Sewing Cute Lunch Bags [ENG-IND]


Hello my dear friends,

I didn’t realize today is Monday again. Lol. That’s why this post is gonna be very short as I don’t have much time to write a long one.

Saya tidak sadar hari ini sudah senin lagi hahaha...Makanya tulisan kali ini sangat singkat karena saya tidak punya banyak waktu untuk menulis yang panjang.

Okay, I’d like to show you a sewing project that I have been working recently. Last week I made several lunch bags for school children. I have made a lot of lunch bags previously because it turned out that many people love them. I remember when I was selling my stuff at a fair, lunch bags were best sellers. Apparently, people used them not only for carrying lunch boxes, but also to bring other stuff such as baby needs, praying outfit, etc. The bags are equipped with a cover to make the content safe.

Saya Cuma ingin menunjukkan jejahitan saya minggu lalu yaitu tas bekal untuk anak sekolah. Sebelumnya saya sudah banyak membuat tas ini karena ternyata banyak orang menyukainya. Saya ingat waktu jualan di pameran, tas ini bisa dikatakan laris. Tidak Cuma dipakai untuk bawa kotak bekal, ternyata banyak orang menggunankannya untuk membawa barang lain seperti mukena, keperluan bayi, dsb.

This time, I wanted to have some ready stock products and used up my existing fabric. It has been for a while that I did not purchase any fabric, so I kind started to get bored with my current fabric.

Kali ini, saya ingin punya sedikit barang ready stock sekaligus menghabiskan stok kain saya. Sudah lama saya tidak membeli aneka kain jadi saya agak bosan dengan kain-kain yang sekarang. Mau ganti begitu ceritanya.

So I did mix and match for the lunch bags. To make them look cuter, I add laces, cute buttons, and unique ribbon. Too bad I forgot to take photos while I was working on them. But the process is not very complicated. I made the outer, the inner, and the batting separately. Then I combined them all by topstitching at the mouth of the bag.

Jadi saya membuat tas bekal dengan memadupadankan kain yang ada. Agar terlihat lebih unyu, saya menambahkan renda, kancing lucu, dan pita unik. Sayang sekali saya lupa mengambil foto proses pembuatannya. Tapi prosesnya tidak terlalu rumit. Saya membuat bagian luar, bagian dalam, dan pelapis berupa busa jilbab. Lalu saya menggabungkannya dengan cara jahit tindas di mulut tas.

Here is a closer look to the lunch bags.

Ini penampakan dekat tasnya.


This navy blue lunch bag is my favorite. It is not girly, but it looks cute. I fall in love with the button!

Yang warna birdong ini adalah favorit saya. Tidak terlalu feminin, tapi unyu. Saya sukak sekali dengan kancingnya!


This one is not girly either, but still looks cute. I am glad I have a ‘Britain’ ribbon to match with the fabric at the bottom.

Yang ini tidak feminin juga tapi masih terlihat unyu. Saya senang masih punya stok pita ‘Britain’ agar serasi dengan kain bagian bawahnya.


How about this? I definitely love the fabric with the cake pattern. Very tempting!

Bagaimana dengan ini? Sudah tentu saya suka sekali dengan kain bergambar kuenya. Menggoda sekali!


And this one, hahaha... a super bright pink for the girls. The button actually does not match with the pattern of the fabric at the bottom, but, oh well, I did not have any other buttons :D

Dan yang ini hahaha ...warnanya pink gonjreng sekali. Kancingnya memang tidak sesuai dengan motif di kain bagian bawah, tapi ya bagaimana lagi, saya tidak punya kancing lain :D

Thanks for reading, my friends, and enjoy the rest of the week.

Terima kasih sudah singgah dan membaca yang teman, semoga minggu ini menyenangkan!

Please follow @horazwiwik


keren desainnya bun, kalau ane bisanya buat tas dari flanel doank hmm,,,,
follow, upvote, balik ya bun

makasih ya, saya udah lama ngga mainan flanel. lebih suka main kain karena lebih awet dari flanel :D

Cantik-cantik tasnya Bu @horazwiwik 🛍️😍🛍️

Saya mau pesan tapi nanti kalau SBD naik tinggi 🤑😊

Makasih ya....hahaha, iya, mari kita berdoa semoga ga lama lagi SBD tembus 100rb :D :D

These are awesome! The navy blue with a bird button is my favorite, too. Are the parts hanging out that look like fabric tulips on chords zipper pulls or drawstrings to close the bag?

Thanks a lot for your lovely comment. Yes, the bag is actually a drawstring bag. It is like this, the cover at the top has chords.


That's really cool (and I like the elephant print)!

Thanks, @phoenixwren. Elephant print is my favorite print:D

Oh my gosh I’m in love with these bags!! The drawstring is even cuter!!! 🤗

Hahaha, indeed, mini tulips look very cute!

Oh yes they do!!

I am wondering the same thing, how does it close?

It is basically a drawstring bag. so just pull the chords to open and close the bag.

So cute!!!! Easier than a zipper and you can have odd shaped stuff inside. Thank you so much 💐

Thanks, yes, because these bags are mostly for kids, so I want to make it easier for them when they open and close it. Stress-free bags :D

Bagus2 tasnya, itu bahannya dari apa buk?

sorry ya telat balas, makasih... ini bahan tas dari kain katun, kanvas, linen, campur2 deh, apa yang ada di tumpukan kain dihajar saja hahaha

Wow @horazwiwik! Will there ever be a Monday where you don’t Amaze me? 😄 Probably not because your work is just so Awesome!! These bags are soooooooo cute, lovely and adorable! I love all of them but especially the pink one. It makes me think of my baby girl that is on the way and I would definitely carry diapers and wipes and supplies in that cutie! Then when the baby gets old enough I would use it as my mini travel craft bag!!! 😍😍😍

Thank you for sharing your original work and amazing us from week to week~ Resteemed!!!

I cannot thank you enough for your constant lovely comments, @crosheille! I've never been feeling this thrilled being in Steemit until I join the tag you have created. I am very happy that my creation is very well appreciated here, even though most of the craft stuff here is very complicated such as knitting and quilting, which are beyond my league hahaha...

I wish we live neary so I can send you this pink bag hahaha, seriously. Sending stuff overseas is way pricey :D

Oh trust me it’s truly my pleasure! I am so glad that sharing on Monday’s has caused you to be even more thrilled about being on Steemit, Yay! 😃😁 That really makes me happy to know.

Oh my how I wish we lived near each other too! That’s so sweet of you to want to send it to me. I feel so loved and special! 😄 I wish I had the extra funds, I would purchase it from you in a heartbeat!!! 💝☺️

Hi @crosheille, I am sorry for replying very late. I was feeling unwell last week so I was off of Steemit and missed #needleworkmonday posts. Thanks so much for you lovely comments, as always :D.

About SBD for shipping, I think it's a good idea. Where do you live? In the USA?

It’s okay no apologies needed. I hope you are feeling better!

Okay awesome! Are you on Discord so we can chat? If not can you write me through email? My email address is [email protected]

Thanks, I am feeling okay now.
Yes, I am on discord, here's mine: @horazwiwik

That’s good to hear :)

Do you know your Discord tag #? I can’t find you in there...

Oops, sorry, I just realized I gave you incomplete information. I rarely use discord actually. Here's the tag


Hey @horazwiwik! I was wondering if you would accept SBD for your items to pay for shipping? I know it’s expensive to ship oversees but I’m willing to pay if it’s possible! That’s how much I adore your bags!!!

I love these bags!!! My favorite is the cake/cooking patterned one. It seems very appropriate for packing a lunch in.

It has been for a while that I did not purchase any fabric, so I kind started to get bored with my current fabric.

^^^ THAT IS ME!! LOL that is too funny🤣

Thanks so much, you are right. the cake is very well suited with what is inside the bag. I bought the fabric like 2 years ago and had no idea what to do with it as it has a white base. You know, white is very delicate and must be taken care very carefully.

Ahahaha, we are on the same team then, I need a change in my fabric collection. Dying for it. Lol.

Yes! I've been looking at some of my fabric recently and thinking "ugh, I've had this for a few years, I need to make something to get rid of it so I can buy more" 😂

Do you sell those bags online or just locally?

Hi, sorry for the late reply :).

I think you need to start to make something and get rid of your existing fabrics :D.

I sell my stuff online, but most of the buyers are from my country, Indonesia. I don't have such things like etsy.

I have been intending to make some quilts, but always get busy and never do it! I can see why you'd sell things in Indonesia instead of internationally, because the postage costs are crazy!

Aaahh, I have the same idea as yours, I'd like to make a quilted blanket for my kids, but never make it till now. Oh yes, international shipping cost is insane, most of the time, the price of the items is far lower than the shipping cost, LOL.

Very very nice! I love how you decorate them all. 😀

Thank you very much @anise. I decorated with whatever I found in my sewing corner :D

Wuidiiih...cakep bin keren. 😄

Widdiiih, telat banget ya sy balesnya, hiks kurang sehat minggu lalu jadi off dulu dr Steemit. Anyway, thanks ya...

I like the bags😍😍. I would so carry that around. I wouldn't even use it as a lunch bag. The pink one is really calling out to me.!

Aw, thanks so much. @wondermaey! It is surprising that many people love the pink one :D. I thought it is just too bright, but I am glad that some apparently like it.

Tasnya tidak kelihatan bikin sendiri. Seperti dari pabrik ;-). Mau nanya: Ini artinya apa ya:
Hehe trimong gnaseh tgk,,, droe neuh pih hana keundoe tgk,,, mantap, nyoe tamelake beutroek anggota @tarekadam sigoe teuk.

Ada orang Aceh di Steemit yg nulis tentang suami saya. Penasaran artinya apa. Terima kasih ya!

Makasih @fathin-shihab ...

Arti literal kalimat aceh itu kurang lebih seperti ini:

Terima kasih, Anda juga tidak mundur (berkurang semangatnya). Mantap, ini kami berdoa supaya anggota tarekadam datang sekali lagi.

Terima kasih ya terjemahannya. Kok aneh ya artinya hehehhe.

Sama sama, iya itulah, makanya sy tulis arti literal, karena saya ngga tahu konteksnya lagi ngomongin apa topiknya hahaha

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