TONIGHT Nasa Spacecraft - 5600 miles - Jupiter's Great Red Spot

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The Great Red Spot


The Spacecraft




What could it see?

Special Thanks To:

Seguinte - Grupo CG Maderas @ for image n. 2

Colorado Center for Astrodynamics @ for image n. 3 & 4

Nasa TEAM , for the hard work and the fabulous picture (1)

Thank You

Michael Asumcinei


Oh man do I love space exploration! And star trek hahah I can't wait to see what information they bring back from the storm. Nice post

I don't like Star Trek.. I am too young to appreciate it!! :-)

It will not see anything because nothing gets past low Earth orbit.

Take a look to the The guy @jjyeshua that is commenting the article about Jupiter . He Believes the Earth is flat... don't you dear?? @rlh100 @theflorescents ... I am sure you will be interested ;-)

hahaha You got a "flatty" in your comments @digitalplayer :D

I actually do not really care if the earth is flat or rounded ;) Til now it does not make any difference to me. In some way it is just a discussion about who is right and who is wrong and nothing more (more pure ego stuff and so on than anything else, no offense here please I use this just for the explanation and is normal, happens to me too). I can believe both of this ideas or any and still will not affect my day by day live. We are to smalls to see or feel the differences of this "2 kinds of Earths" for ourselves and I do not think I will be in a rocket at any moment of my life see how the real shape of the Earth is so... If we can pass the Van Halens radiations at any moment, I hope we will.

For sure the earth it is not "Flat" because we have mountains and deep oceans ;) and it is not rounded like in the NASA pics because they also say it, it is a Photoshop made photo with information from many instruments and the rounded form...

if I would have to choose, my Earth would be more like this one. (still not so sure about the continents shape but...)

I like it more irregular :D

Pd: The photo of Jupiter you have in it is actually not a photo but also same like the Earth's photos from NASA, digital construction from info gathered by instruments... as far as I know.

Pdd: I meet a guy, a very rich guy btw, crazy, never meet one like him before in my life 8), first time with real elite hahahaha , 2 days ago and his family make satellites (among other things) in US and we talk about it... was the reason I pass by this post :)

Some NASA updates coming soon!! I will make a post ASAP

jjyeshua the earth is not flat as you believe... how many times should I explain you??

It Is not a belief there Is no curvature you muppet, go and look and measure for yourself It doesn't exist.

did you ever take a plane ?!?! looked outside the window.. personally!??!?!? di you ever go to highest mountain?!?!? look on horizon?!?!?

:-) I do satellites as well

Your comment have no clear sense on my side. how is related the low Earth Orbit to the JUNO and Jupiter??!!

I don't just think the Earth Is flat, It's protected by a giant Dome and is a sealed atmosphere. So my comment was basically all these satellites launches are smoke and mirrors, nothing gets past low Earth orbit, but the video below which Includes Wernher Von Braun warning explains why they want you to believe In their fictional construct. There Is more going on here than what shape the Earth Is.

hahaha you are paranoic my dear

So you think we should completely Ignore a warning from Wernher Von Braun one of the genius of his time, a warning that comes more true everyday. This Is his warning below and this has been proven correct up to now so we must relize as he stated this Is a long established plan by the Rothschild banking cartel and Jesuits.

Dr Carol Rosin was the corporate manager of Fair Child Industries, she more recently founded the Institute For Security and Cooperation In Space, In Washington D.C. She also has testified before Congress about space based weapons and was spokes person for Wernher Von Braun In the last years of his life. Below Is the warning that, In 1974, Wernher Von Braun gave to Dr Carol Rosin, who at the time when he told her this she was a sixth grade school teacher.

"You will stop the weaponization of space"
she replied: "Teachers don't stop until June"
"He said you have to understand, we have to prevent the weaponization of space, because there Is a lie being told to everyone and the weaponization of space Is, first, being used against the evil empire, Russia, The Russians. There are many enemies, against whom, we are going to build these space based weapon systems. The first, of whom, Is the Russians." ( which was existing at that time ) "Then there would be terrorists, then there would be terrorists, then there would be terrorists, then there would be third world countries," ( now we call these rogue nations or nations of concern ) "then there would be asteroids," ( and then he repeated to her over and over again ) "and the last card, the last card, the last card, will be the extraterrestrial threat."

Love it. Can't wait to see the photos.

hopefully we will have thousands of photos...

The Trajectory View Range

Do you know when we can expect public data?

not for the moment

NASA updates are coming!! I will make a new post soon. Follow my blog.

What an interesting topic, space, the final frontier.

That's space and what a big voyage that will be all the changes and the way of thinking we will have to do just to adapt and thrive, It's almost like the wild west but for science.

My vote goes for ROUND.

And I have so much more that I could say about this right now, but I think I'll write it in a story of my own instead. That future story will probably be posted either late tonight or early tomorrow...

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