Cruz Newz

From the Office of MY Senator
This year is poised to be a blockbuster year. We have an historic opportunity to deliver on the promises Congress made to the American people - repeal Obamacare, pass fundamental tax and regulatory reform, and confirm a strong conservative to the Supreme Court.
I am happy to report that over the last two weeks, President Trump signed two bills I authored which are tremendous victories for the State of Texas.
The first bill, the bipartisan Cruz-Nelson NASA Transition Authorization Act, ensures the Johnson Space Center remains the crown jewel of NASA’s human spaceflight missions, makes a serious commitment to the manned exploration of space, and allows commercial space ventures to flourish, all of which will foster extraordinary economic growth and job creation throughout Texas.
The second bill, which I sponsored with Texas Representative and House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady – returns discretion back to the State of Texas and Gov. Greg Abbott to determine how best to implement the state’s unemployment insurance program. Both of these bills are significant victories for the Lone Star State.
Today we confirmed Justice Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court, putting on the bench a constitutionalist who is committed to the rule of law. This is a victory for the American people.
Please read below for an update from this last week.
Keep Texas Strong,

can we just repeal the entire government please
Well, did you ever sign anything giving anyone your authority? Did they even ask you what you wanted? No? Me neither.
Therefore it is true that I retain my authority to make those decisions that government - all of them - claim to be making for me, and SO DO YOU!
We can just ignore them, and do what we want. Now, don't go gettin' silly, cuz they're armed thugs, and might poke high velocity holes in us if they think we're not being obedient. So, we do have to have some common sense.
I mean you wouldn't walk through a dangerous part of town wearing a suit made of $100 bills, would you? Well, I never will again! Anyway, we have our sovereign authority intact, unblemished, and we can decide between us to use it however we want.
So, do that.
I like your stance, too bad you lost your paper suit though.
Eh, I look better with it off ;)
works for me.
Well, i follow your almost every post
thank you.