"Better than he can!"
Let's just have some fun!
This morning I was painting the house and my 10 year old son (who talks the hind leg off a donkey) was chatting away with me, singing to the music that was playing on my phone.....and a song came on that he was singing and I got to thinking about how many guys and girls (Pop, R&B, Rap, Rock stars-mostly rap and pop though) talk about how they are better than someone else.
This can be better than them as a partner or in bed (again, if rap/pop singers its usually in bed!)
I had to laugh at these people! I mean who do they really think they are? Can you imagine rating yourself like that??
There is a big difference between being confident, and believing without any justification, details, likes, desires, personality etc at your disposal!
Yet there they are, blabbing on about how great they are and just how they will "rock her world".
It's comical actually!!
Let's take a look at some of these 'self promoters':
1 - Hard to handle - Black crows
"I know you've got another man, But I can love you better than him"
Trying to convince the woman to come home with him because he's better than who she's with. He has experience, he has skills....oh boy
2 - Don't cha - Pussycat dolls
Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me? A freak like me? Yeah, and then once she got him he's on the back-burner right!
This one is a perfect example of this kind of thinking.
Although, Nicole would be difficult to say no to!
3 - One last time - Ariana Grande
A failed relationship by cheating....and yet she feels that she still has what he needs regardless of him finding another person in his life. REALLY? Hit the road chika! There's a reason why he left you in the first place....
4 - Blank Space - Taylor Swift
In a way I think she's having fun with this song....perhaps because of her reputation with the guys, but I believe there is some truth to her words here: "I could show you incredible things ... Magic, madness, heaven, sin" and "the bad guys good for a weekend."
5 - Blurred lines - Robin Thicke
Extremely catchy and popular, this song is clearly a guy that doesnt care who get's hurt, and feels he is the MAN!! Has powers to make a "GOOD GIRL" become a bad girl for him. "Tried to domesticate you, But you're an animal. Baby, it's in your nature, Just let me liberate you"
Video on this one is a little too much for sharing IMHO
6 - Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake
I actually quite like my namesake. He seems down to earth in interviews etc, but this song is a classic example of him feeling he is more than what is available to the women he desires. He will be better it seems....and clearly she is "burning up" for him.
7 - I'm every woman - Whitney Houston
She is everything the guy needs....don't even try to compare her to anyone else because she has it all! Narcissistic much?
8 - I'm sexy and I know it - LMFAO
OK this one is just plain having a dig at all those people that are seriously narcissistic....and I love that they do!
"I work out!"
9 - Diva - Beyonce
I can't stand this woman for some reason. This song is prob just the tip of the iceberg with her. She is rich and she's the best....everyone else is just 2nd place, which to her is last. And this is not her only song placing her above all else...
Proud to be a hustler.....yuck, not with a LOOOONNNNGGG pole
10 - Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
Get rid of your girlfriend because I'm better than your girlfriend. I can do things a lot better...etc etc Aijaaijaai
11 - California Love – 2Pac feat. Dr. Dre
Here we have someone loving how the women are all over him. He owns the scene man!!
"Soon as I stepped on the scene, I’m hearin hoochies screamin/Fiendin for money and alcohol, the life of a west side playa where cowards die and it’s all ball"
So much respect for women....
12 - Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don’t – Brand New
This is one that not many people will know....check out these lyrics LOL
"I am heaven sent, Don’t you dare forget, I am all you’ve ever wanted, What all the other boys all promised
How do we put these people in the limelight? It's clear they don't need it, they have themselves!
Anyway, there really is a sea of artists out there that believe they have exactly what it takes to be better....you know because they just do!
How privileged we are to have them in our lives...and to have our women and men pining over them as they should.
Sigh, it's tough being the greatest thing since sliced bread!
Hope you had fun with me on this one!
Have a great week.
[Video and image credit YouTube, www.allaboutinterventions.com]
Howdy sir towjam! oh my gosh these so called "stars" and entertainers, especially the crude arrogant rap artists are sickening but people treat them like gods so they come to believe it. I've never understood it. People are people and the more famous they are the more messed up they are in their private lives normally.
Very entertaining post though!
Thats EXACTLY how I feel about them too. I mean they are genuinely just people that sings and dance....really, there is nothing special to them, but the attention they get makes them think they are.
Hence the surgery to try stay young to not lose those god like images....
Sad really