10 reasons to love November

in #november6 years ago

As November arrives, families everywhere turn their focus away from October's celebrations and look toward Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Some families will celebrate 30 days of gratitude during the month of November. Each family member chooses one reason to be thankful each day. Make a gratitude tree or tablecloth to celebrate your family's gratitude attitude.

November is a month filled with special days including All Saints' Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving. There are also many month long observances in November.

November is National Adoption Month, a time to bring awareness to the need for permanent families for the thousands of children and youth living in foster care.

Military Family Appreciation Month is observed in November, to honor the commitment and sacrifices made by families of our nation's servicemen and servicewomen.

Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week will be observed Nov. 9-15 to focus on the plight of those who are living in the shadows of society.

At Lynchburg College, students will sleep outdoors for a week in solidarity with those who are homeless. Students will also make quilts, assemble hygiene kits and write letters to U.S. senators about hunger in our country and the world.

During American Education Week, teachers and educators are honored for their commitment to the students they teach. PTA and PTO organizations often sponsor a special luncheon for teachers during this week, held this year from Nov. 18-22.

The month of November begins with All Saints' Day, celebrated in many churches as a day to honor saints. Some families also celebrate their deceased relatives by bringing flowers to their graves.

In many countries, All Saints' Day is part of the three-day celebration of Hallowmas from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 which includes All Hallows Eve, All Saints' Day and All Souls Day.

All Saints' Day is a public holiday in many countries. Families gather to clean gravesites, paint crypts, light candles, prepare food and leave trinkets on their loved ones' graves.

Some families spend the night in the cemetery during the period of Hallowmas, sharing memories of their family members who have died.

All Souls Day is celebrated in Mexico and other countries as Dia de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead.

Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in November. The first Tuesday in November was Election Day.

Veterans Day is observed on Nov. 11 every year. Veterans Day marks the anniversary of signing of the armistice which ended World War I. Armistice Day was first celebrated in 1919.

Across the nation, Veterans Day observances will be held in veterans cemeteries and at war memorials to honor all veterans. Most observances are held on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, the date and time the armistice between Germany and the Allied nations took effect in 1918.

One of the most widely-observed holidays of the year is Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. This year, Thanksgiving will be celebrated Nov. 22.

Thanksgiving is a day of gratitude and thanksgiving for our many blessings. Many families enjoy a special meal together with extended family members.

The holiday shopping season officially kicks off with Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. On Facebook, many people are signing a pledge to refrain from shopping on Thanksgiving as many stores have chosen to begin their Black Friday sales on Thanksgiving Day.

As we celebrate the month of November, there is a day that will be observed in a solemn manner. Nearly all Americans over the age of 55 remember exactly where they were when they learned that President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.

Kennedy was a larger-than-life figure to many baby boomers and his death brought a great sadness in many families. People gathered in their homes and around televisions in stores to watch the coverage of Kennedy's death and funeral. For many, the most poignant memory was of three-year-old John Kennedy, Jr. saluting his father's coffin on Nov. 25.

Kennedy's son, known as John-John, died tragically in a plane crash with his wife Carolyn and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette on July 16, 1999, enroute to a cousin's wedding.

As we bid farewell to October and welcome November, the colors of fall will continue to fade as winter prepares to arrive on the scene.

The month of November is a great time for making family memories. Don't let Christmas overshadow Thanksgiving in your family. Instead, enjoy each day of this month by being grateful for everything.

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