A day of some work and a bit of play.
Jay got the trailer fixed up today, two new leaf springs and a new tire.
While Jay was fixing the trailer I ran into town and picked up a 'new to us' boat for at the cabin.
Looks like these guys love the boat already LOL just hanging out in there, bullshitting.
After getting the trailer fixed up and the boat home we went out to Atik Lake for a quad ride, we took the rods in case we found some open fish holes. (20-25min ride from the house).
The kids found some fishing holes
Caught a few jacks, nothing worth keeping.
Came off the lake by where Dallas has his boat sitting for summer fishing.
On the ride back we stopped at Rocky Lake.
Dallas and Sienna stuck.
Sweet boat! I am sure that will help a ton! Now you gotta get that dock built.
So how many more days do you figure you have until the ice breaks?
Thanks! Pretty excited that we are gonna get a better boat out there, the one there leaks and is just all around a shitty boat, lol. It shouldn't be long before the ice goes, maybe a week.
Jay and I built a temporary 'rock dock' two summers ago and I threw together a temporary boat slip. I don't see a permanent dock anytime too soon, we haven't really decided where it would be best sheltered/situated.
It has sunk down a bit since this pic but it is still there.