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RE: Pushing Back Against Pro-Vaccination Zealots

I can go on and on about how brilliant this is and if someone must label me a conspiracy theorist do be it, I’ll show them then Butt of my gun too. Oh darn, I we t there. Seriously my friend this is a beautiful post and all your statements, especially the right to your viewpoint and how this all developed. This platform was not supposed to become Facebook! Ugh


Thank you, both for your upvote as well as your supportive comment @eaglespirit. ^_^

Now, now - no need to get trigger-butt happy on them. They often are shooting from the hip anyway - especially when they resort to labels. :cP

Its funny that you should mention facebook as that is where the disagreement rolled out. ^_~

Hey I noticed the head on the body too .. but i found it hilarious and creative!! :p
what is wrong with triggers? sometimes people need a bullet to the head bullet to the head .. sorry that's a song ... heee heeee
okay im really just joking. in a sense.
and i do not mind shooting back ..
yes the labeling and then nonsensical labeling and gibberish is why the trigger comes out.
em yeah ... you arent talking to a dum dum re FB and argument ... :p

Hilarious was part of the aim - so I'm happy. ^_^

Eh. I trust that you are indeed joking but remember that some words make you an easy target. Take a shred of truth and pass it through the media machine and you're suddenly "a dangerous trigger-happy home-brew first nation extremist who hate's America's freedom". ;c)

They won't care that you're joking or that you're quoting a song or something... but will happily pervert reality to suit their designs.


So have a gum gum and chill you lovely dum dum. :cP

Eh again? Wow! Guess you were in the eh mood.
In actuality I am 1/2 NA and a full blooded American that loves my country to the core and loves freedom for all. Not sure where that came from. Yes I know about the msm machine and what Ian going on. 100 percent awake here.
If you have not heard that song you wouldn’t understand what I meant and guessing
that Is another point tobe made. When people do not understand it is easy to twist words and conceptions.
And guess what, I really do not care about MSM apt thwir supporters as they are not the majority of this country, just a paid off few am doin their numbers are dwindling daily.
Funny you use that my mom and I say that to wach other gum gum dum dum ... you dum dum for the gum gum ... anyway Note to self never talk about gun jokes with poetforger again...

Eh... I guess that I was in an 'eh' mood. ;cP

Where 'that' came from isn't meant to be understood because as you know the media has no qualms about being very unfair about its portrayal of individuals. If it were to describe you as my previous comment suggested that they might - then 1/2 of America would automatically believe them and no degree of fallacy would change that. And yes, the MSM (minority or not) would not care either way. They are in a real way, engineers of the majority.

I know that I'm being a little fatalistic and in case it needs to be clarified, I don't see you in this way at all. :cP

Its funny that you had that whole gum gum and dum dum thing going. :cP I meant no offense but only humour. ^_^

I do not agree with that .. so Eh.
Since you do not live here then you may not know.
It just appears this way, have you been to USA?
You did see the numbers of who actually do not support MSM, no? You do know what is going on in the world right? anarchy, people gearing up to fight, you do realize that MSM is failing miserably but droves and numbers and manipulated ... there is no more following only those truly not wanting to know.
yeah ... the dum dum gum gum in your gum gum for a dum dum ... :p
PS. i still have not slept much ... god help me.

I was fortunate enough to spend a few months up in WI. ^_^

Much of that was in the Summer-to-Autumn run-up to the 2004 elections. And I'll never forget how the media character-assassinated Howard Dean's otherwise seemingly strong nomination over "the Dean Scream" in the January prior.

Picket signs upon almost every front lawn. Political messages upon almost every channel be it radio or television.

That was over 13 years ago, and I'm fairly sure that WI isn't representative of the whole of the US (though they generally had a lovely laid-back demeanor (and really nice cheese))... ;cP

I sincerely take your word at face value, you living in the nation that I can only speculate about. :c)

Oh no... lack of sleep is not a good thing. :c/

yeah, there is a lot of campaigning that may take place, however, it is way out in the countryside that means the most. This is why the entire debacle of fake voting means so much since it has been a long and disgraceful practice here to buy votes and ship people in to vote from other states, etc. The miscounting in many counties where people are overlooked like people of color, the poor, etc. all votes are supposed to count. also, the votes that "never make it" by mail. so people who live out in the rural territories, which is why people were told to bring their vote into locked boxes this past election with cams.
okay well 2004 and 2018 are far different in atmosphere ... :p

i finally slept, yay!!

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