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RE: Training for American Ninja Warrior - Day 15
Do some yoga, dude!
Also -- what's the diet that you're not diggin? Still the intermittent fasting?
Do some yoga, dude!
Also -- what's the diet that you're not diggin? Still the intermittent fasting?
Yeah! I actually thought of doing a yoga sesh... especially since I was so restless. The only problem with yoga is that my elbow seems to hate it... not during the session when I could modify, but the last couple of times I've gone through a session, been fine, and then my elbow has been on fire for the next two days.
So, ah, highly controversial, but I've been trying a carnivorous diet lately. Since I'm way too pale with a ginger tinge, I was curious if my viking ninja dna had a leaning towards the carnivore. It's been working well, I don't feel sluggish, I'm legit eating a 3rd of what I was but haven't lost or gained weight... by every metric a meaty meal a day totally works for me....except.... it's gross and I hate it.
We attach so much emotion to food, and I wanted to steer away from that and just be scientific about it, but it's the emotional side that I'm really struggling with.
Ah yeah -- it's no good if your elbow is blowin' up afterwards. Still dealing with the 'climbers elbow' I guess, hey? I'm sure it'll ease off after some rest and maintenance time. How long has it been bothering you for?
I wish there was some kind of home-kit for nutrition / bloodwork you could get, and take a look and see what kind of macro-nutrients you might need to improve, and what macro-nutrients you might effectively be "ODing" on coughprobablyproteincough.
Regardless though -- so long as you're taking care of yourself -- eat what makes you feel best, I say. What works for one, doesn't necessarily work for all.