Disorganized, Contributed by @Olawalium


It is funny how one little habit can spiral into affecting a big aspect of our lives. The funniest part is, it won’t only affect the person alone, but it will affect those around that person too. What am I saying? I am talking about a disorganized person.

Life is about planning. Like we used to hear when exam approaches back in secondary school days (High School), “Those who fail to prepare should be prepared to fail.” In reality, when such person fails, it doesn’t only affect that person, but his parents and siblings, sometimes even the good friends. One of my favourite quotes also reads: “When a defining moment comes, define the moment or the moment defines you.”

To the disorganized, everything spirals into every other aspect of their lives. It even affects the management of their time, their schedules, make them procrastinate, and it does more harm than good to them, because they might think they are trying to act smart and conserve energy or time, and in the end, they lose more than they tried to gain.

When you are disorganized, you are viewed differently. People lose trust in your ability to handle things and give proper records. Even some of your friends might find it hard to count on you when they really need something.


It is good to be known for good stuff. Let your friends know they can depend on you and when they are down to the last option, let it be your name that will pop up because they know you won’t let them down. There are few occasions where there are exceptions, but most of the time, they should be able to count on you.

I remembered a friend of mine, Rita. Anytime she needs to find out about something, she will call me up. She must have thought she was bothering me, but no, I see things differently. I don’t see people calling me up and asking for opinions or information as a bother, I rather see it as a responsibility. It shows they trust me enough to ask me, and I see that as a rare privilege. They could have asked anyone else, but they chose me. I don’t take such people for granted. They obviously see more than others, they obviously noticed something I might not have noticed and with their actions, it became obvious to me.

This is off track but the idea just came to me, so accept it as it comes hahaha. Thanks. When people take you for granted, see it as a huge compliment. Why? Because it shows they expect you to be good all the time even when they are not.


Back on track. giggles. She saw me one day and told me, ”I enjoy calling your phone Wale. I just know that you are never too far away from it, and when an emergency comes up, I know you are never far off.”. Her words humbled me. It is just something I do naturally because I believe a mobile phone is different from a land phone. It is called mobile because it is easy to take along with you.

I really don’t fancy when I call people and they don’t pick, and after several hours they don’t even call back. It shows lack of planning for me. Just my thought. I totally understand you can’t always be available to pick, yes, but most of the people I am trying to point to here are those that give me the same excuse as ”Sorry, I didn’t even know where I dropped it.” ”Oh, I just dropped it on the table.” I tried to see if they were actually busy and in their words, they were not actually busy, but I tried to understand those who were actually not in the mood to talk too. It happens. We all have different reasons anyway and these are just my thoughts. Our exposure and how we are, shape our reality and I am sure most people will have their own reasons and explanations too, and I am always open to learning. We are all evolving and I don’t have it all together, yet, but we are all striving for perfection.

To be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


This is a very good topic that we need to examine critically.


The problem with disorganised people is that they are always know they are not organized, but they can't change it because they don't see it as a problem, they have considered it to be an habit.

Have you ever tried to correct a disorganised person that end up telling you that you have to take him as he is?Smile

Taking you as you are, what of if what you are is killing or affecting who I am too? Hahahhaha

It is a great disease that can cause one a life opportunity. When a disorganised person is preparing for an interview, he won't be ready until few minutes to the interview, that's why they are always late to such interview, forgetting the fact that time count for or against them... Smile

I can fight people for not picking calls too, their are some numbers I can't call for emergency, they won't pick it, though some of them will call back, but what of if it is not necessary again?

If their one thing you can complain about me when it comes to picking calls, it has to be about picking it too early...hahahahha

Before the phone finished ringing for the first time, I have already responded with my hello... Smile

Many people might not like it, but I do, it shows I'm ready at all time even in odd hours like the middle of the night.

Waiting for part two like I always do with great expectations

Thanks @olawalium and @communitycoin

If you try telling those people that aren't organized but didn't heed, you should notice they don't end up well

Even those who aren't well organized comes late on their wedding day
😂 😂 😂

Hahahah, thanks bro, that's the most advance level of it.
It is a big disease. Lol

Hahahahahahaha I like this. Your comment made me smile. Thanks a lot bro. You have spoken so well and i love this. It affects a disorganized person and those around them, one way or the other.

Bring readily and dependable helps a lot too.

Thanks as always brother.

Hahahahahah, I'm glad you love it..

Yea, the same way stupid people don't suffer alone from their stupidity, those around them also feel the pains, is the same way disorganised people don't suffer the consequences of their actions and inactions alone, those around them also share in it... Smile

I am talking about a disorganized person.

A disorganized person to me always struggle to stay focused, will always feel reluctant to do thing in the manner as sense that is acceptable. A disorganized person will exhibit I don't care attitude, never felt concerned about things around him, will be frustrated, easily back out from associate. Always exhibit lackadaisical attitude towards task, people and even himself. A disorganized person is only delighted In refreshment , who has lost the willing power or driving force to do things accordingly.

Though, a disorganized person tend to be more intelligent since they engaged in more activities simultaneously, which make them to be more verbal and creative, if I'm not wrong?

When you are disorganized, you are viewed differently.

I agree with you, if you disorganized person, you might have people with you, but they won't trust you enough to put you incharge or to manage anything, therefore you will always be subordinate, havent you think of that for once.
I remember this adage in Yoruba which goes like whosoever step or matched on his own clothe will surely tears others clothe apart, people don't always trust a disorganized person since they believe they are too careless to be dealing with.

It is good to be known for good stuff. Let your friends know they can depend on you and when they are down to the last option

You are correct, if you are up and doing, and people see the driving force and spirit of planing well and always stay focused, you will always be call upon anytime and any day.

Thanks for sharing your personal experience for clarification, you are good at this brother. I'm looking forward to the second reading and see how you will prefer solution to disorganized person, I'm looking forward to that.

I always love your analysis and well thought out response. Always something to learn from your comments with diverse views. Thanks a lot.

Though, a disorganized person tend to be more intelligent since they engaged in more activities simultaneously, which make them to be more verbal and creative, if I'm not wrong?

I beg to differ a little there. An intelligent person would always strive for perfection. If you are intelligent, it cuts across how you do things and get things done. You know to be intelligent deals with the mental aspect and when you are disorganized, it drains you mentally, because you always leave things to the last minute, it stresses you, affects messes with your peace as well.

If you know of an exceptional case, I would love to learn about it too, but for someone to be intelligent, we can't call the person disorganized. Intelligent people always want to pay attention to little details, and like you said about disorganized people, they have lackadaisical attitude towards things.

I will share it with you sooner.

Disorganized person could be of two way as I view it in your post, there are some people who are tend to be very rough talking about environmental things but never procastinate about things that are important and valuable.

I want to hear your opinion before I share why I said they are something more intelligence. You know we always have negative and positive aspects of something just like a debate. I agree with you on what you post brother.

I think the perfect title to your post would a disorganized person with high grade of procrastination.

Wait for the part two and three before you think the title is misleading.

Being disorganized involves every aspect of life. As much as i might want to agree with you that there are few exceptions, being disorganized also involve your thought process, material aspect, environmental too, which is the one you are focusing on. They are all connected in some ways because when they say someone is intelligent, you would agree that the person pays attention to details. Organization is organization brother. In this world, we tend to use words to praise people without involving every other aspect of that person's life.

For instance, when they say someone is really sound, you will agree that, it means that person covers varying range of topics. So, when they say someone is organized, it means that person has his thoughts, words, and things so detailed and organized. The choice of the word "intelligence" that you used is what is trying to drag the focus of the message away.

Alright bro, you are the best, I got inspired all the time I read your piece. Hope you don't think I'm being negativity. I respect your decision. Where are you staying? I can't wait to meet you for real.

The choice of the word "intelligence" that you used is what is trying to drag the focus of the message away.

You are right, just opinion.

Don't always forget bro, we are both learning together. That is the essence of discussion. Of course I love your view, they are always detailed and on point. I always look forward to reading your comments because I know it will inspire another thought. Keep at it.

Negative? Hahaha never. You are not negative. I always love when people share practical examples, it helps us all. Don't you ever think you are being negative by expressing your views.

I would absolutely be delighted to see you too brother. I stay in Ibadan, and You?

Life is about planning. Like we used to hear when exam approaches back in secondary school days (High School), “Those who fail to prepare should be prepared to fail.” In reality, when such person fails, it doesn’t only affect that person, but his parents and siblings, sometimes even the good friends. One of my favourite quotes also reads: “When a defining moment comes, define the moment or the moment defines you.

The fact is that, we live in uncertain times. You may think you can plan your life for five, or even a years down the road and expect that everything will turn out as you plan. But then again, things go wrong, and you don't go with your plans again.

So, chances are, you will find yourself quite far from where you expected to be. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but the point is, you never know what is just around the corner!

But does this mean that you should just forget about having a plan? since it probably won’t turn out as you expected? Not at all. That would be shortchanging yourself and not being able to reach your full potential.

You still need to plan your life to go in a certain direction, but try and make it flexible to adjust to the unexpected. The key here is to assess your progressive growth and see where you are and how you’re going. Since circumstances change, adapt your strategies to ensure that you are going in the right direction in achieving your end goal.
Thanks for this another good epic @olawaliu and @communitycoin

Being organized involves planning for unforseen circumstances. So, whether you are certain of what the future hold or not, You ar3 organzised to the point that, when things fail, you always have a back up plan to fall back on, and that is why UTME asks candidates to choose "A university", "A polytechnic", and "A college of education", so if the candidate fail to meet a certain cut off, such person can have something else to fall back on, and that is organization; being prepared and touching every aspect.

Thanks as always bro.

Anytime bro, thanks for your contribution.

People sure tend to lose interest in disorganized people. They feel you'll forget things easily, or can't even keep secrets.
These things starts from the home one lives. When you don't know where you dropped your shoes, shirts, bags, etc and you just start looking for it when you need them is absurd.

We should learn to be calm and make things right. It makes people wanna embrace your being and tell you whatever because they know they are safe with you.

No one is perfect though, we are all striving for perfection. Welldone as always Olawa and @communitycoin. You guyz are the best.

Thank you so much for this. I love the way you broke it down easily. Detailed. Thanks a lot for your time always.

M happy you love it. Thanks too for always giving us deep insights to little things we really dont think matters

I am happy they are always helpful. It motivates me all the time. We are all learning and I always enjoy the deep conversations.

In essence man always requires the involvement of others in his life. On the shirts we wear today, many hands are already involved there.

There is cotton farmer involvement, there is a tenacity of fabric maker, there is a seriousness of traders and tailoring skills, and so on until it reaches our body. So is the food we enjoy today. There is the involvement of rice farmers, salt makers, cold hands who cook and so on.

What a lot of benefits we have received from others. Therefore, it is fitting for us to do so, to be beneficial to others. Because the best man is beneficial to his neighbor.

It is not proper for us to live individualist, let alone selfish only selfish interests. Because basically human nature is not so. We are social beings, whose true happiness will be felt when we can make others happy.

Thank you, your post is very interesting and full of meaning for life .....

A disorganized person is causing more harm for himself or herself. In the long run, he goes through a longer process than he would have liked and does more damage, not only to himself but for those around him. It causes stress too and disrupt plans. It is never advisable. Being organized and orderly always help. Tiny things take up huge part of our lives. Good one @communitycoin and @olawalium. Impressive.

Thank you so much. You really thought about this deep and I really love this sir. Thanks a lot for your time.

@Olawalium this is a good one, I really appreciate your writing style it's simple and makes everything easy to understand.

I must say you have spoken well, living a disorganized life makes it very difficult or almost impossible for one to achieve success in any area of life. Honestly, I know most times you might find yourself disorganized but making it a habit is where the problem lies.

living a disorganized life makes it very difficult or almost impossible for one to achieve success in any area of life.

This is funny but true. Living an organized life makes you have a truly successful and organized life.

most times you might find yourself disorganized but making it a habit is where the problem lies.

You just hit the point. Making it an habit is absurd

I like this. At one point or the other, we might find ourselves disorganized, truly and making it a lifestyle is indeed where the problem lies. It spiral out of control into other aspects of our lives.

Thank you so much for your kind words and thought, duly appreciated. Gracias @enajo

Some people dont see it as a problem. And its really not their fault anyway. Some might be from their kind of background. But inability to outgrow it is the issue.

Yes, might be te background and our background should not put our back on the ground. You are right, inability to outgrow it is the major problem.

Honestly, my thoughts exactly....
How can you be successful when you don't know where you kept those important files and documents 😂 😂

I wonder. When you dont even know the difference between important documents and unimportant ones... Just pack everything in one place. Wahala. Lol

Hahahahahahaha exactly.

There is always a silver lines but disorganized people don't want to know that,they do their things their way and end up to nothing

Truly, some people actually don't see it as anything wrong. They just live their lives anyhow.

This indeed true. Chaos in our lives also affect the people around. Hence, we ought to live an organized life to make our lives and that of the people around us much better. Stay blessed.

Yes, dear friend
Our actions or inactions affect, not just us but others as well....

Hahahaha I love the word you used "chaos". Perfectly sums it up. Thanks a lot brother.

Hmmmmm true. It sure affects people around us too. We actually dont live for ourselves only. Thanks for this.

Organising is very important in life. I remember a certain course called Business management where we treated a topic called POSCORB . the first P represents planning while the O represents organising. As a management students we were told nothing can happen well without well organized cos organising shows the signs of seriousness.

If You've got enough material and you didn't organize how to use it,its gonna be a waste products, not even only materials, whatever you do in life and disorganized don't end up well.

Being organized is surely one of the many signs of seriousness, I totally agree with that.

Thank you so much brother.

If You've got enough material and you didn't organize how to use it,its gonna be a waste products

Lack of seriousness. God help us

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