This Man Revealed Martin Luther King Jr. Was Killed By Gov't Agencies - My Interview with William Pepper

in #news7 years ago

I'm reposting this interview seeing as it's Black History Month. Many people don't know that there was only ONE SINGLE trial ever held on the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. And a jury found that he was assassinated by government agencies, NOT by James Earl Ray. If you're learning that for the first time, then you're truly shocked right now. And you should be. I was too. Literally the ONLY trial ever held. Anyway, that lawsuit was brought by the King family and their lawyer was William Pepper, who has spent decades of his life investigating what REALLY happened to MLK Jr. that horrible day in Memphis. I talked to Pepper for half an hour recently on my show "Redacted Tonight," and I promise you that your jaw will be on the floor for some of this interview. Please give it a few minutes of your time.


The establishment saw King as a grave threat as his politics moved increasingly leftward towards a socialist perspective.

When MLK spoke out against the Vietnam War he effectivley signed his own death warrant. President Johnson is recorded as saying he felt personally betrayed when King did this. Johnson was crestfallen at the news that the anti-war movement had just received an enormous boost from the leader of the civil rights movement.

The assassination of MLK by the security services ties in with the FBI's shoot to kill campaign against the Black Panther leadership.

Hoover, as head of the FBI, saw King and the Black Panthers as dangerous threats to American capitalism which was undergoing a political, social and economic crisis by the late 1960s.

Not news to me, but resteemed for those who have never heard the TRUTH. Thanks, Lee!

Stop following the blind.
They tend to fall of cliffs.

such B.S.

There were many.

Why would the DOJ investigate so much?

The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large.

a) There were not many trials. There was one. You're lying.
b) You're literally turning to the government that killed King to tell you whether they killed King? Hilarious. If you can be so blind, I hope it goes well for you.

Yep, James Earl Ray, the sole person convicted for King's murder didn't even have a trial. He took a plea bargain to forgo a jury trial that might have ended in the death penalty for him, and then he ended up recanting decades later. I don't know what that that dude is thinking. They're acting like they linked to something about "many" trials, but it's basically just the DOJ saying "we investigated and it's a nothingburger."

I'm lying, listen here dipshit. There is a link, use it.
Don't call me a liar, you know nothing, Jon Snow copy cat.

If I can be so blind?
Learn how to use a phrase correctly.
or maybe "I can care less" is something you also say?
either way, I can care less LMAO

John, Robert Kennedy and MLK...all kilt right near the same time...
I always wondered about that.
Odd thing about the investigators of the Warren Report..
they all died too..
must have been something in the air..

Good thing now everyone will get a benefit, the coins can be lifted very well, thanks to you for giving this a good arrangement

Powerful interview Lee! I learned about this case just a couple years ago after reading Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness."

I haven't been able to think about our national MLK Day holiday the same since. So the same government that had him murdered is going to honor him? Honestly it just makes me think that MLK Day exists so that the government can tell us that he stood solely for identity politics and erase his message of economic equality. What do you think?

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