy your dream house wherever that is and rent out both sides and have the property management company do everything.
so it goes.
Yeah I am very close to making a decision that way. I am thinking by this coming spring I can get something going. I've been putting it off because right now my son lives there and I watch my grandson between shift changes between him and his girlfriend, I use to watch him longer when they were both on second. She also works a part time job during the week on Tues and Thurs I had him and his brother from a prior relationship she had before my son. Little ones are vulnerable to babysitters if you don't get a good one. This year he entered all day pre school so that takes care of the daytime babysitting I don't have to worry about who is babysitting him. He is also getting where he can communicate in detail about things so it will be much easier for him to tell if someone isn't being nice or feels he is being hurt or mistreated. I love that little guy to pieces, we are really close. I am close to the other grand kids also but their grandpa on their moms side gets thousands in tribal money so he buys them all sorts of stuff, it happens but it's rare they give up a visit with grandpa over grandma....they just haven't learned that money can't buy everything.
I hope they appreciate the free on-demand child care!
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