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RE: TONIGHT Nasa Spacecraft - 5600 miles - Jupiter's Great Red Spot

in #news7 years ago

I don't just think the Earth Is flat, It's protected by a giant Dome and is a sealed atmosphere. So my comment was basically all these satellites launches are smoke and mirrors, nothing gets past low Earth orbit, but the video below which Includes Wernher Von Braun warning explains why they want you to believe In their fictional construct. There Is more going on here than what shape the Earth Is.


hahaha you are paranoic my dear

So you think we should completely Ignore a warning from Wernher Von Braun one of the genius of his time, a warning that comes more true everyday. This Is his warning below and this has been proven correct up to now so we must relize as he stated this Is a long established plan by the Rothschild banking cartel and Jesuits.

Dr Carol Rosin was the corporate manager of Fair Child Industries, she more recently founded the Institute For Security and Cooperation In Space, In Washington D.C. She also has testified before Congress about space based weapons and was spokes person for Wernher Von Braun In the last years of his life. Below Is the warning that, In 1974, Wernher Von Braun gave to Dr Carol Rosin, who at the time when he told her this she was a sixth grade school teacher.

"You will stop the weaponization of space"
she replied: "Teachers don't stop until June"
"He said you have to understand, we have to prevent the weaponization of space, because there Is a lie being told to everyone and the weaponization of space Is, first, being used against the evil empire, Russia, The Russians. There are many enemies, against whom, we are going to build these space based weapon systems. The first, of whom, Is the Russians." ( which was existing at that time ) "Then there would be terrorists, then there would be terrorists, then there would be terrorists, then there would be third world countries," ( now we call these rogue nations or nations of concern ) "then there would be asteroids," ( and then he repeated to her over and over again ) "and the last card, the last card, the last card, will be the extraterrestrial threat."

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